Just started and question about tracking on MFP

fitJoce Posts: 137 Member
Hi! Started Stage 1 today! I feel great!! So excited!! but...I have questions on how o track on MFP

Before today my goal was 1200 daily calories plus eating back my calorie defecit. As of today however I know I need to change all of that to what is recommended in the book.

I still wouldn't mind losing some fat so according to the book I need to consume

1484.65 cal on non workout days
1739.60 on workout days
1994.55 on strenuous and workout days

I changed my macros to %40, %30, %30

But how do I track my exercise calories with NROLFW ? Do I set my daily goal to say 1484 and then log my exercise as cardio with calories burned at the difference?

for example

Workout day 1739-1484= 255 exercise calories?

And what should I change my exersise goals to or does that even matter for daily tracking?

I hope I didn't confuse you all. I really need to get a grasp of this asap!! Thanks!!


  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 795 Member
    I'm wrapping my head around this, too, and I just decided I have to forget about MFP's calculations and not worry about being over or under on the net calories it posts up...

    1842 is my fat-loss non-workout day amount, and on a workout day that goes up to 2127. The simplest answer is that I set my regular calorie goal at 1842, then I'll log 285 calories as my workout total to bring me to the total calories from NROLFW. Either that, or I'll log the actual calories from my HRM, but only eat to 2127.

    I disregard the "strenuous" number because I don't have a physical job - just normal life plus a workout.
  • fitJoce
    fitJoce Posts: 137 Member
    Thanks ! By the way, I'm just curious. How many cals does your HRM tell you you've burned in a workout?
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 795 Member
    Anywhere from under 200 to over 400.... depends what I'm doing. But most of the time it's been handy to 300 calories for a Stage One workout, 40-50 minutes. (The top number was 600, but that included walking to and from the gym through the snow, so that was a tad exaggerated.)
  • AJ_MotherRunner
    AJ_MotherRunner Posts: 175 Member
    Also just asked a friend of mine the same question. I suppose I may just keep it the same and be "over" my goal per MFP for the time being. Let me know if there is another way that works better for logging. :happy: