Level 2



  • aubsgg
    aubsgg Posts: 301 Member
    Just finished day 1 level 2. I do like it better than level 1. I am able to do plank position more than I thought. I got a new HRM, one that I don't have to stop and push a button to have it read. I think the reading is more accurate than what I was looking before. instead of 308 cals the old one showed (other routine) this one showed only 186. I am way more drenched on this one. Looking forward to the improvements while on this level. Bought a low budget elliptical today. Added extra cardio to my day.
  • MrsLVF
    MrsLVF Posts: 787 Member
    After 15 days of the 30 day shred, I would say this is a good get in shape work out. The lunch lady arms have not been seen in days, hello triceps. I've only dropped a few lbs, but I am down 2 jean sizes. YUP, that's right I fit in my jeans that haven't fit since last September. And they were loose, not even a muffin top LOL.
  • woodmetal
    That is wonderful!!
  • vguynes
    vguynes Posts: 794 Member
    Level 2 day 10 DONE!!! will be moving on to level 3 tomorrow!:noway:

    Here is my progress so far:

    Height: 5' 3"

    Start of 30DS: End of Level1: End of Level 2: End of Level3:
    weight: 146.8 144.4 (-2.4lbs) 142.8 (-1.6)

    Natural Waist: 30.5 30 (-0.5) 29 (-1)

    Waist at Belly Button: 36 35 (-1) 35 (same)

    Hips: 41 40 (-1) 40 (same)

    Chest: 36.5 36 (-0.5) 35.5 (-0.5)

    Thighs: 22.5 22.5 (same) 22.5 (same)

    Total inches lost: Total Weight lost:
    level 1: 3inches Level 1: 2.4lbs
    Level 2: 1.5 inches Level 2: 1.6lbs

    All together I have lost 4lbs and 4.5 inches! Not as much as I though I would but its something right!?? I am trying not to get discouraged especially when I see other people loose weigh more than this!

    You did an EXCELLENT job! Some people don't lose any weight, they just tone. Like someone else stated, pounds on the scale are over-rated. I'm sure you look GREAT and your clothes are fitting much better now that you have dropped those 4.5 inches! :smile:
  • xmissjasmine
    Been nursing a shoulder injury, but all is well now. Today is Day 3 Level 2 of 30DS :/
  • yolste07
    yolste07 Posts: 327 Member
    I am starting level 2 tomorrow I watch it today it looks hard
  • belester
    Last day of level 2 tomorrow, then onto Level 3! I've been so scared of level 3 that i haven't even looked at it yet, lol. Will have a peek tonight so I know what to look forward to!
  • Lrt4uk
    Lrt4uk Posts: 174
    I completed L2 day 5 yesterday. The planking exercises are hard for me, but I'm getting more out of it as we go, I'm able to do more as we go!

    I've heard, not seen, that level 3 has a lot of planking as well. UH...

    Just keep going!
  • yolste07
    yolste07 Posts: 327 Member
    Okay today is my first day of level 2, that was a beast I do not like those planks but I will get use to them I pray.
  • Lrt4uk
    Lrt4uk Posts: 174
    Okay today is my first day of level 2, that was a beast I do not like those planks but I will get use to them I pray.

    I don't know if you get "used" to them or if you just become resigned to them. I have a very HARD time with the planking positions, but I keep trying!

    Good job on starting level 2!
  • MrsLVF
    MrsLVF Posts: 787 Member
    So, i had to take a few days off from the shred, I've been limping for days:sad: , those pendulum lunges really tweaked my right knee. I have been weight training & on the elliptical(with a knee brace on). But it's feeling better today, so I'm hoping to start again today, but I'll be modifying some of those moves.

    PS I hate Jillian for pushing me to the point of injury.
  • xmissjasmine
    No worries I had to take about a week off due to scheduling and a shoulder injury. I did day 4 of level 2 today. Felt good..... but aweful that I should have been half way through level 3 now. Whatever though. I plan on doing EA Active for a month or two and then heading back into the shred after that! I WILL loose this weight!
  • DanielleRN8
    Today was my last day of Level 2! I am so glad to be done with it! I HATED the second circuit!!! Now I can't wait to take my measurements in the morning and see the progress. I'm just worried that it won't be much since this one didn't make me sore like the first level did... Hopefully I'll get that back with Level 3. :) Only 10 more days!
  • DanielleRN8
    Starting weight: 152
    End of Level 1: 148
    End of Level 2: 145.5

    Chest (around nipple): 36 in / 34.75 / 34 (-0.75)
    Natural waist: 31 in / 30.5 / 30 (-0.5)
    Gut (around belly button) and hips: 37 in / 36.75 / 34 (-2.75)
    Butt (around widest part of rear): 43 in / 40.75 / 40 (-0.75)
    Thighs: 24 in / 23.5 / 23.25 (-0.25)
    Arms: 11 in / 11 / 10.5 (-0.5)

    That makes 6.25 inches and 2.5 pounds lost in Level 2! I am pleasantly surprised! Oh and my grand total so far is 11.5 inches and 6.5 pounds! I can't wait to see my total after Level 3!!! :D
  • woodmetal
    wow you did super!!!
  • Lrt4uk
    Lrt4uk Posts: 174
    I did L2d7 last night. will be on day 8 either today or tomorrow, not sure what the rest of today will hold. will be out running around most of the day.

    Be strong everyone!
  • Lrt4uk
    Lrt4uk Posts: 174
    I didn't manage to get in day 8 yesterday, but i did get it today! I'm having the hardest time remember which day I'm on without coming into this thread and checking myself. what's up with that?

    How's everyone else doing?
  • aubsgg
    aubsgg Posts: 301 Member
    L2D5. Can do one walking push-up from standing to standing. My granddaughter keeps telling me my stomach is much smaller. I feel good today. Lot's of energy today. Took a bike ride and have moved my average speed from 9.8 ish to 10.4.
  • aubsgg
    aubsgg Posts: 301 Member
    duplicate got a 405 error didn't think it posted.
  • Lrt4uk
    Lrt4uk Posts: 174
    L2D5. Can do one walking push-up from standing to standing. My granddaughter keeps telling me my stomach is much smaller. I feel good today. Lot's of energy today. Took a bike ride and have moved my average speed from 9.8 ish to 10.4.

    That's great! I think it's a whole new motivation when people start to notice! Great job!