suicide: do we have a right to death?

VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
Should suicide/assisting in suicide be illegal? Oregon has passed a “Dignity of Death Act” in which a doctor is permitted to prescribe a lethal dose of medication to terminally ill patients who request it. And I’m sure we all remember Kevorkian who assisted many elderly in committing suicide. He did jail time for this, should he have?

What about for people who just “want to die?” Should we spend tax dollars trying to prevent them from jumping off buildings or just let them jump? Should a doctor or drug dealer be charged with murder for assisting in a suicide when the only rational was that the person didn’t want to live anymore?

Do we have a right to death?


  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Should suicide/assisting in suicide be illegal?
    And I’m sure we all remember Kevorkian who assisted many elderly in committing suicide. He did jail time for this, should he have?
    What about for people who just “want to die?” Should we spend tax dollars trying to prevent them from jumping off buildings or just let them jump?
    We should fight for life as much as possible.
    Should a doctor or drug dealer be charged with murder for assisting in a suicide when the only rational was that the person didn’t want to live anymore?
    Do you mean for merely "providing" the means to a suicide? No.
    Do we have a right to death?
    This becomes for a religious reply, and I think you already get my perspective!
  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
    I don't know.....for terminally ill patients....its one thing....but for people who just want to do cuz they want to absolutely NO...Cuz there are reasons why people want to die...I.E depression. You could get help for that......I don't want to my tax money going to someone that needs help to kill themselves.

    Tough subject....I would say NO for just anyone.....undecided about terminally ill patients. I believe we should all fight for life but when you are dying.....I just don't know. I personally don't believe in suicide period. But if other dying people do to ease their pain...that's their decision. But I still don't really think that tax payers should pay for it.
  • mikajoanow
    mikajoanow Posts: 584 Member
    I voted FOR assisted Suicide in the great state of Oregon. :) Under the RULES that Oregon has in place I am very much in favor of it.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I absolutely believe a person has the right to end their own life.
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    People who commit suicide should be prosecuted for first degree murder and sentenced to death.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    People who commit suicide should be prosecuted for first degree murder and sentenced to death.
    Forgive me if I don't find suicide a joking matter. If I saw you about to jump off a bridge, I'd try to stop you.
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    OK, on a serious note, I think assisted suicide for a terminally ill person is an absolute right. It's none of the government's damn business. Anyone who thinks it shouldn't be allowed should just pretend they are a poor person with no insurance. Then they might not care so much that they die.
  • mikajoanow
    mikajoanow Posts: 584 Member
    OK, on a serious note, I think assisted suicide for a terminally ill person is an absolute right. It's none of the government's damn business. Anyone who thinks it shouldn't be allowed should just pretend they are a poor person with no insurance. Then they might not care so much that they die.

    Oh my gawd, I almost spit my jello out!
  • atomiclauren
    atomiclauren Posts: 689 Member
    I absolutely believe a person has the right to end their own life.

    Agreed, and under whatever circumstances, many take care of it themselves whether it be well thought out, on a whim, of sound mind, or completely out of it.

    It's that area where it's not possible - without physical or practical means - that I'm on the side of assistance.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    It's my life and no one has any rights to it but me. We all die. There's no preventing it. We should at least have a small amount of say in the matter if we so choose.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Anyone who thinks it shouldn't be allowed should just pretend they are a poor person with no insurance. Then they might not care so much that they die.
    Are you kidding me? Do you realize how insensitive your comments here have been? You're ASSuming that I don't think that poor people with no insurance have no worth? Who do you think you are, Bahet?
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    It's my life and no one has any rights to it but me. We all die. There's no preventing it. We should at least have a small amount of say in the matter if we so choose.
    Brett, Do you know how many people have attempted suicide during a situational depression or while under the influence? At that moment they may have wished for death, but they weren't thinking clearly or rationally. Just speak to some who are still alive but attempted suicide. They're grateful for their failed attempt. If I saw someone trying to end their life, I'd do what I could to stop them. I would not be in a position to know if they've really thought about what they're doing, or if they're mentally depressed.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Oh my gawd, I almost spit my jello out!
    Why am I not surprised that you would find that funny? Sorry, but jokes about suicide are not funny.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    It's my life and no one has any rights to it but me. We all die. There's no preventing it. We should at least have a small amount of say in the matter if we so choose.
    Brett, Do you know how many people have attempted suicide during a situational depression or while under the influence? At that moment they may have wished for death, but they weren't thinking clearly or rationally. Just speak to some who are still alive but attempted suicide. They're grateful for their failed attempt. If I saw someone trying to end their life, I'd do what I could to stop them. I would not be in a position to know if they've really thought about what they're doing, or if they're mentally depressed.

    I have no problem with anyone who wants to man a suicide hotline or try to talk down a jumper. I think that's wonderful and kind. Of course if some kid is up on a bridge you do whatever you can to get them down.

    Anyone who has put thought into it and has come to it as a serious decision should have the brains to do it in a way that they won't be interfered with. Making sure no one is there to stop them. I only truly feel bad for the incapacitated who want a way out but don't have the physical ability to carry it out without the assistance of others.
  • mikajoanow
    mikajoanow Posts: 584 Member
    Oh my gawd, I almost spit my jello out!
    Why am I not surprised that you would find that funny? Sorry, but jokes about suicide are not funny.

    I am sorry but she made two jokes on this thread that from my point of view clearly prove that you are wrong, jokes about suicide can be funny. If it makes you feel any better I fully plan to take part in my states assisted suicide program when and if I become terminally ill.
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    It's my life and no one has any rights to it but me. We all die. There's no preventing it. We should at least have a small amount of say in the matter if we so choose.
    Brett, Do you know how many people have attempted suicide during a situational depression or while under the influence? At that moment they may have wished for death, but they weren't thinking clearly or rationally. Just speak to some who are still alive but attempted suicide. They're grateful for their failed attempt. If I saw someone trying to end their life, I'd do what I could to stop them. I would not be in a position to know if they've really thought about what they're doing, or if they're mentally depressed.

    I think Patti's right. Of course, a terminally ill person who is living in pain has every right to self-terminate. But that is where it ends for me. Mentally ill, such as the depressed, or substance abusers are often not in their right mind. Someone can be very determined and sure to commit suicide and want it's done, it's done, so I think we shouldn't be so quick to let someone not in their right mind the absolute right to blow their own head off.
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    Oh my gawd, I almost spit my jello out!
    Why am I not surprised that you would find that funny? Sorry, but jokes about suicide are not funny.
    Newsflash - you are not the joke police nor are you the authority on what is funny and what isn't. The fact that you don't find something funny does not mean that everyone has to agree with you. As for the "Who do you think you are?" bit I'm a grown adult who is quite capable of determining what I can and cannot do with my body be it abortion or, should I become terminally ill, assisted suicide. I am quite capable of determining what I find mildly amusing or LOL funny. I am a highly educated, professional, happily married, mother of 2 who pays taxes, contributes to society, gives to charity, and helps others. I have wonderful parents and do not need to be scolded by someone on the internet who wants to run people's lives from conception to death while micromanaging them to the point of telling them what they can and cannot find amusing.
  • mikajoanow
    mikajoanow Posts: 584 Member
    It's my life and no one has any rights to it but me. We all die. There's no preventing it. We should at least have a small amount of say in the matter if we so choose.
    Brett, Do you know how many people have attempted suicide during a situational depression or while under the influence? At that moment they may have wished for death, but they weren't thinking clearly or rationally. Just speak to some who are still alive but attempted suicide. They're grateful for their failed attempt. If I saw someone trying to end their life, I'd do what I could to stop them. I would not be in a position to know if they've really thought about what they're doing, or if they're mentally depressed.

    I think Patti's right. Of course, a terminally ill person who is living in pain has every right to self-terminate. But that is where it ends for me. Mentally ill, such as the depressed, or substance abusers are often not in their right mind. Someone can be very determined and sure to commit suicide and want it's done, it's done, so I think we shouldn't be so quick to let someone not in their right mind the absolute right to blow their own head off.

    I would agree with this too.

    I am only for assisted suicide under certain rules and those are usually people only people who have less than 6 months of painful life left.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I am a highly educated, professional, happily married, mother of 2 who pays taxes, contributes to society, gives to charity, and helps others. I have wonderful parents and do not need to be scolded by someone on the internet who wants to run people's lives from conception to death while micromanaging them to the point of telling them what they can and cannot find amusing.
    You forgot about the part where you tell us how many years you and your husband were married before you had children. How much money you make. How big your house is and how you bought it before marriage and kids. How you are an important business woman who works from home and takes care of her children at the same time. Oh, and the luxury car you drive. I mean, you've mentioned all that numerous times in other threads, so you could have just thrown it in here, too.

    I don't give a crap what you do for a living, how much money you make, what level of education you have achieved. Newsflash: That means nothing to me. The fact that you can make jokes about suicide really shows a lot about your character. Yes, even on the internet, people can tell character.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I would support it in the case of the terminally ill. I watched my grandmother suffer for months with terminal cancer as it sucked the life out of her and made her miserable for the last 6 months of her life. As much as I cherish that time with her, it would have been better for her to have the choice if she wished to end it before the pain started. I would have supported her choice either way.

    If someone chooses to end their life early after they have made the rational choice to do so (in the case of the terminally ill), they should have access to medication that would make it as painless as possible also.

    For others suffering from depression or other mental health issues, absolutely not, but we need a much better support network for people who are suffering and are suicidal than we do now.