Anyone else started this week?



  • Tara4boys
    Tara4boys Posts: 515 Member
    Glad to see other newbies. I am reading the book now. I've been going to the gym 3x week for about 10 months. I due mostly cardio and add a few weight machines here and there. I've never lifted weights, but have always wanted to know how to and what to do. I'm exciited to begin, but also intimidated. I am really reading the stage 1 workout and reviewing the exercises so I know how to do them once I get to the gym. I may start tomorrow or wait and begin Monday. I'm thinking I will try them at home first (practice). :-)

    I'm sure I will be checking back and looking for answers. I'm so glad there were links to other sites, downloaded, workout logs, etc. Very helpful.

    I started JUST like you - totally intimidated and reviewing the exercises about a million times - and quite a few reasons why "today wasn't just quite the right day." (not saying you're making excuses... I was!) And then.... I just did it. Got started. I did Workout A-1 in my "home gym" (aka the garage)... and it wasn't too bad. Workout B seemed a bit better suited to the weight room... so I squared my shoulders, marched on down to my gym at a "less popular" time slot and got to work. Getting over the intimidation really is the hardest part! (Not really looking forward to doing Prone Jackknives in the gym though... LOL!) I think part of the problem for me was getting it into my head that I DESERVE TO BE IN THE WEIGHT ROOM TOO. Still at "low weight" today... but I was a bit braver and went up a bit from what I thought I could do... Feeling "wobbly" now and not really looking forward to tomorrow... but kinda am looking forward to tomorrow too!

    LOVING this program!!

    Hi all! Yes I am totally intimidated. I got the book yesterday and I like way it is "spelled out" what to do. I think that was one reason I was so successful half-marathon training. It was spelled out. I also really thrive on that sense of completion.

    I think I am going to start tomorrow. My knee has been giving me a little pain the past few days. And it is a lot better and I think I'll just go shallow in my squats. I may also get a knee tendonitis strap for support.

    I posted this on separate place but I'll ask again. Any substitute for knife jacks? My gym doesn't have ball. Just do some sort of other ab move. Or I could do the jacks at home?

    I took a lifting class in high school. I also lifted some in college - I was an equestrian at my school and we had to lift as well. It was so funny because all the guys in the weight room were always floored when we did the inner thigh machine. We could do as much or more than them! I've always "believed" in weights. I used The Firm since high school (before it was an infomercial it was just a gym in South Carolina - that's where I grew up. For the past few years, I've taken the Les Mills Body Pump classes - those use barbell but lighter weights and TONS of reps - like 3 minutes.

    I already try to eat at 40/30/30 - I've found I lose better and feel less hungry when I eat this way. I have some insulin issues and moderate carbs are healthier for me (I could NEVER do low carb). I also am trying the Spike Diet method where you have one super super high calorie day.

    Look forward to meeting and growing strong with everyone.
  • I have heard some nasty things about what CAN be included in the powders. As far as I know - the Whey Protein supplements are an unregulated industry and there are no standards for content.

    Hi- I'm new on this board. I haven't started yet, but I'm working up the courage to do it tonight (woohoo!). I've been reading through these posts and found them very helpful. This comment about whey protein stuck out to me as I have also read negative things about it. Check out this link- I am trying the natural brown rice one she recommends (didn't buy from her though) and I like it. It could be a good alternative for any of you vegan/vegetarian folks.

    Okay- Wish me luck on my first workout! I'm very nervous, but I'm making my husband come help me figure it all out. ;)

    Have a lovely day!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    ecrogers4 Thanks for the list. I LOVE Greek Yogurt, and does it matter if my almonds are chocolate covered LOL. Bluesunshine, thanks for the link.
  • Tara4boys
    Tara4boys Posts: 515 Member
    I did my first workout today with a few modifications.

    The squat rack was occupied for a LONG time. I finally got fed up and did squats with two 20lb dumbbells on my shoulders. It was tough but I probably could have done more but my knee has been sore last few days and finally feels better and I wanted to be ultra careful.

    Also, as I posted yesterday - don't have a ball. I'll get one for home use. I did declined sit ups with weighted ball.

    I loved the seated rows.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,212 Member

    There's nothing wrong with just doing a plank for 60 seconds (instead of the jack-knife)'ll be doing 2 x 60sec planks in Stage 2,, you'll be ready!
  • Tara4boys
    Tara4boys Posts: 515 Member

    There's nothing wrong with just doing a plank for 60 seconds (instead of the jack-knife)'ll be doing 2 x 60sec planks in Stage 2,, you'll be ready!

    THANKS! I'll do that next time. I thought about it today but I forgot my yoga mat today so I didn't want to get down on the floor.

    I am so excited about this program.
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