Level 1 - report your progress here!



  • cathy196051
    cathy196051 Posts: 55 Member
    L1D1 done this morning. Not sore yet but expect I might be in the morning.
  • pienthesky32
    pienthesky32 Posts: 142 Member
    Restarting 30DS tomorrow morning. I did about 10 days of level 1 in the past month but not consistent. Tried level 2, but I am no where near ready to move on. I was feeling improvement every time I did it, but never have the motivation to just START the dang DVD player. I need consistency and motivation, even if I never get off level 1 :)
  • JulieDerda
    JulieDerda Posts: 163
    level 1 day 6 was today. I dont find that the cardio gets any easier (especially the jumping part) but the weight part does. I started w/ 5lbs but moved to lighter ones the 2nd day (3lbs) now I am back up to 5lbs except on that side lunge move (my shoulders are weak).
    Anywho, I Have also been doing some running 30 mins before/after the shred (3x outta the 6days.) BUT I find that I am so worn out and my heart rate is not as high during which ever one I do last whether it be the shred or running. I do find it easier to mute the TV and turn on my music so that I dont have to listen to the same talk over and over again. ONly 4 more days left of the Level 1. I am excited but kinda scared to do level 2. BUT Bring IT cuz I can do this! !
  • jbakerak
    jbakerak Posts: 76
    We, (me, my sis, my daughter and my niece), are on day 7 today. Doing good, visible results on everyone! In very much pain though as me and my sis have added weight lifting the same day and found out after doing day 1 that we already did those exercised with heavier weights that morning! But we are still sticking to it and already reaping the rewards! Daughter and niece are now wearing baggy pants already!
  • MogwaisGrandma
    MogwaisGrandma Posts: 196 Member
    L1D2 done.

    My muscles are tight today so I am going to do extra stretching throughout the day. I don't think she does enough at the end and there is nothing stopping me from doing a bit more anyway,

    3 things:

    1 - I managed 6 full push ups today
    2 - I used my 1kg weights on all but the chest flys where I used my 1.5kg ones
    3 - I still hate Jumping Jacks
  • betaleonis
    betaleonis Posts: 178
    I finished level one about a week ago. It was tough but I tried it for fun this weekend and it was much easier, except with the circuit 2 strength training (My knees are in bad shape - I do a lot of excavating in the summertime.. one of the reasons I really need to get them strong!!).

    Went from 151 - 148.6. Feelin' strong.

    I still fail at push-ups, but I am much better at jumping jacks and hardly get winded at all doing the cardio circuits. I tried out level 3 last night after finishing level 2 and man I could only get through the first two circuits, and half-assed at that! KILLER!
  • BeckyNaturoMommy
    BeckyNaturoMommy Posts: 187 Member
    Okay I'm gonna ask: Who can't control their bladder with jumping jacks and jumprope? Seriously, I have to wear a pad, even if I pee right before my workout. Hopefully the squats help.....
  • Jwanguy
    Jwanguy Posts: 115 Member
    Did level one this morning. Didn't burn as much calories than Im used to. I did last minute abs along with it. Definitely will be doing zumba along with this. But my arms were killing me after going from the pushups to the weight training. starting with 3lbs and going to work my way up. day 2 tomorrow:)
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Okay I'm gonna ask: Who can't control their bladder with jumping jacks and jumprope? Seriously, I have to wear a pad, even if I pee right before my workout. Hopefully the squats help.....

    I was actually dreading this part. Every time I've started the shread I've had this problem, as having my daughter made my pelvic floor weak. I was very surprised yesterday (my day 1) that this didn't happen, I guess that must mean that my pelvic floor is starting to get stronger again. (daughter is 4 this summer lol) I used to find that after a few days it did get better and I leaked less, and then a few more days and it stopped as things started to tighten updown there too lol. i hope the same happens for you too.
  • BeckyNaturoMommy
    BeckyNaturoMommy Posts: 187 Member
    Okay I'm gonna ask: Who can't control their bladder with jumping jacks and jumprope? Seriously, I have to wear a pad, even if I pee right before my workout. Hopefully the squats help.....

    I was actually dreading this part. Every time I've started the shread I've had this problem, as having my daughter made my pelvic floor weak. I was very surprised yesterday (my day 1) that this didn't happen, I guess that must mean that my pelvic floor is starting to get stronger again. (daughter is 4 this summer lol) I used to find that after a few days it did get better and I leaked less, and then a few more days and it stopped as things started to tighten updown there too lol. i hope the same happens for you too.

    I just wanted to point out that only squats help this. NEVER do kegels. It only exacerbates the problem.
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Oh, my Dr advised me to do kegals, and I have to say they worked for me, but I've not read your article yet. I'll take a look a bit later.

    Ok, L1 D2 SUCKED!!!!!! I've ached all day after day one yesterday, and I was not looking forward to tonights workout. But I dug deep and put it on the second I got in through the door from work (not allowing time to talk myself out of it lol) Circuit one wasn't fun and it wasn't pretty. I have to admit I felt slightly better by half way through circuit 2, but only slighly lol. I'm not looking forward to getting out of bed tomorrow, or to tomorrows work out, I know that day 3 is always the worst - at least it is for me. I'm hoping that the promise of feeling a million dollars by day four will be enough to get me through.

    Well done to everyone for sticking with it, go shreaders!
  • luckegirl
    Great posts!! The first day, about 2 1/2 weeks ago, I did the whole thing level 1. I had been running around 15 miles a week, so thought no problem! HA! I couldn't sit on toilet, get up from couch or go down the stair like a normal person the next day (and for several days afterwards too. So silly me decides to tough it up and do it again the next day hoping it would loosen things up a bit. No go there! But I didn't give up and gave myself some good quad massages and now it's a piece of cake. So... hang in there! (I always warm up with light mile and a half run before and cool down after with another mile and a half. You can never strech enough. Two weeks of level one and I did level 2 today! I did the whole workout but cheated on some of the upper body exercise. I was a nice change. I think I am getting results, jeans fit better the little bit of belly gone... by bikini season should be ready to go! LOL
  • kandy221
    kandy221 Posts: 79
    Just finished L1 D4, can only do about 2 push-ups, but making it through the rest, hope it gets easier! Also hope to finally be able to do the push-ups before going to L2. Doing it 5 days a week along w/30min on the elliptical for extra cardio.
  • kellabella83
    Yesterday was my 3rd day of doing Level 1. The first day i thought it was pretty hard bc I wasn't used to going from jumping jacks to push ups (oh and btw, i cud hardly do 1 push up). I've never really been able to do push ups though. I guess my arms are too weak. The second day i found it to be easier and I was able to get through all the cardio without stopping once. My so called push ups got a little better. The 3rd day (yesterday) I had a busy day and wasn't able to work out till 10 at night. I felt like i didn't do as well , maybe bc I didn't have as much energy. I usually work out no later than 1 or 2pm everyday.

    Today I decided to try the Banish Fat Blast Metabolism video and OMG, I thought I was going to die! lol. It of course was so much harder than just doing the 20 minutes. I liked it though and will probably do it a few times a week. I think now I can move on to level 2 tomorrow. I will keep you guys updated and let you know how it goes tomorrow. I heard level 2 is pretty hard.

    BTW, i love this group and all the support you get from everyone :smile: :smile:
  • BeckyNaturoMommy
    BeckyNaturoMommy Posts: 187 Member
    Today is day 4.....I'm dragging my feet to do it. It was easier yesterday, but i just feel meh today. I'm gonna go do it RIGHT NOW! See you in 30 minutes....
  • mybettyboop43
    Welcome to level 1! Please report your progress here!

    I've just completed L1 D1. Augh! I'd forgotten just how tough this work out really is. I had to stop twice during the first cardio circuit and could only manage 3 real push up before having to resort to Anita ones on my knees. I suspect I'm going to find sitting on the loo painful of the next few days lol. And my arms are shaking as I try to type this. But the hardest part is over (getting my *kitten* up off the couch and making a start), so bring on day 2!

    Yay I'm not alone:)^^^^
  • karen_thinmint
    karen_thinmint Posts: 499 Member
    L1 D2 done!

    I thought it was pretty okay yesterday, but my quads were tight this morning, but the 2nd time was so much harder... I don't know if I did it wrong yesterday, or my bodies just confused doing it a couple days in a row.

    I'm on the "I HATE JUMPING JACKS" train too!! And push ups... I got only 2-3 real ones before I dropped to my knees. Weakling arms.
  • cschmidt45
    Level1, day3. Just finished and it might have been a teeny bit easier, but can I just say that right now I hate exercise!!!!! My body is no longer a temple but more like a vessel for the infirm, lol. I do give us all credit though because we continue on. Good luck to you all out there, and say a prayer for me that I will be able to walk tomorrow.:embarassed:
  • aodc909297
    aodc909297 Posts: 86 Member
    L1, D7 complete!!! To me, it's not getting any easier! I still have issues with the cardio portion - okay on the strength and abs. Because I cheated (only myself) and took a few quick breaks during the cardio, I decided to look ahead at Level 2 to see what those cardio exercises were like and I ended up doing Circuit 1 of it as well. Shouldn't have done that ... it's going to be a killer level !!! But results will hopefully be worth it all.

    Must admit - I'm becoming addicted to this JM 30 day shred. Sad, isn't it. I'm just very grateful that Jillian isn't in my living room with me as I attempt the workout!!! :ohwell:
  • shutterbabe
    shutterbabe Posts: 125 Member
    Oh. My. God. First day on level one. I HATE YOU JILLIAN! But I love you at the same time. :) My arms are all shaky and my legs feel like noodles, but I'm one step closer to bikinis!! And for only 20 minutes, no problem. I had to stop a couple times, during some of the cardio and then some on the side lunge with dumbbells. I'm using 5 pound ones and wishing I had 3!