Kickstart your Metabolism



  • tacosupremequeen
    tacosupremequeen Posts: 8 Member
    I'm about to finish this diet and it's going fairly well. I wanted to give some pointers though that I thought may help others. These are things I had to figure out on my own but I know there's gotta be others like me. Anyway here goes. Right now I'm on day 5 and I just got used to the yogurt with no sweetener. Once your body adapts to the less amount of sugar you'll actually feel really good. Because every single meal is literally loaded with protein I almost never felt hungry. And I was nervous too because normally I eat a LOT! like A LOT A LOT lol but my appetite hasn't been bad. On the negative side by day 2 because of the overload of meat my guys were killing me!!!! Normally I eat a lot of beans for protein but I tried sticking to the recipes. Make sure you drink tons of water to keep everything moving ;) and fiber if you're not getting enough. I decided to go out to a bar with my boyfriend last night and it wasn't worth it. All I wanted to do is drink while I was there which is recommended you don't drink alcohol. I didn't drink but I ended up getting a salad and you know it just wasn't worth it. I kinda realized this is only 7 days! I can do 7 days! I would recommend not going out to bars even if your willpower is strong. Lastly I feel like I couldn't find any reviews about night shifters doing this especially people who work 12 hour night shift. It sounds like it wouldn't be bad but it's hard to find time to do the 2 30 minutes workout andon top of having an hour drive back and forth to work and doing the 12 hour overnight shift. I just waited till I had a stretch of days off (5) and it was hard but I did the am workout when I got off for my last day, took a nap, then did the pm workout. I usually flip my sleep schedule back to normal so after that day it was obviously a lot easier. Then when I go back to work tomorrow that'll be the last day of workouts before a rest day and I always wake up in the morning and stay up till the next morning on my first day back anyway. so I'll do the am and pm but obviously while I'm working tomorrow night I'll have to eat at least an extra meal and snack because I'll be up for about a day. It's tough but once again it's only 7 days!! It's only a week and it's almost over so if you're doubting it, then stop! You can definitely do it! I'll post my results when I'm done but really I hope this helped done people out there.