Dating/Relationship Anxiety?



  • thecarbmonster
    thecarbmonster Posts: 411 Member
    Got stood up again! I have no idea what is going on with that guy. Especially considering what extremes he goes to, planning out every second of that date beforehand so I "will be comfortable", etc. Don't worry, I don't blame this on myself (though I did kind of pity eat this weekend...I'll admit it!). He even planned the date based on somewhere close to me after I went all the way up to metro stop the last time. He said he was going to call me when he left (he lives an hour away) and so when it came time he should have been leaving and he didn't call...I just knew it happened again! I text a half hour before to confirm and even went to the place just in case, and I haven't heard anything since! The worse part is even gave him out and told him I would understand if he needed to back out- just give me the courtesy of a "can't make it" text and there was none.

    So to sum up, if he ditches you once, it's your fault if you let him do it to you twice lol.

    (And thanks to my binge/comfort eating I gained 6 pounds in bloat since Saturday! Back to the routine today though. Only gives me motivation!)
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I'm sorry! I was certain that he didn't mean to stand you up, but I guess you don't know people sometimes. That is weird a person would go to all those lengths and then not show. Why don't people just say "i don't think i want to see you again?"
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    Got stood up again! I have no idea what is going on with that guy. Especially considering what extremes he goes to, planning out every second of that date beforehand so I "will be comfortable", etc. Don't worry, I don't blame this on myself (though I did kind of pity eat this weekend...I'll admit it!). He even planned the date based on somewhere close to me after I went all the way up to metro stop the last time. He said he was going to call me when he left (he lives an hour away) and so when it came time he should have been leaving and he didn't call...I just knew it happened again! I text a half hour before to confirm and even went to the place just in case, and I haven't heard anything since! The worse part is even gave him out and told him I would understand if he needed to back out- just give me the courtesy of a "can't make it" text and there was none.

    So to sum up, if he ditches you once, it's your fault if you let him do it to you twice lol.

    (And thanks to my binge/comfort eating I gained 6 pounds in bloat since Saturday! Back to the routine today though. Only gives me motivation!)

    That really sucks and I'm sorry. What a strange guy to be so into game playing!
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Got stood up again! I have no idea what is going on with that guy. Especially considering what extremes he goes to, planning out every second of that date beforehand so I "will be comfortable", etc. Don't worry, I don't blame this on myself (though I did kind of pity eat this weekend...I'll admit it!). He even planned the date based on somewhere close to me after I went all the way up to metro stop the last time. He said he was going to call me when he left (he lives an hour away) and so when it came time he should have been leaving and he didn't call...I just knew it happened again! I text a half hour before to confirm and even went to the place just in case, and I haven't heard anything since! The worse part is even gave him out and told him I would understand if he needed to back out- just give me the courtesy of a "can't make it" text and there was none.

    So to sum up, if he ditches you once, it's your fault if you let him do it to you twice lol.

    (And thanks to my binge/comfort eating I gained 6 pounds in bloat since Saturday! Back to the routine today though. Only gives me motivation!)

    Hellz no!

    NO more chances. Seriously. NO matter what his excuse is this time. Your time and energy are worth more than this.
  • Learning2LuvLindsay
    Learning2LuvLindsay Posts: 1,142 Member
    Got stood up again! I have no idea what is going on with that guy. Especially considering what extremes he goes to, planning out every second of that date beforehand so I "will be comfortable", etc. Don't worry, I don't blame this on myself (though I did kind of pity eat this weekend...I'll admit it!). He even planned the date based on somewhere close to me after I went all the way up to metro stop the last time. He said he was going to call me when he left (he lives an hour away) and so when it came time he should have been leaving and he didn't call...I just knew it happened again! I text a half hour before to confirm and even went to the place just in case, and I haven't heard anything since! The worse part is even gave him out and told him I would understand if he needed to back out- just give me the courtesy of a "can't make it" text and there was none.

    So to sum up, if he ditches you once, it's your fault if you let him do it to you twice lol.

    (And thanks to my binge/comfort eating I gained 6 pounds in bloat since Saturday! Back to the routine today though. Only gives me motivation!)

    What an A-Hole! Yea he doesnt deserve any more chances. Sounds to me he likes to play games. Sorry girl! You deserve better!
  • Showgirlbody
    Showgirlbody Posts: 402 Member
    He might be more nervous than you are. But yeah, nothing I dislike more than a flaker. You make a plan then you need to follow through. Making all that effort to plan a nice date is more than most people do, but then to just not do it is baffling. A courtesy call or text is not too much to ask. Accident is an excuse, the other is just a flake. No need to waste your time on someone that doesn't value it.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    Got stood up again! I have no idea what is going on with that guy. Especially considering what extremes he goes to, planning out every second of that date beforehand so I "will be comfortable", etc. Don't worry, I don't blame this on myself (though I did kind of pity eat this weekend...I'll admit it!). He even planned the date based on somewhere close to me after I went all the way up to metro stop the last time. He said he was going to call me when he left (he lives an hour away) and so when it came time he should have been leaving and he didn't call...I just knew it happened again! I text a half hour before to confirm and even went to the place just in case, and I haven't heard anything since! The worse part is even gave him out and told him I would understand if he needed to back out- just give me the courtesy of a "can't make it" text and there was none.

    So to sum up, if he ditches you once, it's your fault if you let him do it to you twice lol.

    (And thanks to my binge/comfort eating I gained 6 pounds in bloat since Saturday! Back to the routine today though. Only gives me motivation!)

    Agree with you. Dont give him another chance. That's just totally wrong!! Inconsiderate b******!!!!

    Dont take it personally hun, he's totally the one to blame. Glad to hear you're back on schedule with your eating. Look after you!! :flowerforyou:
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    I have a date this Sunday with a very great potential guy. But of course, I'm already freaking out. The last time I tried dating was back in October and I think I gave the guy so many mixed signals and spent so much time avoiding him/seeing him, he eventually never called me again.

    I'm just wondering if anybody knows how to deal with this type of anxiety? I wish there was a book or some kind of subliminal message for people to get over this lol.

    Thanks everyone :)

    the only way really to deal with it is to practice practice practice. usually people get anxious before dates because they are putting too much pressure on themselves and have way too many expectations for a first date. the purpose of the first date is to begin to get to know each other and be flirty, so don't go into it immediately thinking "this guy/girl could be my next ltr" because that's putting the horse way before the cart.

    so my advice would be to try and line up as many first dates as possible with any guys who seem like they might be interesting. there's no reason why you have to date 1 guy at a time if you aren't exclusive with any of them.

    good luck!
  • cbeutler
    cbeutler Posts: 667 Member
    Got stood up again! I have no idea what is going on with that guy. Especially considering what extremes he goes to, planning out every second of that date beforehand so I "will be comfortable", etc. Don't worry, I don't blame this on myself (though I did kind of pity eat this weekend...I'll admit it!). He even planned the date based on somewhere close to me after I went all the way up to metro stop the last time. He said he was going to call me when he left (he lives an hour away) and so when it came time he should have been leaving and he didn't call...I just knew it happened again! I text a half hour before to confirm and even went to the place just in case, and I haven't heard anything since! The worse part is even gave him out and told him I would understand if he needed to back out- just give me the courtesy of a "can't make it" text and there was none.

    So to sum up, if he ditches you once, it's your fault if you let him do it to you twice lol.

    (And thanks to my binge/comfort eating I gained 6 pounds in bloat since Saturday! Back to the routine today though. Only gives me motivation!)

    What a putz! It does prove you have good instincts in not wanting to give him a second chance. I'd send the creep a bill. I did my hair $$, Nails $$, Dry Cleaning $$, Gas $$, ... plus $$ for "labor".

    The jerk won't pay you but he might learn something and might treat the next girl better.

    Don't give up on men, there some of us good guys out there.
  • thecarbmonster
    thecarbmonster Posts: 411 Member
    I'd send the creep a bill. I did my hair $$, Nails $$, Dry Cleaning $$, Gas $$, ... plus $$ for "labor".

    So funny! I should have when he missed the first date since he was so determined to take me into DC and planned out the entire day with reservations and everything. I had to drive an hour and 20 minutes to the metro stop we were going to meet. Oh well!

    I will say that getting stood up twice with this guy and having another guy who said he was having an anxiety/mental breakdown after our first date (about 2 yrs ago)...I don't think I am afraid of being dumped or stood up again since I'm becoming a pro at it lol.
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    Being stood up has its benefits: It's a great way to cross someone off the potential list, b/c he'll only get worse as the relationship "settles" and he gets comfortable with you.