October 2012 due dates?



  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member

    Saw the heartbeat and even a little arm move around! Doctor said "normal" and 10 weeks 5 days! Right on schedule :love:
  • Lainn
    Lainn Posts: 281 Member
    WOOT! Yay for seeing baby! So happy for you :bigsmile:
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Well I'm finally telling everyone, I'm keeping it off of facebook until after our 20 week appointment but I'm telling everyone "important" ahead of time...plus I think my facebook friends list could use a little culling before I go all public with it.

    Everyone has been pretty positive. Other than my sister who I think is just feeling jealous, she had two kids without being married and pretty young so she didn't quite get the same reactions as I'm getting. But that's understandable and I think that she'll come around :)
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    hello ladies!

    sorry for being slack!

    11+3 today (or 11+6 according to my midwife). We've told our close family. told them around easter weekend. I am getting my nuchal dating scan on friday! very excited and soooo nervous! keep your fingers crossed for me!

    Anyone showing yet? this is my 2nd so im showing mega early. i already have a little bump! i wont be able to hide it for much longer.

    also up 6lbs already! eeek!
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I'm switching to this thread because my due date was changed to October 1st. That, and this thread is a bit more active than the September 2012 one :)

    Hope you are all doing well!
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Maria - I've also put on around 6 pounds already and I'm at 11+6 as well :blushing: I don't think I'm showing yet although my pants are certainly getting tighter (I went up a size in dress pants to keep it hidden longer). We ALSO told our family Easter weekend, so many things in common!

    Hi Pepper and welcome to October! :flowerforyou:
  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member
    Yah, this is my 2nd so I'm showing a bit already too- 11 weeks 4 days. I've gained somewhere between 3 to 4 lbs but I've been trying to keep working out pretty reguarly.
    Just this week, I've started to finally feel m/s free...I don't want to jinx myself, but it's been WONDERFUL to be able to eat and not feel sick for a half hour to an hour after.
    Exciting that most if not all of us are almost into the 2nd trimester!! Just a little while to go:)
  • kerrbear79
    kerrbear79 Posts: 229 Member
    Yeppers! Will be 12 weeks tomorrow and 6 lbs up and definitely showing. 2nd pregnancy as well. I've had a few people comment this past week on me showing already and having a bump. Gonna have to have my DH go in attic this weekend to get down my maternity clothes!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    Bad news at scan. Ive had a silent miscarriage. Going to hospital on tuesday to have the op.

    I hope you ladies have a healthy and happy pregnancy. I shall be leaving the group now.
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Bad news at scan. Ive had a silent miscarriage. Going to hospital on tuesday to have the op.

    I hope you ladies have a healthy and happy pregnancy. I shall be leaving the group now.

    I'm so sorry Maria, my thoughts are with you
  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member
    Bad news at scan. Ive had a silent miscarriage. Going to hospital on tuesday to have the op.

    I hope you ladies have a healthy and happy pregnancy. I shall be leaving the group now.

    So sorry, Maria. Thoughts/Prayers your way...
  • jameejune
    jameejune Posts: 10 Member
    I'm due with baby #3 on Oct. 24th! I have a 3 year old and an almost 2 year old right now. I've recently been working really hard and have lost 75 lbs, so I'm going to try my best to stay healthy and active during this pregnancy so I don't lose all my progress. I've actually lost a bit since getting pregnant, but now that I'm almost 13 weeks, I'm sure that will change.
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    Finally got to see my baby today! :love: Measured at exactly 12w, which is also where I am according my my LMP, so due date is still Oct 29th. On the way to the clinic hubby and I were discussing teeth/braces. He has great, naturally straight teeth, while I have terrible teeth genes on both sides of the family. Mine are cavity-prone and I had braces when I was younger. I told hubby I want to try to avoid soothers/thumb sucking if possible to help prevent the need for braces 13 years down the road, and what did the baby do during the u/s? Stuck it's thumb in its mouth! Looks like it takes after me! :laugh: Hubby was hoping for twins, I was relieved when the u/s tech said there's only one baby in there. :happy:

    We're finally going to announce our pregnancy to our immediate families tonight, I can't wait for my parents' reaction! I also can't wait to hear what my cousin will say. We visited with her over easter and found out she is due 2 days ahead of me. It was hard not to spill the beans about my own pregnancy! Still going to wait another week before telling extended family and friends, may tell work next week, too. Will probably depend on how I'm looking, I'm not showing yet, but I'm definitely not as slim as I was a few weeks ago!
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    jls- I hear ya about not being able to spill the beans! I was around 4 pregnant family members this weekend and it was so hard to keep my mouth shut. 1. I want their hand-me-downs- they are all due within the next month or so and I'm not due until the end of October. 2. It's so fun to compare what's going on!

    Have so much fun telling your families! Such a fun thing!
  • nicolenoel
    nicolenoel Posts: 25 Member
    I'm due with baby #3 October 13th but since this will be my first time laboring and having a 100% natural delivery, i'm fully expecting to be pregnant until the end of October.

    Anyone find out gender yet?
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    I'm due with baby #3 October 13th but since this will be my first time laboring and having a 100% natural delivery, i'm fully expecting to be pregnant until the end of October.

    Anyone find out gender yet?

    We find out on May 8th and I can't wait!!!

    Do you know / are you finding out?

    Any guesses? (Everyone thinks ours is a girl).
  • Mandya0503
    Mandya0503 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi! I'm due 10/3 with my 2nd child. We have a daughter who turned 2 in January. My 18 wk ultrasound is scheduled on May3rd (my birthday), can't wait to find out!!! We'd love to have a boy this time but obviously just want the baby to be healthy!! I've been getting mostly boy guesses from others. My mom, husband and I are thinking girl though. I keep changing my mind though!! ha ha... Congrats to everyone!
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    Yay Mandy- best wishes on your U/S! :)

    My next appointment is May 2 and I'm just super excited to hear the heartbeat. I've been a paranoid freak the last week. (no real reason) Entering the 2nd trimester and my m/s and fatigue are subsiding. I feel great- I even feel like working out again!

    We're starting to tell people- close friends and family- and my MIL is killing me. She's texted or called asking when she can tell everyone else daily. Her daughter told everyone when she was only 4 weeks along... I'm a little more private and cautious apparently. I just want her to understand we'll tell people when we're ready- not when she's ready!
  • Mandya0503
    Mandya0503 Posts: 17 Member
    I hear ya! I'm paranoid too! I had m/s so bad this time (and early, it started at like 5 wks!) and finally started feeling good around 14 wks. Then I was paranoid because I felt good. ha ha... no reason, just nerves I guess. I wanted to wait to tell people and my DH spilled the beans early to friends. We told our parents immediately (5wks) and I finally just announced on FB around Easter.

    Good luck at your U/S!! And hang in there! We are keeping names a secret this time because of my mom and MIL. I don't want/need their opinions!!! ha ha
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    We are keeping names a secret this time because of my mom and MIL. I don't want/need their opinions!!! ha ha

    We're doing the same thing! Have the names for both girl or boy but it's a family tradition (and a bit of superstition) on his side to keep names secret until after the birth. We're going to tell people the baby's sex though :) Waiting until we know that before going onto facebook or internet. So far have just told people directly that we care about.