Introduce Yourself



  • mikeandfox
    mikeandfox Posts: 59
    Just wanted to say "Hi"! Been on MFP for a while now. Trying to bring myself to exercise more.
  • bellustoxicum
    bellustoxicum Posts: 35 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is Amy and I'm 33, a mom of one, and engaged to a wonderful man. I just started really using MFP and when I started looking through the support groups, I was beginning to get discouraged by all of the christian groups out there, so I did a specific search for atheists, crossed my fingers, and here I am!

    I lost about 80 lbs a few years ago by calorie counting and very strenuous exercise, but at the time I had an exercise buddy in my ex. After he reached his goal and started just doing what it took to maintain, my own bad habits began to creep up and I just kind of gave up. And then gained back 60 of the pounds I lost! This time I'm doing this on my own, and not depending on anyone else to keep me on track. I have the know-how, and this site gives me the tools, but I've got to have the motivation.

    I just have to say it's really encouraging to find like-minded people who struggle with the same things, and I look forward to getting to know you all.
  • futurenaut
    Hey AoMFP, I'm Futurenaut and I recently joined MFP to lose 60 lbs and change my lifestyle. I've tried a lot of the programs out there but really appreciate the combination of good UI, social features and integration with my FitBit. I'm looking to add some new friends on here so please feel free to add me (just put in the message how you found me so I know where you came from).

    I'm an ex, very overweight ncaa athlete using fitbit, myfitnesspal and a yoga/kettle bell/running (c25k shoutout!) routine to get back in shape. I'm trying to cut back on my calorie intake and portion sizes though it's been hard for me as I've spent almost my entire life eating thousands of calories a day to balance the immense burn of the competition level. Now that I'm 26 though and five years post-sports hiatus, it's time to get serious about making the best out of this precious life opportunity. Afterall, "to live at all is miracle enough."

    Also, congrats to Curiosity and the teams behind that beautiful rover. An inspiring moment for sure.
  • mgnmsn
    mgnmsn Posts: 133 Member
    Hello all! I am Megan! I am 20 years old and i am with the most amazing guy ever, Ethan (i have put up with him since the 8th grade lol). I am losing weight so I can be a hot tamale when I walk down the aisle! MFP has changed my life!!!

    We "came out" to each other this past fall. We had never talked about religion until then so it was definitely cool. His gfather is pastor and is family is so religious so we definitely have some struggles ahead of us with them, but we definitely love to meet atheists and we love to surf r/atheism because we are from a town with two stop lights and about 14 churches.... so you get the picture.

    If you see this definitely add me! I love having friends to attribute their weight loss success to their dedication and hard work, not a deity!
  • Annie_ga
    Annie_ga Posts: 72
    Hi! I've been on MFP since April 2012 and am really trying to change all of my eating habits. I have lots of good days and some "bad" days! I don't record my exercise, so most of my days look bad! I wish that praying would help me! Ha.

    I live near Atlanta in Ga and am so lucky to live on a freethinking street here in the deep south. I'm raising my kids to be Freethinkers which isn't very difficult to do. Lucky for me, my friend Dale McGowan also lives in GA. You atheists who like a real intellectual and great read, here's a link to Dale's blog: The Meming of Life.

    My other groups are tennis junkies and stay at home moms. But I think this atheist community could be the best. I love people who think!
  • candacetoop
    Hi, I've been on MFP for a long time, but I just started really using it. I'm enjoying it so far, but I tend to get frustrated with counting calories closely, so we'll see how it goes.
    I joined a gym last Friday and I've been working out every day. I'm hoping that I will see results when I get on the scale on Sunday! :happy:
  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member
    Hi everyone.
    I'm a 35 year old secondary school teacher in the UK.
    I've lost a total of 5 stone all together over the last 6 years with 2 of those being on MFP.
    I've put some back on but am looking to sort that out this summer.

    I'm glad to have found this group!!
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    Hi! I'm so glad to find this group! :) I've been on MFP for just over 3 months now. I've lost 20 pounds since being here, and the rest of the weight I lost over the previous 2 years. I just turned 40. I have 2 sons, 19 and (almost) 12.I'm a web developer for an email marketing company at the moment.

    I am a recovering Catholic (although, oxymoronically, I am quite happy for my excellent Catholic school education), was Wiccan for about 13 years somewhere in there, and finally have been an atheist for almost 10 years, and it's what makes the most sense to me.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Hi Everyone, I am not trying to lose weight. Just working on being fit and healthy. I am a dancer. And I'm also lifting weights and generally very active. I was raised in a "spiritual" family (the concepts were often changing). It sure would be nice if there was a God or a meaning and purpose behind everything, but growing up I saw that spirituality often was just used as a way to avoid feelings and difficulties and resulted in a lack of compassion, and could be harmful in a lot of ways. I have always had an interest in science. I minored in Biology and married a physicist. Over time I realized that I can meditate and do yoga and enjoy nature and connect with people and obtain all the benefits of "spirituality" without the lack of compassion to the suffering in the world and without having to be in denial or be perfect or whatever (I can be an atheist). I am an avid reader and learner. There are many different authors that give Ted talks as well that I like a lot. And I like the book "Raising Freethinkers" by Dale McGowan, and also his videos and blog. I feel like I could explain this all better, but this will have to do. I don't feel the need to put down religions (as people sometimes stereotype about). But, do like to continue to grow and learn and to talk and meet like minded people. Of course I don't appreciate the judgement towards atheists, saying we will go to hell or not liking us without even giving us a chance. It is sad that people can determine a person's character just because they don't believe in God, without even understanding why a person does not believe in God. This is not something a person usually arrives at lightly, there is usually a history and a journey. Morality is not dependent on believing in God. We value people and life. Whether we believe or don't believe, we are just people trying to make it through life in the best way possible. I do often try to view religion as being like politics, it's not something I discuss with everyone and that allows for many friendships to flourish regardless of religion.
  • atheist84103
    My name is ShaunRyan, I go by SR. I am trying to drop 50 lbs with a short term goal of 2 lbs/wk. My current plan to do this is through lean protein intake, 30 minutes of cardio 5 times a week, and controlling the amount of calories I intake. My interests are in science. I am atheist. Looking for friends to help with the weight loss. I currently reside in SLC, UT.
  • Skudsister
    Skudsister Posts: 26 Member
    I am Jane, I'm 47 and live in Bradford, West Yorkshire. Although I am an Atheist I belive I am still obliged to call Yorkshire God's Own Country (its contractual or something :wink: ). I got married in a Humanist ceremony 10 years ago and have recently joined the Atheist & Humanist group at the University where I work.

    I lost about 15 kilos in 2010 but spent most of last year having treatment for breast cancer. That put me off exersize for a while but I didn't gain too much weight back during chemo (luckily I had a fairly easy time of it so was able to carry on with work and walking). I now run (but not very fast) and take part in my local Parkrun most weeks. I joined mfp just to make sure I keep track as it is sooo easy to give in to crisps....

  • futureMACH
    Hi! I'm Jen. I'm 41, life long atheist (with a little side-adventure into Catholicism of all things). I lost 55 pounds about 10 years ago and am a former Weight Watchers leader. I've regained most of it back.

    That avatar is me at goal in about 2002.

    I just downloaded the MFP app based on the recommendation of posters on the General Daily Thread on the WW website.

    I'm a school psychologist and I'm hoping that the start of the school year makes things easier for me... the lack of a schedule all summer long does me in every year.
  • wholelottarosa
    Hi everyone,

    I'm Rosa from the Netherlands.
    I've been yoyoing all my life and the last year or so there is more of me than I like. About 20 pounds more than I like, to tell the truth.
    I can't seem to shake it, so I decided to join here. i'm hoping this will help me stabilizing my eating pattern and gym schedule, as the last two months both have been wildly erratic.

    Feel free to add me to your friends, I will appreciate all the help I can get to whip myself back into shape. :)
  • ndfaninaz
    Hello fellow heathens ;-)

    My name is Kristi. I'm 43 and live in Phoenix. I just started using MFP this week - I promised myself that if I got a smart phone (I'm cheap and had been using the same dumb phone for 5 years), the first app I'd download was this one. Got my new phone on Saturday and started using MFP on Tuesday. I LOVE the UPC scanning tool! So cool.

    I have a LOT of weight to lose, so this will be a long journey for me.

    Regarding my atheism, that's been quite a journey too. I wasn't really raised religious (was never baptized as a baby), but my family did believe in god. I went to different churches here and there with friends. Then when I was 28, I decided that Catholicism was a path I wanted to follow. I went through a YEAR of catechism classes and all that jazz. At 29, I got baptized, confirmed, and first communion on Easter that year. I never really did swallow it hook, line & sinker though. My best friend is gay, and the longer I was in the church, the more pissed off I became.

    I moved away from my small home town (and family) when I was 33, and I haven't been to church since then. At that time, I considered myself agnostic. About 18 months ago, a good friend of mine died suddenly, and I just couldn't stomach all the "well, he is in a better place now" crap. It really made me reflect on a lot of things. Now I realize that this life is all we've got, and I want to be good for goodness sake....not to try to earn brownie points in a make-believe afterlife.
  • PowerEqualsStrengthOverTime
    Howdy! I'm an out atheist for a few years now, and a happily partnered out lesbian as well. Going back to school to study Neurobiology, and school starts next week!

    As I ponder this really being our only life, and our only expression of us, it makes me realize how being morbidly obese makes me miss out on so many cool things in this world. I'm beginning to not be ok with that anymore.

    So I'm back on here and back at it. If I fall then I try again. A thousand smalls steps gets you further than three really big ones.

    Nice to meet you all!
  • Ajasper83
    Ajasper83 Posts: 107 Member
    Hi! Nice to see a group like this on MFP :) I live in the south so support and/or finding Atheist seems to be hard at times. Been working on Couch to 5k, will be running my first 5k in November and I practice yoga 5 days a week, or more if I can. I am also a vegetarian of 17 years which I have loved every minute of. Just trying to get back into the swing of health living and over-hauling my lifestyle one step at a time.
  • Eternallyviolet
    I was a Weight Watcher for a very long time and found that the new program wasn't working out, so I'm here getting back to basics! Since I started my weight loss journey I've lost 71 pounds and want to get down to a healthier weight!

    I'm 29, married, no kids, a community college professor and part time paralegal. I had the extreme good fortune to grow up in a secular household and marry another atheist. I'm so glad that I've found this group!
  • ScottFree_66
    I am Scott from Texas. I work in a manufacturing plant as a sustaining engineer (easier to tell people it is an IT type job). I joined MFP in March after my blood pressure worsened. I have had great luck with the "DASH diet" lowering my bp... I am now in the process of trying to lose 100lbs and hopefully reduce my medications in the process.
  • AnotherAustinGirl
    I live in Austin, TX, and despite being raised on religion have pretty much been an atheist all my life. I rarely discuss religion with people. I've had a couple of people ask me this question when they find out I'm an atheist: "What keeps your from just killing people?"

    I usually say, "Just because I'm an atheist doesn't mean I don't like living in a civilized society."
    Or, "Is your religion the only thing that keeps YOU from killing people."
    Or, if I'm in a mood, "What makes you think I don't?"
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    I've been vegetarian for 14 years, vegan since last month (2nd try that won't fail!), and an atheist my whole life. I'm 24 living in Jerusalem, and am not such a rare sight here as many foreigners first assume. I'm starting graduate school next month and working in the university as a research assistant. Currently taken... happily.
    I'm a generally a lean person, but I started doing this because I put on some weight lately, which I blame on both my new pills and general carelessness. I also want to be more aware of what I'm eating and what's in it, and maybe get some more tone.

    Good luck to everyone. :)