
holly_v Posts: 292 Member
I am so happy to see Zuzka back! i had planned on starting bodyrock after chirstmas when i got my dip station. i hadnt been online much so i had realized that zuzana and freddie were done. i was doing the 30 day challenge but that girl was so annoying to me and i didnt like it. I am just making my pre workout coffee then I will do the newest zwod and post my stats!


  • holly_v
    holly_v Posts: 292 Member
    ZWOD 1-20-2012

    19:15 with no pistol squats
  • SammyKatt
    SammyKatt Posts: 363 Member
    I did it today! I finished in 42:42 I had to modify the Divebombers and one legged squats tho.
  • holly_v
    holly_v Posts: 292 Member
    i did ZWOD 2 today. i couldnt finish because my arms were failing and i thought i was going to puke! i did 3 sets of the manmakers, and 2 of the rest for 15:11 plus a warm up was 211 calories
  • SammyKatt
    SammyKatt Posts: 363 Member
    I just did ZWOD 2 today. Finished the whole thing in 36 mins. I seriously hate burpees! =P
  • holly_v
    holly_v Posts: 292 Member
    I just did ZWOD 2 today. Finished the whole thing in 36 mins. I seriously hate burpees! =P

    I too use to hate burpees (well i still do) but i can do a lot more now before i start cursing. Have you ever seen how chalene johston does them? i find them a littler easier and they really work the inner thigh. go to the 1 minute mark
  • SammyKatt
    SammyKatt Posts: 363 Member
    Thats what turbo kick is??? OMG I so want to take that class now! Those burpees look fun. Someday I'm going to to the 50 Burpees for 50 Days challenge.
  • holly_v
    holly_v Posts: 292 Member
    from my understanding, turbo kick is a class lead by an instructor that took courses online from chalene johnson who is the creator of turbo jam, turbo fire and chalean extreme which you can find at i love love love her!

    did you see Zuzana's new workout?
  • SammyKatt
    SammyKatt Posts: 363 Member
    I think I'm going to have to look into that Turbo Kick/Turbo Jam stuff. I really hate buying DVD's since I do them 2-3 times and then never do them again for months. But those just look fun!

    I did see it! I'm going to do it tomorrow! <3 I love her workouts. The pyramid style workout looks like something I would to do. I might just start making up my own workouts like that if I like it.
  • SammyKatt
    SammyKatt Posts: 363 Member
    I just finished it! It was hard. i was pretty tired after the 15 rep round. I ended up finishing it in 27:28
  • holly_v
    holly_v Posts: 292 Member
    im going to have to wait a bit before i workout again. my living room is a disaster because we are painting. i hope to finish soon!
  • sunsetwest
    sunsetwest Posts: 199 Member
    After completing the January 30DC, I have been on the fence about what to pursue next. I've decided to to ZWOWs with BodyRock archives. I'm sick of modifying everything because of all the equipment they're using in the new programs.

    I'll post scores/times here and there to hold myself accountable.

    Time to do some planning!
  • SammyKatt
    SammyKatt Posts: 363 Member
    That's how I feel about them now. They are using equipment that now everyone can buy which just feels like the whole "home workout movement" is just BS now.

    I haven't gotten a chance to do her newest workout yet. I have to wait from my tattoo to finish healing =P
  • sunsetwest
    sunsetwest Posts: 199 Member
    I've decided to do ZWOWs and BR from the archives that are not so equipment-based. I did ZWOD #1 yesterday, and it was AWESOME! My time was 28:45. I had to do the dive bombers and burpees on my knees in the last round, and I did one-legged chair quats instead of pistols because OMG my knees could not handle that!
  • monica350
    monica350 Posts: 4 Member
    I just found bodyrockers a couple of months ago, but didn't decide to really start their workouts until last week, which is when I realized Zuzka was gone. I really don't mind Lisa Marie- I think she seems really sweet and nice actually. But I hate that I pretty much have to buy $200+ of equipment in order to really do the workouts effectively. So anyway, I happened to find Zuzka's you tube channel through a comment someone left on bodyrockers, and I am SO glad I found her! So far I like her workouts better than what bodyrockers has been doing, and I love her easygoing style. Anyway, so far I have done ZWOW 1 and 2. Did 1 in 20:35 and 2 in 17:11. I figured out there are 105 pushups between those two workouts alone! I am expecting my shoulders and back to be killing me by tomorrow lol.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I looked into bodyrocks about a year ago but I never did it. Then I noticed in October that Freddie and Zuzana were breaking up and she said she was going to do the recipes, but then this weekend I noticed she hadn't posted anything for a long time. So glad someone told me about zwow.
    when I saw the facebook link to the new girl, and Freddie accompanying her to her breast augmentation surgery, I just felt like bodyrocks was something I wanted to do anymore. I know Zuzana isn't "all natural" but she is what brought me to bodyrock and I would rather stick with her than her replacement!
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    Hey guys, I'm new to this group! I've done ZWOWs 1-3 and I'm doing 4 today after my breakfast digests. I'm super intimidated, it looks really hard. I'll be back later to post my stats. :)
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    ZWOW 4 in 26:30

    Damn that hurt.
  • sunsetwest
    sunsetwest Posts: 199 Member
    Just updating - I've done all the ZWOWs thus far and I love them! I'm doing yoga and old Zuzka workouts on the alternate days. I get so excited when she posts the next ZWOW! :happy: I'll probably start cycling through them again soon. We'll see how I feel strength-wise. I'm getting there!
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    I did ZWOW 5 today and did 4 full rounds with about 8 seconds to spare afterwards. Then I took my little doggies on a short walk for some extra moving time since the workout was only 10 minutes. Loved it, though. Didn't think it would be as hard as it was, lol.

    I can't wait to go through all of them.. and then I'm gonna start doing some old Zuzka workouts every other day just to keep it fresh. :) My muscles haven't stopped being sore since I started these last week, haha.
  • monica350
    monica350 Posts: 4 Member
    Yep, I am loving them all! I did #5 tonight for the second time- I have done them all at least once. Got a full 5 rounds in tonight. I like do some ab work at the end of the shorter ones. I usually do 6 minutes, and use my interval timer so I switch exercises every minute.