Introduce Yourself



  • seljabyr
    seljabyr Posts: 11

    I love this site, used others, but the sense of community is great.

    I'm a dental hygiene student and the only atheist (been one for almost 10 years) in a group of 29 other girls that I will spend 30hrs/week with for's interesting to say the least. I might just rant about it from time to time here. There's over 20,000 students at my college & it's trying to organize a Student Secular Alliance, but so far contains only 3 members (including me!) - the last flyers put up for joining were torn down around campus :/ I've never had the thought to join an online atheist group until getting into the program. Now I feel I just need to talk with people who understand the fallacy of religion, not people who embrace it.

    To find atheists who are also supporting each other in quests to become healthier or lose weight is even better.

    Fitness Goals: 2 years ago I was in the best shape of my life, exercising 5x/week then dancing on the weekends. My boyfriend was sick about a year before finding out he had a hole in his heart. He was tired all the time so we spent most of our time laying around, watching moves, playing videogames & getting out of shape. He's recently had surgery and is recovering. Now that's fixed and we can help each other become healthier. I want to get fit so that we can be an awesome, active, sexy couple. When he's finally able to go out again, we'll paint the town red! We used to regularly go swing dancing before he got sick and I wouldn't have any other dance partner! Can't wait to try some new styles of social dancing as well! We have a looong to do list. ;)

    I'll enjoy meeting you all and I hope I can provide some support to fellow seekers of healthier lives!

    <3 Seljabyr
  • seljabyr
    seljabyr Posts: 11
    I'm Mandi and I'm pretty stoke that this group even exists! I'm 30 and just started my journey this week. I have a lot of support from my boyfriend of 10 years, Brandon, and a lot of family and friends. I've been heavy my whole life and I'm really ready for a change. I quit smoking about 2 and half years ago and I know if I can do that, I can do this!

    Congrats on quitting smoking!!! Such an extraordinary accomplishment!
  • mcohran
    mcohran Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I'm Mark and I'm glad to see there are some groups devoted to atheism/rationality on MFP. I was brought up in a fundamentalist Christian household, but my love of science, engineering and reading broke me free from that mindset in the early 80's.

  • mcohran
    mcohran Posts: 4 Member
    Whoops - I'd better learn how to use this board a bit better.
  • mcohran
    mcohran Posts: 4 Member
    Hello all, Rachel added me to this group. I'm atheist and have never been more amazed with my chance at life on the plant. I've been atheist for about two years. I've been using mfp for about 75 days. I've lost 20 lbs and only have 20 more to go!! I'm so excited and I love this site. You can add me as a friend if you would like. I do see a lot of theists on here thanking god and praying, but I'm thankful for me because I couldn't have lost the weight without me! I love seeing my friends progress and sharing mine as well...good luck everyone and happy eating :))

    That's inspiring. Twenty pounds in 75 days is great. I hope i can do as well. Thanks for sharing your story.
  • Kennkaru
    Kennkaru Posts: 210 Member
    Greetings. I just stumbled upon this group... okay, actually I was desperately searching for this group after reading a thread that implied that the Atheists on MFP were all bullies in the forums. Since a lot of religious folks do consider any challenge to their beliefs, however gentle, to be an act of bullying or even so much as persecution, I wasn't surprised that this attitude existed. Still, I wanted to find some people who were open Atheists to bond with on here.

    My name is Katherine and I'm a fine arts teacher in a middle school and a high school. I'm currently pursuing a Master's degree in Secondary Education- specifically in Applied Linguistics (since my undergraduate majors were actually Philosophy and English). Unmarried, no kids, but... I'm really into my pets and my plants.

    I've been an Atheist all my life, with the exception of maybe four or five nights in 6th grade when I lay awake all night worrying about a nuclear bomb going off and killing everyone on planet earth. For those few nights, I convinced myself that the only thing that could prevent such a thing from happening would be a god, since human beings aren't always capable of acting in their own best interest. I'm not sure what prompted these thoughts, but I stayed up all night reading the Bible and trying to believe it. I'm also not sure why I thought that believing in something was going to make it real enough to prevent a world disaster...but......come on, I was 12.

    Anyway, nice to meet all of you. I hope we can be friends and help each other look and feel our best. Peace!
  • I've been an Atheist all my life, with the exception of maybe four or five nights in 6th grade when I lay awake all night worrying about a nuclear bomb going off and killing everyone on planet earth. For those few nights, I convinced myself that the only thing that could prevent such a thing from happening would be a god, since human beings aren't always capable of acting in their own best interest. I'm not sure what prompted these thoughts, but I stayed up all night reading the Bible and trying to believe it. I'm also not sure why I thought that believing in something was going to make it real enough to prevent a world disaster...but......come on, I was 12.

    Haha... I've been Atheist my whole life except for a couple days in 6th grade too, except I wasn't affraid of a nuclear bomb, I was terrified that I was going to go to hell. My grandma had started taking me to church (she's VERY Baptist) and they drilled it into me that if I wasn't baptised then I was going to hell no matter what. So I started reading the bible and was so close to asking my grandma to get me baptised, but my common sense won out and I realized that spashing water on myself in a church was not going to keep me from going to hell (if it existed) if I didn't really believe in religion anyway.
  • rionnah
    rionnah Posts: 1
    Hi all - Feeling the big 35 around the corner and feeling the urge to once and for all commit to being healthy and losing all this Krispy Kreme weight that I have accumulated over the years. I have a social work degree, although this possibly could have been the worst time to graduate college, as I have not been able to find an actual social work position - working as a special ed aide, and though the pay is horrible, the work is wonderful. We live in Hotel California where you can check in, but never leave :-). . .have been in the middle of nowhere for a year now and it often does feel like the Twilight Zone. Very glad to find this group on here!
  • Drawberry
    Drawberry Posts: 104 Member
    Hey guys,
    I am 22-almost 23, I am a free-lance artist and work-at-home commissioner living with my Boyfriend. My weight problems began to get serious around 6 months ago when I began to seriously struggle with a depression relapse. In my teenage years I went through a difficult series of seeing a state-issued family therapist and then a children's (as I was under 18 at the time) therapist who then told my mother I had issues with depression and serious anxiety problems. It can be difficult to control the cycle of things, but I am finally getting a hold on it with much help from Boyfriend who is also trying to get into the shape he was in during his 10+ years taking Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

    My religious history is pretty..colorful! I was baptized when I was an infant and grew up with the default belief in Christianity. My father and his side of the family are very strongly Catholic, my mother is Agnostic and was raised in an Agnostic/Jewish household. Growing up I lived in an area with a high Jewish population as well as Muslim, and had friends of both religions. I often spent time with my Jewish friend during her Torah readings before her Bat Mitzvah. I had a sister who for some time practiced Paganism, of which I picked up later on when she'd moved on her own. After having many years of seeing various religions and being close friends with their followers I became Atheist in my mid teens and have been quite happy and content with this decision ever since.

    Rather amusingly, I have been baptized where as Boyfriend who is Christian has not been :P

    I am very glad to be part of this group! I admit I was very excited to find an Atheist group on here.
  • nvouvalis
    nvouvalis Posts: 21
    I joined this group a few weeks ago, but thought I'd introduce myself. I'm a 25 year old attorney who just moved to Logan, Utah to work as the Chief Diversity Officer for the state university located here. My partner is a political scientist who will begin work at the same university this fall. I joined MFP because after taking two bar exams in two states (and now working on a third) and suffering through law school (kidding, I loved law school) I was at my heaviest weight, and wanted to be healthy again. I thought this would be a good accountability tool. I've lost about ten pounds total, but only some of that since starting MFP. It comes off slowly, but I don't have a ton to lose, and I love cheeseburgers and fries.

    I just moved to Mormon Central, so I'm a bit apprehensive about that. But the university seems to be very forward thinking, and it's going to be (part of) my job to try to get the students on board. In that vein, I'm sure I'll have some amusing/frustrating stories to share with you all in the future.
  • ILoatheDieting
    ILoatheDieting Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, I'm Jenni. I'm 33 (almost 34 yikes!), no kids, 2 dogs (a pit bull I'm fostering and a greater swiss mtn dog), lover of all animals, vegetarian, atheist, and finally, after 33 years getting serious about eating healthy. Yes, I am a fat vegetarian! Anyway, I am super excited that I've lost weight already just eating a normal amount of calories per day (I had no idea I was eating so many!) and making sure that the stuff I eat is clean, fresh, and organic! I feel awesome so far, so i hope I can keep it up.

    I was raised Catholic but never felt right. I knew I never believed in god from the time I was young. I was more embarrassed that people believed and celebrated and I felt super embarrassed being forced to do it. Trust me, my confirmation pictures are me in a hideous flowery dress with a horrified look on my face! Anyway, after lots and lots of thought and research I finally let go of "god" as a young adult and it was like this huge weight and depression was lifted off of me. Since I came out as an atheist a few of my cousins and my brother and sister have followed suit. I think they were all just afraid to say they didn't believe either until I did it. My family is still trying to "save" me, but whatever, they pray for me and send me god emails constantly. I just laugh. I mean really, it's comedic this fairytale!
  • mamatrice
    mamatrice Posts: 14
    Hi, my name is Patrice. I am an ex-mormon. I would love to hear some of your stories of an atheist living in Mormon Central. I am very happy to find this site that I can openly talk about my atheist views. Good luck to you in your new job as Chief Diversity Officer and your quest to become healthy again. I am working towards the same goal.
  • MysticMaiden22
    MysticMaiden22 Posts: 324 Member
    Hi, everyone. I'm Colleen, 27 years old, raised in a non-religious household and still keep that tradition going.

    Glad to find this group!
  • kikilieb
    kikilieb Posts: 118 Member
    Hello, my name is Kelly, I'm 36 years old, studied economics and marketing in college and now work in the social services. I joined MFP a few months ago because I need to get serious about my health and fitness again. I gained a little bit of weight when I started working at a sedentary job. I gained a lot of weight after I lost my father to a drug addiction (and a really unsupportive boyfriend) of few years ago. Now I am over all of that and looking at myself in the mirror and thinking, "What the heck happened?!? I have to reverse this cycle"

    So... I am an atheist. I grew up in a fundamental christian household. I NEVER felt comfortable with that. I guess I was a deist though until age 24 or so - I sort of believed in god, just not a personal god. I started reading more and more literature and came to realize that I'm an atheist, I don't believe in anything supernatural, what-so-ever, not even the impersonal one.

    Most people around me (probably a good 99%) are devoutedly religious. Some of them aren't really, but they are afraid to admit it. For that reason I try to seek out groups like this, just so I know, "I'm really not alone."
  • xTwK
    xTwK Posts: 121
    Hello to all the ladies and I think 1 guy I saw post on this thread, lol. I'm 22 years old and was glad I could find some educated like minded individuals. Luckily for me I'm in great shape and only have to use this website and the phone application as a means to keep track of my calories and macronutrients. I do amateur bodybuilding and have been educating myself on nutrition for atleast 6 years now. I find it hilarious all the misinformation that's being spread around on this site, as well as all the the Christians on this site who use science to back up their claims but won't consider science when it comes to their religion. I'm currently going to college for my major of "Fire Science Technology", yes that exists lol, with the plans of becoming a fire fighter in the near future. Right now as an EMT student my days are spent either in the gym or working hours on the ambulance or in the nearby hospital.

    I think I've rambled enough now, feel free to ask me any questions. :smile:
  • Kelogik
    Kelogik Posts: 58
    Hi everyone! My name is Belinda and I started to really use MFP on 2/15. I am a married 23 year old who works and goes to school full time. My daughter is 3 years old and she is my major motivation for changing my life style. It is refreshing to see a group for Atheists on here. My whole family is religious and most of my friend's list is as well since I found this website through a religious family member.

    Please add me if you are interested in some more Atheist friends. I'm always open to having more people to motivate and to help me stay on track.

  • Hi there all! My name is Devon. I'm certainly glad I found this group, because searching through the message board it seems that the majority of people here believe in god. Not that gender norms have anything to do with belief systems, I'm personally annoyed at all of the "Men, what do you think" "Women, blah blah blah". We're all people, not all of us believe the same things especially simply based on our gender. How annoying!

    I'm 22 years old, and I've been an atheist for about 5 years now. I was raised in a conservative Christian household, and my family is still very religious. My twin brother is studying (one book only, I might add) to be a preacher. My entire family all seems to conform to that way of thinking, even when they act completely against their own beliefs. I guess I just don't get it. Me being gay is what kick started my deconversion from a Christian to an atheist, as my family sent me to ex-gay camps and counseling. When I realized I wasn't going to change, and didn't want to, I start questioning my beliefs.

    I just started Insanity last week and am now on week 2. I've never been proud of my body and I just feel that it's time to change all that. I love the sense of community here!
  • Firno
    Firno Posts: 22 Member
    Like some of the others here I have seen the Xtian posts around and went looking for an Atheist group and here it is.
    I have had trouble losing weight starting in my teens and now I am being more proactive about my health and weight. I want to be healthy for my kids and husband because we only have this one life and I want to be around as long as I can. I would be happy to have Atheist friends on MFP so if you need any, I am always happy to add someone.
  • tlbarg01
    tlbarg01 Posts: 6
    Hello! I'm 36 and live in Tennessee. I am using MFP to track fitness and eating habits. I try and follow the principles of intuiting eating and strive to be healthy rather than thin.
  • etfan
    etfan Posts: 133 Member
    I live in TN too, where there's a church on every corner (not literally, but it's not a big exaggeration!). I'm happy to see a forum for non-believers. I began using MFP about six weeks ago and have found it very helpful. Feel free to add me.