Level 2



  • DanielleRN8
    Thanks for the encouragement. Today really discouraged me... :( I can do it, I just have to stick to it and not give up.
  • MrsLVF
    MrsLVF Posts: 787 Member
    My 1st day of level 2....
    Harder, yes. But I did it and it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be. I did however listen to music via the Pandora cardio channel. I think that helped, I didn't have to listen to Jillian say "don't phone it in"
  • belester
    Day 4 done :) Today was a much better day, mostly because my knee wasn't hurting! I made myself sit and ice my knee and my ankle for 15mins yesterday after my workout and it has made such a huge difference. No more rushing around straight after I finish- if I'm sore, must remember R.I.C.E :)
  • xmissjasmine
    I'm slacking. The weekend proved way toooooo busy for us and I didn't get a workout one in. AND yesterday and today were insanely busy as well....not to mention I woke up this morning and welcomed that time of the month...the cramps are INSANE....feeling guilty about it...Everyone is asleep in my house now so I'm tempted to get up and do the workout but I just HATE these cramps.
  • belester
    I had mine through the middle of level 1 and actually found that working out helped with the cramps. Don't feel guilty if you can't do a workout though :)
  • DanielleRN8
    I'm slacking. The weekend proved way toooooo busy for us and I didn't get a workout one in. AND yesterday and today were insanely busy as well....not to mention I woke up this morning and welcomed that time of the month...the cramps are INSANE....feeling guilty about it...Everyone is asleep in my house now so I'm tempted to get up and do the workout but I just HATE these cramps.

    I had the same problem two weeks ago. I was surprised to see that working out actually helped my cramps! Of course, when you quit working out, the cramps come back but at least you have done the workout!
  • MrsLVF
    MrsLVF Posts: 787 Member
    I'm slacking. The weekend proved way toooooo busy for us and I didn't get a workout one in. AND yesterday and today were insanely busy as well....not to mention I woke up this morning and welcomed that time of the month...the cramps are INSANE....feeling guilty about it...Everyone is asleep in my house now so I'm tempted to get up and do the workout but I just HATE these cramps.

    I had the same problem two weeks ago. I was surprised to see that working out actually helped my cramps! Of cAourse, when you quit working out, the cramps come back but at least you have done the workout!

    I have to agree workin out does relieve my cramps. But what kills my workout is when I get light headed and feel like I'm bleeding to death, or that my uterus may fall out , or I just plain pass out, It takes all my energy just to get out of bed. Thankfully it's usually only that bad for 1 day. But last month I couldn't bring myself to ride the recumbent bike. I guess I'll see when "the time" comes LOL

    Good luck girl, just do what your body lets you. And when you're feeling better give it your all.
  • sandislim
    Day 3 on Level 2. Its getting a bit easier, though I am slacking a lot, still slow getting into each move and my mat keeps moving on the plank jacks - but so far so good. Sweating a lot more than in level 1 and thankfully my calves have gotten a rest from those butt kicks! I'm liking level 2, its different, its harder but I don't know I'm just liking it. Those first jumping jacks I was smiling! LOL, I'm supposed to hate jumping jacks!
  • raqufern
    raqufern Posts: 794 Member
    Day 9 of Level 2 DONE!!!! :happy: OMG I cant believe that I am done with level 2 tomorrow! :noway: When I started it I swore I was gonna dye and that I could not get through it but as the days have gone by, it has gotten better! I cant say that easier because I am still drenched at the end of the workout but I can do all the workouts without stopping. I love level 2. :love: The time just flies, and before you know it you are done! Cant wait for measurements tomorrow, although sadly :frown: I dont think I lost very many inches...at least it doesnt feel like it!

    Great job to all you girls who are pushing through this. I might take a peak at level 3 tonight just out of curiosity!:tongue:
  • MrsLVF
    MrsLVF Posts: 787 Member
    day 12of 30ds.... aka

    day 2 of level 2, i like this workout better :love:
  • rlw911
    rlw911 Posts: 475 Member
    Okay here hoes new measurements! No weight loss! :(

    JAN 24

    waist at belly button =28
    natural waist= 26.5
    hip =39.5

    Feb 5
    waist at belly button 27.5
    natursl waist =25

    Great job! Just goes to show, we don't know ourselves as good as we think. And, weight loss is over rated!:laugh: :bigsmile: When the weight does start to drop - and it will!- we don't want to be all saggy. We want to be all toned and tight! :happy:
  • woodmetal
    Thanks Cruz!! I am just discouraged about a lot of things and I just want this one thing to work because it is really the ONLY thing that I have any control over.I am trying to get myself together so that I at least do the shred today. Yesterday I did do Killer buns and thighs but... then the day went from sugar to **** and I just didn't get anything done.. not even really eating! So here is to a better day!

  • raqufern
    raqufern Posts: 794 Member
    Level 2 day 10 DONE!!! will be moving on to level 3 tomorrow!:noway:

    Here is my progress so far:

    Height: 5' 3"

    Start of 30DS: End of Level1: End of Level 2: End of Level3:
    weight: 146.8 144.4 (-2.4lbs) 142.8 (-1.6)

    Natural Waist: 30.5 30 (-0.5) 29 (-1)

    Waist at Belly Button: 36 35 (-1) 35 (same)

    Hips: 41 40 (-1) 40 (same)

    Chest: 36.5 36 (-0.5) 35.5 (-0.5)

    Thighs: 22.5 22.5 (same) 22.5 (same)

    Total inches lost: Total Weight lost:
    level 1: 3inches Level 1: 2.4lbs
    Level 2: 1.5 inches Level 2: 1.6lbs

    All together I have lost 4lbs and 4.5 inches! Not as much as I though I would but its something right!?? I am trying not to get discouraged especially when I see other people loose weigh more than this!
  • Lrt4uk
    Lrt4uk Posts: 174
    I started level 2 last night. Oh boy! Have I mentioned that my upper body strength is not up to par? It seems like everything in level 2 requires it. I had a hard time, but I'll keep trying.
  • woodmetal
    I am struggling with that too!! I am afraid to measure and I finish level two om the fifteenth. I did measure at the start waited ten days so the feb 5 measurements so the 15th is coming and I am not feeling as though much has happened! Anyway that said I am determined to see this thru!

    Any tips for dealing with this weekend, a work party, and a family party for a baptism???? I know this is like a test run because soon we may go visit my family in TX. And the food is always so plentiful and there are so many temptations because we do not have those places here in WI. Krispy Kreme being just one of the treats that I LOVE!!!!
  • Lrt4uk
    Lrt4uk Posts: 174
    My only advice is to just be aware of the choices you make. You can still have all of the things you love, just maybe not in the quantities you desire. Or up your exercise to burn off some or all of the extra cals you're going to consume.

    You can do this!
  • woodmetal
    Thanks!! I need to hear that!! I feel like everything is spinning out of control and faster and faster!!
  • belester
    I took an extra rest day yesterday, not because I needed it, but I had a sick kid at home for the day. It's ridiculous how bad I feel about it today though. Back into it today.
  • Lrt4uk
    Lrt4uk Posts: 174
    D2L2 is complete! I'm seriously not digging level 2. I'm gonna keep going, will just be glad to move on. I'm just struggling with the planking type exercises. Just wimpiness! My arms don't like holding my weight!

    I'll hush now
  • raqufern
    raqufern Posts: 794 Member
    D2L2 is complete! I'm seriously not digging level 2. I'm gonna keep going, will just be glad to move on. I'm just struggling with the planking type exercises. Just wimpiness! My arms don't like holding my weight!

    I'll hush now

    It does get easier! I am doing level 3 right now and all I could say is get ready for more planks!