October 2012 due dates?



  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Doing my glucose test today and I am nervous. Never had GD with any of my others. I was tested for it 3 times last pregnancy because I was so obese. This time I lost so much weight, but I am worried because I also have been gaining a lot of weight steadily. I really hope I pass. I just have so much going on right now and am struggling with so much...I don't want to add on one more thing.

    Our house was robbed Tuesday night. I have been feeling pretty off and undone since then. I know its just stuff that we had stolen, but my two grandmother's had both given me family heirloom rings that meant SO much to me and they are gone. It makes me sick. To have lost those that have been in the family for generation after generation....they held so many memories. And they where both worth a lot of money. I just feel like sobbing.

    And to top it off DH is having work troubles. We are so tight on money that I can't even buy groceries and we are down to a few veggies and some spaghetti. So now I am in panic mode. How to feed a family of 5 off of that? His work is a small business and the wife of the owner does the payroll. Well she got mad that the guys (there are 4 of them) worked so much overtime and decided she wasn't going to pay it! So we are out almost $500 till he gets it worked out with the owner! We NEED that money. Needless to say he is actively hunting for other employment.

    And I am suffering bad from insomnia...get 2 maybe 3 hours of sleep at night. This is making me emotional and depressed. Talked to the OB about it yesterday and basically I can take Tylenol PM and that is is. But I really hate medicating while pregnant.

    Sorry for the rant ladies...I am just feeling so violated, isolated, and depressed.

    I'd go visit some local pawn shops in the next couple of days and see if the rings turn up. If you can prove ownership you may get them back for free (other than hassle) or depending on where you live you may have to just buy them back BUT at least they'd be back in the family!

    So sorry you have to deal with that!
  • Lainn
    Lainn Posts: 281 Member
    Doing my glucose test today and I am nervous. Never had GD with any of my others. I was tested for it 3 times last pregnancy because I was so obese. This time I lost so much weight, but I am worried because I also have been gaining a lot of weight steadily. I really hope I pass. I just have so much going on right now and am struggling with so much...I don't want to add on one more thing.

    Our house was robbed Tuesday night. I have been feeling pretty off and undone since then. I know its just stuff that we had stolen, but my two grandmother's had both given me family heirloom rings that meant SO much to me and they are gone. It makes me sick. To have lost those that have been in the family for generation after generation....they held so many memories. And they where both worth a lot of money. I just feel like sobbing.

    And to top it off DH is having work troubles. We are so tight on money that I can't even buy groceries and we are down to a few veggies and some spaghetti. So now I am in panic mode. How to feed a family of 5 off of that? His work is a small business and the wife of the owner does the payroll. Well she got mad that the guys (there are 4 of them) worked so much overtime and decided she wasn't going to pay it! So we are out almost $500 till he gets it worked out with the owner! We NEED that money. Needless to say he is actively hunting for other employment.

    And I am suffering bad from insomnia...get 2 maybe 3 hours of sleep at night. This is making me emotional and depressed. Talked to the OB about it yesterday and basically I can take Tylenol PM and that is is. But I really hate medicating while pregnant.

    Sorry for the rant ladies...I am just feeling so violated, isolated, and depressed.

    I'd go visit some local pawn shops in the next couple of days and see if the rings turn up. If you can prove ownership you may get them back for free (other than hassle) or depending on where you live you may have to just buy them back BUT at least they'd be back in the family!

    So sorry you have to deal with that!
    The police officer said our best bet is Craig's List. He said its unlikely we would ever find it a pawn shop. He said the way they make pawn shops report to them on EVERYTHING they get discourages them from being shady, and those who are he said will not put the rings out for at least 6 months because they know the owners will come looking. He has the pictures and descriptions out to the pawn shops though.

    I have been cruising Craig's List since they where stolen and so far nothing. He said what most likely happened is they turned them in for a weeks worth of Meth. Makes me so sick and angry that the rings that where worth over $5000 each probably where turned in for $100 worth of dope.

    Thanks though...I appreciate the words. I am just feeling so down.
  • flipchickmc
    flipchickmc Posts: 59 Member
    Lainn - Good luck with you GD test today. Hope it turns out well. Sorry about being robbed. Last year when I was about 35wks PG, our house got broken into. When I reached our home, the police were there and had their guns drawn out. I swear I could've gone into labor at the sight of everything. The thieves (juveniles in our case) had already gone. If it wasn't for our security alarm, they would've got away with so much more. I was so worried about all my jewelry because I hadn't been wearing my wedding rings (due to swolen, fat fingers) and they were just out in the open on my dresser. I don't think they made it upstairs. They took my laptop, gaming console, camera, spare car keys, etc. The cops were able to get good finger prints and they were later caught and sentenced. I know the feeling, hang in there!
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    Lainn- I'm so sorry you have to deal with this. It's never easy and being pregnant surely doesn't make it any better. Any news or updates?

    Congrats to you who are in the 3rd tri- I'll be there in no time! I cannot believe it this pregnancy is flying by. We are working on the nursery a ton over the next two weeks. We picked out the paint color, ordered the wallpaper (doing one accent wall), have the crib- just need to put it together and we'll be picking out new flooring too. DH thinks we have plenty of time before the baby gets here but when I broke down the timeline for him he kind of wigged out haha!

    I think I'm starting to hit the tired side again. My dr mentioned it might be an iron definiciency or it could just be my body telling me to take it easy. I've added more iron to my diet and will incorporate a supplement (I've been anemic on and off my whole life).

    My boobs are out of control! My weight gain has not slowed down and my cravings haven't either. I want ice cream and donuts 24/7. I've been really good about limiting giving in but it's getting harder and harder! The heartburn isn't making any of this any easier either. Any one else getting heartburn? I can't leave home without Tums and I'm thinking about asking the dr if I can take anything stronger...
  • mother2faith
    mother2faith Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, hoping that I can jump in here. I just joined MPF today. I am 28 weeks pregnant with baby #5. (We're letting the sex surprise us at delivery. So exciting and our first time doing it this way.) I have gained 18 pounds so far and I know that is mostly because of my poor eating habits in the last few weeks. I really would like to only gain 30 pounds this time but I'm not sure that is going to happen. Anyway, nice to meet yall!
  • flipchickmc
    flipchickmc Posts: 59 Member
    Hello mother2faith! Welcome to MFP. It's a great resource. CONGRATS on #5 and kudos to you for keeping him/her a surprise. I would not be able to do that. :)
  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member
    Hey October Mamas- what's new!?!
  • Mewlingstork
    Mewlingstork Posts: 266 Member
    We're letting the sex surprise us at delivery.

    We're doing this too! First baby and its driving everyone crazy, except for us!
  • kerrbear79
    kerrbear79 Posts: 229 Member
    Yay we're all in our 3rd trimesters now! In the home stretch.
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    Hooray for the third trimester- however I am so tired again! I am back to taking naps any chance I get! Holy cow- and I'm back to getting sick to my stomach every time I get hungry. I feel like I'm back in the 1st tri!

    How's everyone else doing?
  • Mewlingstork
    Mewlingstork Posts: 266 Member
    I've certainly been sleeping more than I was in the second trimester! Also, I've been feeling more joint soreness. I've been lucky and not been sick at all since the 1st trimester. These last few days my appetite has been out of control, particularly with sugar.

    How are other people doing??! Getting close now... When are other people going to stop working?
  • kerrbear79
    kerrbear79 Posts: 229 Member
    Beckyjill- I am the same as you, extra tired lately and feel sick if I haven't eaten. Found out yesterday that my iron is low though.

    Tristajohnson- I plan on working until I deliver which is what I did last time.
  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member
    Hey Ladies....

    Sorry to those that are feeling nauseous again- that's no fun. I'm not sick, but def feeling more "pregnant" these days...feeling more sore here and there- that's for sure. And I also have the beginning of (what I think) is yet ANOTHER sinus infection- my 4th in like 2 months. UGH.

    Not to be a Debbie Downer or anything-I know it's exciting to finally be in the 3rd trimester...but I'm thinking back to my last pregnancy and remembering how long this trimester seemed to last and have been more negative this week. Anyone else dealing with this? Like, I know we are in the home stretch, but it almost feels like "so close yet so far". I'm only admitting this on here to see if anyone else is with me?!!:)
  • flipchickmc
    flipchickmc Posts: 59 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm 29wks today and had a great OB appt. My gestational diabetes is totally under control thru diet alone and my numbers have been great! Doc labeled me her "rock star" patient. I actually lost 5lbs from my last appointment because prior to finding out I had GD, I was eating anything and everything! I'm eating much healthier now, drinking TONS of water, cut out fruit juices, soda (my weakness this PG) and bad carbs. Doc said I can add more calories to my daily intake - my MFP is set to gain 1/2lb a week with a calorie intake of 2130 and I've been going slightly over the last few days. Despite the weight loss, I'm still measuring large (I make big babies - first baby was 8lbs 1oz and my youngest was 8lbs 8oz - didn't have GD with either of those PG). Doc thinks I'll probably have another 8 to 9lb baby! And that's big for me being a short 4'11.5" Filipino chick! But overall I've gained a total of 10lbs from my 1st OB appt until today. Keep in mind that I hadn't lost the baby weight from my last PG.

    In regards to the home stretch - my youngest daughter just turned 10months old so I've basically been PG for 2 years straight so I kinda feel like this is a never ending PG. But now that I'm starting to hit the doc's office every 2 weeks - it's become more of a reality that this baby is going to come quick!
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    I haven't been online much lately, but I'm trying to read the boards every few days to keep on top of things. I've been home for a visit for the past week and a half, still have a few days left. Not looking forward to the end of vacation, but looking forward to having my own space again. I haven't logged at all, kind of nervous about what the scale will tell me when I get back on it! My mom hosted a shower for me over the weekend, it was good, but I always feel awkward when it comes to the gift opening part. I don't like being the centre of attention at all! Haven't done a test run yet, but most people listened to my mom's request for small gifts/gift cards as we're flying with minimal extra luggage space. I'm sure (hoping?!) it will all fit. DH and I decided to stay separately with our own parents again this trip, so that has been preserving my sanity. Not sure what will happen next summer with a baby in tow! Space-wise his family's house makes more sense (our own bathroom, huge guestroom) but cleanliness/food/sanity-wise my parents' place is better. Ah well, we have a whole year before that happens.

    BeckyJill - I've been felling generally well. Starting to feel huge some days, even though I know I'm not, and still getting comments that I look small for 28w. Pelvis is very clicky/grindy some mornings but thankfully goes away after a bit. Had my first bout of heartburn this week, triggered by an apple (?!?!). I've been extra tired this week, but I think it is in part to not having a regular schedule and staying up late.

    tristajohnson - My doctor puts everybody off at 38 weeks so they can get a rest before baby arrives, earlier if medically necessary. I'm in Canada, so I'm lucky I don't have to worry about saving up time, like I've been reading about in some threads from some US moms.

    flipchickmc - Awesome that you're controlling your GD by diet only and have lost a few lbs! Once I'm back from vacation I really want to buckle down and eat healthier. I was up 23-25lbs at 26w (depending on the day/scale), and I was hoping to stay under 35lbs...

    Hard to believe there's less than 12 weeks to go!

    ETA: My baby seems to enjoy hanging out in the right side of my uterus, and some days it's totally visible on the outside. Managed to snap a pic of the bulge when I was reading in bed the other night, I'll try to remember to post it as my profile pic when I get a chance. Anybody else's belly taking on weird shapes once in a while?
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Sleep has gotten so hard! My dog Sophie (Aussie-poo) ate my belly sleep wedge this weekend and I've been trying to make do with a throw pillow, I think my husband is going to go get me a new one because he's probably tired of me rolling around all night trying to get comfortable.

    29 Weeks yesterday and he's a "butternut squash" according to my iPhone app.

    Have a check-up appointment on Friday and going to talk about travel. My step-mother is in the hospital in Florida (3 hour flight or 18 hour drive) and probably will never get out, she's not doing very well. According to internet I'm about a week further along then they really like people to fly but it may be the last chance I have to see her alive. We're trying to stay positive but she has been sick for a long time and we've been prepared for the end, I was just hoping she could meet the Boy!
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    Have a check-up appointment on Friday and going to talk about travel. My step-mother is in the hospital in Florida (3 hour flight or 18 hour drive) and probably will never get out, she's not doing very well. According to internet I'm about a week further along then they really like people to fly but it may be the last chance I have to see her alive. We're trying to stay positive but she has been sick for a long time and we've been prepared for the end, I was just hoping she could meet the Boy!

    So sorry to hear about your step-mother. I'd ask your doctor about flying. My doc had no issue with me taking flights at 27 weeks and again at the end of 28 weeks. She gave me a printout of my pre-natal records to keep in my purse, just in case I had a medical emergency while travelling. If you do fly, check with your airline about their expectant mothers policy before you book. The one I'm flying with for my current vacation has a cut off of 36 weeks (their link is below).

  • kerrbear79
    kerrbear79 Posts: 229 Member
    OMG are anyone else's nipples "leaking"?!!! This is weird. I'm 29 wks 3 days and I noticed yesterday that I already have some milk, or I guess colostrum, coming out. This did not happen at all with my 1st pregnancy...at least not until after delivery. Maybe this is a good sign that the milk supply will be off to a good start? I can only hope. This just really surprised me so wondering if others are having this yet.
  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member
    Kerrbear- No, that hasn't happened to me yet. Although, like you, during my first pregnancy I had NO leaking...but this time I've noticed that if they're, um, "encouraged" (gross, I know) a little comes out. So maybe I'm not far behind you! I would think it'd be a good sign though- less pain when your milk first "comes in".
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    OMG are anyone else's nipples "leaking"?!!! This is weird. I'm 29 wks 3 days and I noticed yesterday that I already have some milk, or I guess colostrum, coming out. This did not happen at all with my 1st pregnancy...at least not until after delivery. Maybe this is a good sign that the milk supply will be off to a good start? I can only hope. This just really surprised me so wondering if others are having this yet.

    I have noticed some leaking. A few times a week I wake up with crusty nips. I know it sounds gross but it's like dried milk/colustrum. I noticed it about a week ago and I told my husband about it this morning. He seemed a little too excited... weirdo haha!

    I'm thinking I should buy some pads just in case it starts coming out more. I don't want to start ruining bras/shirts already!

    On that same note, I need to buy new bras. My boobs are getting so big! Bras are so expensive and I'm not looking forward to spending money on a temporary bra. Any suggestions or recommendations?