Anyone else started this week?

I did my first real workout yesterday.
I have to say yesterday I wasn't really feeling it afterwards and was thinking about upping the weights, However this morning I can really tell I've done work. It aches but not hurts all over.

I'm a real beginner and have never lifted weights before so this is going to challenge me and the way I work out. I'm also at the top end of the overweight scale on BMI (and believe me when I say it's not due to muscle).
The later stages are going to be more of a challenge for me. I work 13 hour days 4 days a week and occasionally it's 4 days in a row, so just finding the time is going to be difficult. I also do a lot of walking for my job, I'm on my feet and walking around most of the time so sometimes rest days aren't actually going to include any rest (other than sleep). I'm determined to do it though despite my challenges.


  • Thankyou for starting this Claire! I started yesterday too and felt the EXACT way! I did it first in the morning and didnt feel anything. So was bummed. Then I decided to do some cardio in the afternoon before making dinner. After that I thought I'll see what i can do now and I did almost the whole routine again the CORRECT I feel awesome today and can feel a great "soreness" the good feel.

    You can do it Claire!!! We will be on the same schedule and keep each other going. :drinker:
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,628 Member
    I started last Friday, so I have done one of each workout and do my second workout A tomorrow. I feel a little sore, I could really feel it in my arms and shoulders from the shoulder press. I'm excited to see how my squats and step ups will go tomorrow!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    Welcome to all of you!

    I'm done Stage 1 and moving onto Stage 2 tomorrow!
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    Welcome to the group! Congrats on getting started. To stay on track, I find it really helpful to plan my workout schedule on Friday of the week before. By then I already know how my work week is shaping up. I put my workouts on my work calendar so no one schedules meeting over them. Then I tell my boyfriend my schedule, so he doesn't try and make plans over top (I have to remind him daily, he's a guy after all). Then finally, I put reminders in my phone. I treat the calendar like it's god, whatever is on it, I do that. If it says I have to workout at 5:30 a.m., then I get up and workout at 5:30. The calendar doesn't make excuses so neither will I!
  • ecrogers4
    ecrogers4 Posts: 90 Member
    Hey Everybody!

    I did my first workout yesterday (the 31st)... I started LOW weights and am pretty much feeling like the rest of you.... fun to have people to do the program with! I've only talked about it with a couple of people so far - and already I'm sick of the "are you going to get BULKY?" question.... what is that about???

    Yay to getting started!
  • sarah_ep
    sarah_ep Posts: 580 Member
    I'm on my second week. First week was brutal due to soreness. I'm finally getting over it and now am just slight sore after a workout. I am really enjoying myself so far,

    ecrogers - I started low too, and on some only did BW. You will get there!
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    So I did Stage 1 B1 today. Again I felt like I'd worked hard when I got into the changing room but by an hour later I felt I hadn't really done any work. We'll see how I am tomorrow.

    I was in the gym today and waiting for the lateral pulldown machine and there was this guy on it. I watched him in the mirror as he loaded it up, gave a huge grunt and leant back quickly using his body weight to pull down the bar (not his muscles). All I could think was ouch you're gonna hurt your back and that's not working the muscles you want it to.

    Also I all of a sudden have three days off from work so I'm going to see a friend but it's right on the third week. I don't want to give up my momentum. So I'll do a workout on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. Then go to my friends and rest until Wednesday, exercise Friday and resume to normal Mon, Weds, Fri. do you think that's a good idea?
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    Hey Everybody!

    I did my first workout yesterday (the 31st)... I started LOW weights and am pretty much feeling like the rest of you.... fun to have people to do the program with! I've only talked about it with a couple of people so far - and already I'm sick of the "are you going to get BULKY?" question.... what is that about???

    Yay to getting started!

    Hahahaha I'm getting it all the time at work too.
  • weeziews
    weeziews Posts: 162 Member
    Glad to see other newbies. I am reading the book now. I've been going to the gym 3x week for about 10 months. I due mostly cardio and add a few weight machines here and there. I've never lifted weights, but have always wanted to know how to and what to do. I'm exciited to begin, but also intimidated. I am really reading the stage 1 workout and reviewing the exercises so I know how to do them once I get to the gym. I may start tomorrow or wait and begin Monday. I'm thinking I will try them at home first (practice). :-)

    I'm sure I will be checking back and looking for answers. I'm so glad there were links to other sites, downloaded, workout logs, etc. Very helpful.
  • ecrogers4
    ecrogers4 Posts: 90 Member
    Glad to see other newbies. I am reading the book now. I've been going to the gym 3x week for about 10 months. I due mostly cardio and add a few weight machines here and there. I've never lifted weights, but have always wanted to know how to and what to do. I'm exciited to begin, but also intimidated. I am really reading the stage 1 workout and reviewing the exercises so I know how to do them once I get to the gym. I may start tomorrow or wait and begin Monday. I'm thinking I will try them at home first (practice). :-)

    I'm sure I will be checking back and looking for answers. I'm so glad there were links to other sites, downloaded, workout logs, etc. Very helpful.

    I started JUST like you - totally intimidated and reviewing the exercises about a million times - and quite a few reasons why "today wasn't just quite the right day." (not saying you're making excuses... I was!) And then.... I just did it. Got started. I did Workout A-1 in my "home gym" (aka the garage)... and it wasn't too bad. Workout B seemed a bit better suited to the weight room... so I squared my shoulders, marched on down to my gym at a "less popular" time slot and got to work. Getting over the intimidation really is the hardest part! (Not really looking forward to doing Prone Jackknives in the gym though... LOL!) I think part of the problem for me was getting it into my head that I DESERVE TO BE IN THE WEIGHT ROOM TOO. Still at "low weight" today... but I was a bit braver and went up a bit from what I thought I could do... Feeling "wobbly" now and not really looking forward to tomorrow... but kinda am looking forward to tomorrow too!

    LOVING this program!!
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    So I did Stage 1 B1 today. Again I felt like I'd worked hard when I got into the changing room but by an hour later I felt I hadn't really done any work. We'll see how I am tomorrow.

    I was in the gym today and waiting for the lateral pulldown machine and there was this guy on it. I watched him in the mirror as he loaded it up, gave a huge grunt and leant back quickly using his body weight to pull down the bar (not his muscles). All I could think was ouch you're gonna hurt your back and that's not working the muscles you want it to.

    Also I all of a sudden have three days off from work so I'm going to see a friend but it's right on the third week. I don't want to give up my momentum. So I'll do a workout on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. Then go to my friends and rest until Wednesday, exercise Friday and resume to normal Mon, Weds, Fri. do you think that's a good idea?

    That sounds like an excellent plan. For one week you're just shifting the two days off in a row that you would normally get on the weekend and you've still allowed a rest day before the shift.
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    Glad to see other newbies. I am reading the book now. I've been going to the gym 3x week for about 10 months. I due mostly cardio and add a few weight machines here and there. I've never lifted weights, but have always wanted to know how to and what to do. I'm exciited to begin, but also intimidated. I am really reading the stage 1 workout and reviewing the exercises so I know how to do them once I get to the gym. I may start tomorrow or wait and begin Monday. I'm thinking I will try them at home first (practice). :-)

    I'm sure I will be checking back and looking for answers. I'm so glad there were links to other sites, downloaded, workout logs, etc. Very helpful.

    I started JUST like you - totally intimidated and reviewing the exercises about a million times - and quite a few reasons why "today wasn't just quite the right day." (not saying you're making excuses... I was!) And then.... I just did it. Got started. I did Workout A-1 in my "home gym" (aka the garage)... and it wasn't too bad. Workout B seemed a bit better suited to the weight room... so I squared my shoulders, marched on down to my gym at a "less popular" time slot and got to work. Getting over the intimidation really is the hardest part! (Not really looking forward to doing Prone Jackknives in the gym though... LOL!) I think part of the problem for me was getting it into my head that I DESERVE TO BE IN THE WEIGHT ROOM TOO. Still at "low weight" today... but I was a bit braver and went up a bit from what I thought I could do... Feeling "wobbly" now and not really looking forward to tomorrow... but kinda am looking forward to tomorrow too!

    LOVING this program!!

    I can't quite bring myself to stay in the free weight area. I am obese and doing this. I just can't deal with it. Fortunately the staff told me it's okay to borrow one of the bars and bring it back when I'm done, so I take one and disappear to the other side of the gym.
    How did you guys work out your maintenance cals? I've gained 10oz (not a lot I know) this week and it's driving me crazy.
    It's water weight or something right?
    I'm going to confess this now, I have an ED and eating to maintenance is really hard. I want to be fit not thin which is why I started this. Seeing even a 10 oz gain is just driving me insane.
  • sarah_ep
    sarah_ep Posts: 580 Member
    I've also seen an increase, but I have promised myself to not pay attention or give the scale any heed.

    I am focusing on measurements only which I am taking at the end of stage 1. If these have not change then of course I will reevaluate what I am doing. I am trying to trust what the book says and see where it takes me. It is hard and I was very disgruntled when I saw the scale move in the wrong direction. I think we just need to give our body time to adapt to the changes we are making to it.
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    I can't quite bring myself to stay in the free weight area. I am obese and doing this. I just can't deal with it. Fortunately the staff told me it's okay to borrow one of the bars and bring it back when I'm done, so I take one and disappear to the other side of the gym.
    How did you guys work out your maintenance cals? I've gained 10oz (not a lot I know) this week and it's driving me crazy.
    It's water weight or something right?
    I'm going to confess this now, I have an ED and eating to maintenance is really hard. I want to be fit not thin which is why I started this. Seeing even a 10 oz gain is just driving me insane.

    I was already eating at maintenance for a couple of months before beginning this and I've been struggling with my appetite the last couple of weeks (I'm starting week 5 of stage 1 today). I know this means I need to increase a little more but I've been resisting it too, it feels like slipping into bad habits. I think the one good thing I have done for myself is to avoid the scale. I've not gotten on the scale since October. I take measurements and judge by my clothes. Even with increasing my calories through November to now, my clothes still fit, my measurements haven't changed. I'm learning to trust what I see and feel and not what the scale says.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    attagirl, jamk!!
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    Thanks! Sometimes it's a little scary not knowing what I weigh but most of the time I feel much happier for it.
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    I only started on Friday last week- did B1 today & loved it!

    Felt sore after but also amazing at the same time- it doesn't sound like a lot but I never thought I would be able to deadlift 20kg, it was hard especially the last few reps but I made it.

    Didn't feel like there were enough crunches so did a 1 min plank at the end.

    Really looking forward to next workout now :)
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    Has anyone else felt really hungry - like extreme hunger??!

    I ate over 2100 calories today- all good stuff & I'm maintaining anyway but even for me that's alot of food!
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,628 Member
    i am hungry ALL THE TIME!! Like my stomach growling and whatnot, not just the oh i'm bored hungry. I'm glad I upped my calories or I'd be screwed!! LOL.
  • ecrogers4
    ecrogers4 Posts: 90 Member
    Starving! All the time!!! I'm being pretty religious with eating at least 5 times a day... actually - it's more like 7-8!! LOL. I eat something healthy whenever I get hungry - cottage cheese and veggies, high protein yogurt (greek)... I love that this is a "diet" where I can EAT!!!

    I went from 1200 calorie diet to 1900 - 2200 and I am SO much happier and more patient with my kids!!! I am a WAY better Mom when I am not starving myself!! It was hard to get over that mental block of eating more - but I went with it with the intention of seeing out the first Phase at the above calorie levels and readjusting if necessary. I've been on the program now 1 week - and I've lost 3 lbs! From eating MORE! (Wow - has it really only been a week? Feels like longer in a really, really good way!)

    *Disclaimer - Calculations ahead!!*
    Also - I am not using any protein powders. I took a course on Nutrition for Athletes (or just people who are working out) a while ago - and the instructor told us that the maximum protein a body can digest and utilize is 1.7 x Lean Mass (in kg). Since the "healthy" woman has 25-32% body fat - that means for a 60 kg woman (130 lbs roughly & assuming 30% body fat) - the maximum amount of protein you can digest is about 72 g. (60 kg x 0.7x1.7=71.4) Easily achievable with a regular diet and not adding any powders!!

    PS - same nutritionist told me that Chocolate milk had the perfect combo of protein/sugar for replenishment after a workout! YIPPPPEEEEE!!!!!!! 1 cup of that after my weight session!!! SO LOVING THIS PROGRAM!!! :)