
  • SaharaZaraMorocco
    SaharaZaraMorocco Posts: 136 Member
    Finally got in more cycling tonight! Up to 59.6 miles with the 8 I did tonight. I've got two shields on the Eowyn Challenge Site. Woot!

    I'm past "Reach area of the Marish with fields, meadows, hedges, gates, and drainage dikes" and just short of the next marker.

  • I am logging two days of light walking and one of a biking, so I am up 8.3 miles!

  • SaharaZaraMorocco
    SaharaZaraMorocco Posts: 136 Member
    I got in 10 miles this morning. I'm just about to meet Merry at Ferry landing!

  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,451 Member
    44.6 miles along (can't access site to tell me marker passed or coming up ... if anyone can update for me, go ahead. Or I will this eve)
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,451 Member
    44.6 miles along (can't access site to tell me marker passed or coming up ... if anyone can update for me, go ahead. Or I will this eve)

    Have met elves; traveling with them. Pippin quickly becoming sleepy. (Will camp at Woody End in another 1.4 miles)
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,451 Member
    49.4 miles along as of end of yesterday;

    Pippin realizes it is the Stock-brook. The banks are low enough now for them to cross. The land on its south bank is wet and reedy.
  • SaharaZaraMorocco
    SaharaZaraMorocco Posts: 136 Member
    Got on my bike tonight! 10.1 miles added!

    "Open Path in the Forest. Path climbs gently."

  • Great work you two!

    It's been a while since I've updated, have added a few miles anyway, 9.4 since Saturday, totallying 38.8 miles!

    My ticker doesn't seem to be updating for some reason :/ (Edited, I figured out that the last number in my ticker code needed to change to display the proper one.)

    SaharaZaraMorocco, you might want to check this out too, your ticker seems to be displaying the same mileage.
  • SaharaZaraMorocco
    SaharaZaraMorocco Posts: 136 Member
    Added in 10 miles today, for a total of 89.7. Woot! I'm getting close to 100 miles! Yay!

    ScarlettVetter - I think I'm not following what you mean. I noticed that my ticker code updates every post I've ever made, instead of just the one for the day, but I think I'm okay with that. I'd like the earlier ones to be static, but I guess it doesn't hurt. Is that what you were able to change? Also, the code I'm using doesn't have a number in it - maybe I need to look at one of the other ones?


    Edit to add in total so far, since the ticker will update next time around. Must remember to do this from now on.
  • zippo32
    zippo32 Posts: 1,407 Member
    174.9mi. in
  • SaharaZaraMorocco
    SaharaZaraMorocco Posts: 136 Member
    Just under a 100 miles! Next time, I'm going to be over a century!

    I've visited Tom Bombadil and have left them - unfortunately, only to fall into the clutches of the Barrow-wights! Gah!

  • zippo32
    zippo32 Posts: 1,407 Member
    177.9mi. in
  • test post

    SaharaZara, maybe you are not having the same problem as I am, but when I use the "html code snippet" I am getting the code for a previous tracker. For example, mine says "38.8" but I've already updated it. The updated tracker image says "42.5" but the code doesn't seem to be for that image. It's very strange. I just wanted to make sure yours were updated, as I use my tracker to actually track how far I've gone, hehe.

    this is what my code looks like so I am taking a guess, and changing to 5 to a 7 (last time I changed it to a 6, and it updated). I know this is confusing...feel free to disregard :)


    Edited to add: seems to have worked, but notice my days aren't changing....this thing is so buggy.
  • Tracking a few walks from lunch for the past week, and only one workout. Didn't make much headway this week, adding 3.7 miles to my journey today.

    Pip is getting sleepy!
  • zippo32
    zippo32 Posts: 1,407 Member
    183.9mi. in
  • zippo32
    zippo32 Posts: 1,407 Member
    186.9mi. in
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,451 Member
    You haven't seen an update from me since Aug 15, :ohwell: but I HAVE been walking every day (or making up the days when I had to miss). :flowerforyou: I just have to sit down with my record book and a calculator to figure out exactly where I am ... then look up the site to find out "what's happening around me". :huh:

    You should start seeing me regularly again very shortly. :wink:
  • zippo32
    zippo32 Posts: 1,407 Member
    336.9mi. in
  • SaharaZaraMorocco
    SaharaZaraMorocco Posts: 136 Member
    Okay, I'm back on the bike and back to working towards Rivendell. And, I made it up over a century! 109.7 to be precise. And, that means I've got another shield on the Eowyn site. Very excited!

    BMcC9 - Looking forward to hearing more from you. :) Zippo is really moving along!

    Alright - in my travels, I'm just short of a midday stop in a hollow a top a hill.
