100 Miles in Feb 2012 - How far can you go?



  • sjostrich
    sjostrich Posts: 117 Member
    Boo on the broken ticker!

    Walked to work this morning (5.5mi). That brings the grand total for February up to 85.81! Can see light at the end of the tunnel!
  • lesle1
    lesle1 Posts: 354 Member
    Yep, The ticker is broken. 6 miles running in my new shoes. :smile:

    Total so far for February - 105 miles.
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    75.6 miles total for the month through 2/21
  • RudyND
    RudyND Posts: 213 Member
    Jogged another 5 miles which brings total to 44 mles.:smile:
    Bert16 ran for me too while I was down for 5 days. Does that count?? Dang it!!:sad:
  • Mompanda4
    Mompanda4 Posts: 869 Member
    January 2012 - 195.9 miles

    2/1/2012 1,021 cal, 11.07 mi, 125 min - elliptical
     2/2/2012 126 Cal, 2 mi, 55 min - walking
    2/3/2012 Rest day
    2/4/2012 9.02 mi, 110 min, 834 cal - ellip 6.27 mi, 71 min, 585 cal; stair mas 2.75 mi, 40 min, 249 cal
    2/5/2012 7.93 mi, 121 min, 654 cal - ellip 5.77 mi, 65 min, 527 cal; walking 2.16 mi, 56 min, 127 cal
    2/6/2012 5.67 mi, 65 min, 517 cal - elliptical
    2/7/2012 8.92 mi, 100 min, 817 cal - elliptical
    2/8/2012 9.32 mi, 105 min, 856 cal - elliptical
    2/12/2012 3.10 mi, 53 min, 200 cal - brisk walking
    2/13/2012 9.24 mi, 100 min, 847 cal - elliptical
    2/14/2012 10.33 mi, 120 min, 934 cal - elliptical
    2/15/2012 10.39 mi, 123 min, 930 cal - elliptical
    2/16/2012 8.95 mi, 100 min, 814 cal - elliptical
    2/17/2012 .75 mi, 20 min, 59 cal - walking
    2/18/2012 6.20 mi, 65 min, 567 cal - elliptical
    2/19/2012 5.78 mi, 65 min, 522 cal elliptical; 2.36 mi, 32 min, 205 cal stair master
    2/20/2012 10.17 mi, 107 min, 823 cal - elliptical
    2/21/2012 8.2 mi, 95 min, 686 cal - elliptical

    Total: 129.4 miles achieved!
  • melkadee
    melkadee Posts: 5,598 Member
    2/21 ~ 3.2 miles

    Total - 75 miles
  • Brittmy
    Brittmy Posts: 141 Member
    Biked another 10 miles today! I am now at 175! Too bad February is so short, I want to see how far I can get! :)
  • sjostrich
    sjostrich Posts: 117 Member
    So close!

  • lesle1
    lesle1 Posts: 354 Member
    I ran 6 more miles. 111 miles for February.
  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,692 Member
    2/1- 2.0 miles (walk/jog)
    2/3- 3.0 miles (walk/jog)
    2/4-2.7 miles (jog)
    2/6-2.0 miles (walk/jog)
    2/8-1.0 mile (walk)
    2/10-2.0 miles (walk)
    2/11- 2.5 miles (walk/jog)
    2/13-4.0 miles (walk/jog)
    2/14-1.0 mile (walk)
    2/15-2.0 miles (walk/jog)
    2/16-3.0 miles (jog)
    2/20-4.1 miles (walk/jog)
    2/22-1.0 mile (walk)
  • Bagman12002
    Bagman12002 Posts: 216 Member
    BOO broke ticker..86 for the month.
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Running: 57.4
    Biking: 22
    Swimming: 1.2

    Total 80.6 for the month
  • babyshme
    babyshme Posts: 310 Member
    15.7miles today in the bike. About to get on the elliptical.
    1 mile exactly on the elliptical.

    So a total of 16.7 miles today.

    In total for the month. 192.68
  • melkadee
    melkadee Posts: 5,598 Member
    2/22 ~ 1.2 miles

    Total - 76.2 miles
  • Cheeta_HH
    Cheeta_HH Posts: 489 Member
    My ticker isn't updating either! I did the 30 day shred tonight, so I shortened my run... only 2.05 miles today (1.5 run and .55 walk). That brings me up to about 59. I'm way off target again this month. Maybe March will be my month!
  • Brittmy
    Brittmy Posts: 141 Member
    10 more tonight! Tomorrow might be my day off, I am so close though! 185 miles so far! I even took the stairs back to my apartment after gym time, and I live on the 10th floor. I just wish my weight was reflecting my progress this week. I think I may have plateaued.
  • bert16
    bert16 Posts: 726 Member
    Just ran another 6.01 miles, bringing my total for February up to 80.44 miles.
    (and still can't get ticker to work...)
  • bert16
    bert16 Posts: 726 Member
    Jogged another 5 miles which brings total to 44 mles.:smile:
    Bert16 ran for me too while I was down for 5 days. Does that count?? Dang it!!:sad:

    I did my best, RudyND! :laugh:

    How's your calf feeling?
  • lesle1
    lesle1 Posts: 354 Member
    6 more miles running. 117 miles for February. (18 miles on my new shoes :smile: )
  • falfal923
    falfal923 Posts: 80 Member
    2/20 - 3.75 Miles Elliptical & 5.25 Miles Bike = 80.25 Total for February
