Season 2 - Episode 13 - Beside the Dying Fire (03/18/12) Sea



  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member

    Darryl saving Carol was right on. Gotta love Darryl, what was that he said to her when he went back for her?, something like "come on i don't have time to wait around" lol

    He said "Hurry up, I haven't got all day!" -- I'm super jealous of Carol getting to put her arms around that hunk of gorgeous :tongue:
    I was rooting for Carol to die.
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member

    Darryl saving Carol was right on. Gotta love Darryl, what was that he said to her when he went back for her?, something like "come on i don't have time to wait around" lol

    He said "Hurry up, I haven't got all day!" -- I'm super jealous of Carol getting to put her arms around that hunk of gorgeous :tongue:
    I was rooting for Carol to die.

    I thought she was done for when she ran off and got surrounded.
  • SmartWhatever
    SmartWhatever Posts: 718 Member

    Darryl saving Carol was right on. Gotta love Darryl, what was that he said to her when he went back for her?, something like "come on i don't have time to wait around" lol

    He said "Hurry up, I haven't got all day!" -- I'm super jealous of Carol getting to put her arms around that hunk of gorgeous :tongue:
    I was rooting for Carol to die.

    And after they all met up Carol could have gotten into one of the cars but she stayed on the bike with Daryl. I was like geez lady- get the hell off him!! Lol
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    I think Lori was secretly really in love with Shane & that's why she reacted the way she did when Rick explained everything.
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member

    Darryl saving Carol was right on. Gotta love Darryl, what was that he said to her when he went back for her?, something like "come on i don't have time to wait around" lol

    He said "Hurry up, I haven't got all day!" -- I'm super jealous of Carol getting to put her arms around that hunk of gorgeous :tongue:
    I was rooting for Carol to die.

    I thought she was done for when she ran off and got surrounded.

    Mahaha, me too :tongue: I was like "Yes that annoying uninteresting Carol is going to die" then when she didn't I was like :noway:
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member

    Darryl saving Carol was right on. Gotta love Darryl, what was that he said to her when he went back for her?, something like "come on i don't have time to wait around" lol

    He said "Hurry up, I haven't got all day!" -- I'm super jealous of Carol getting to put her arms around that hunk of gorgeous :tongue:
    I was rooting for Carol to die.

    And after they all met up Carol could have gotten into one of the cars but she stayed on the bike with Daryl. I was like geez lady- get the hell off him!! Lol

    Yeah! I noticed that, I thought he was gonna rescue Andrea, I'm not an Andrea fan, but I would much rather those two get all cuddly.
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    I'm just going to make myself a fort out of duvets & sit in there crying until Season 3 of The Walking Dead arrives. Anyone's free to join if they bring chocolate.
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382

    and then there's Rick with his speech- I didn't care for that at all - I think Glen and Daryl and T-Dog (he needs more camera time/character development- otherwise I'm going to assume they'll kill him off too) should have a say in the group - even Hershell - they're all in this together - they can take a vote, right? I mean not in an emergency, there's not enough time - but around the campfire, sure! now Winter is coming, and they have no supplies... I can't WAIT for next season!!! I'll also have to get the comics and read them.

    Everyone is freaking out right now and Rick's speech is what everyone needed to hear to get it together. I'm pretty sure Rick does not really mean it's no longer a democracy and all that... I was personally glad to see him step up and give that speech.
  • Rjdj3530
    Rjdj3530 Posts: 154

    Darryl saving Carol was right on. Gotta love Darryl, what was that he said to her when he went back for her?, something like "come on i don't have time to wait around" lol

    He said "Hurry up, I haven't got all day!" -- I'm super jealous of Carol getting to put her arms around that hunk of gorgeous :tongue:
    I was rooting for Carol to die.

    Yes that was it. LOL I just giggled when he said that. That motorcycle maybe amiable with ll the debris but you gotta know what your doing. You can't just plow through stuff like you can in that suburban.
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member

    Darryl saving Carol was right on. Gotta love Darryl, what was that he said to her when he went back for her?, something like "come on i don't have time to wait around" lol

    He said "Hurry up, I haven't got all day!" -- I'm super jealous of Carol getting to put her arms around that hunk of gorgeous :tongue:
    I was rooting for Carol to die.

    And after they all met up Carol could have gotten into one of the cars but she stayed on the bike with Daryl. I was like geez lady- get the hell off him!! Lol

    LOL!!! I'm glad I wasn't the only one that thought that!! I actually said "Really Carol? Can't ride in the Suburban? You gotta wrap yourself around Daryl?!" Although I can't blame her!!
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    I just watched it online.


    First 20 minutes or so; very much a "George Romero - Night of the Living Dead" feel to it.

    The last 20 minutes or so?
    Michonne!!!! The prison!!!! th_yipee.gif

    Does anybody have a time machine I can borrow so I can zip forward to see Season 3 now?
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    just thought I'd mention my legs are sore- so I must've been running from walkers in my sleep. lol seriously, it feels like I ran 5 miles...
  • TiffanyDawn79
    TiffanyDawn79 Posts: 201 Member
    I was so sad to see that Carol was still around at the end of the episode...she is worthless! I wasn't really a huge Andrea fan but she really held her own with kicking some zombie a**! I think I will be pulling for her a bit more now. Lori just pisses me off! WTH did she want Rick to do? She was the one saying Shane was dangerous and now she is acting all butt hurt? But I was kind of thinking it was because Carl was the one that ended zombie Shanes life she seemed to really flip when Rick told her that. All I know is this is going to be a very long 7 months until the new season!
  • Vodkha
    Vodkha Posts: 352 Member
    Sometimes when Lori looked at Shane, I feel she was in love with him.
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    Entirely off the subject, but did you see the teasers for Mad Men comparing them to TWD... Very clever... I'm a Mad Men fan and excited to see it starting up, although it seems like forever since the last season.
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member

    The thing that made Shane so agressive was the Lori-virus, not the zombie virus.

    AMEN!! She is a drama queen. I still say if she had handled that situation better it might not have turned so tragic!

    Rick did sound like a douche but it's the pressure of the responsibility he has that is getting to him. I don't blame him either for keeping the "big secret". I would have wanted to see more proof myself before freaking everyone out!

    You know, I know it wouldn't have been very screen worthy, and not to sound like a girly-man, but had the three of them sat down and just discussed it all and been as open as possible, I wonder how it would have turned out. They all had a history together before the zombie rise. What was really so wrong about Shane and Lori? They thought Rick was dead for crying out loud, I'm not sure what there had to be such a big secret. Shane's inability to let it go may still have gotten in the way.

    Not sure about the whole talking thing but who knows, it should have been attempted. In the first episode when Shane and Rick were talking in the squad car I got the feeling there was something going on between Shane and whats her name then. It was no surprise that they hooked up after tshtf. Thats a broken mirror (hard to fix). Shane is a selfish guy so he only cared about what he wanted regardless of his friendship.

    me and my sister always thought the way shane talked about her in the first episode sounded like he had feelings for her
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member

    Does anybody have a time machine I can borrow so I can zip forward to see Season 3 now?

    I second this!
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    Sometimes when Lori looked at Shane, I feel she was in love with him.

    SAME! & with the way she reacted to Rick telling her what happened, I think that's why she was so upset, well, that along with Carl Killing the re-animated Shane.

    / I'm still in mourning for Shaney :sad: The "Here's what you missed last week" start of the episode where they showed it all happen again made me cry :yawn:
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Now that I've watched it (I crashed at 9pm on Sunday night)...

    Lori only seemed to get visibly upset after Rick said it was Carl to take Shane down. I'm hoping she's upset because of her child and what Carl had to do.

    I'm surprised Carol didn't get eaten by a zombie, the way she was halfass running, arms flailing. I was on her side until this episode though. (Us Carols have to stick together.) But her wanting a "Man of Honor" really pissed me off. And her telling Daryl they're just holding him back. And then telling Rick to "do something." grrrr

    Rick could have found a better way to break it to the group about his killing Shane. He's left out important details. Without all the facts, I don't see people understanding his reasoning the way they might if they had all the information.

    I LOVE how Glenn stepped up and challenged Rick about it not being his call to make for the group. The look on his face was all the puppy love for Rick has just vanished. And telling Maggie, finding a way to both be honest and calm her down at the same time. Touching.

    But this Michonne character. I don't know anything about the comics. But this chick looks so badass. I foresee lots of lusting over her from myself. Daryl's mega hot, but I think I might have a new love...
  • reactor25
    reactor25 Posts: 146 Member
    Now that I've watched it (I crashed at 9pm on Sunday night)...

    Lori only seemed to get visibly upset after Rick said it was Carl to take Shane down. I'm hoping she's upset because of her child and what Carl had to do.

    I'm surprised Carol didn't get eaten by a zombie, the way she was halfass running, arms flailing. I was on her side until this episode though. (Us Carols have to stick together.) But her wanting a "Man of Honor" really pissed me off. And her telling Daryl they're just holding him back. And then telling Rick to "do something." grrrr

    Rick could have found a better way to break it to the group about his killing Shane. He's left out important details. Without all the facts, I don't see people understanding his reasoning the way they might if they had all the information.

    I LOVE how Glenn stepped up and challenged Rick about it not being his call to make for the group. The look on his face was all the puppy love for Rick has just vanished. And telling Maggie, finding a way to both be honest and calm her down at the same time. Touching.

    But this Michonne character. I don't know anything about the comics. But this chick looks so badass. I foresee lots of lusting over her from myself. Daryl's mega hot, but I think I might have a new love...

    I just don't get Lori at all. I agree with some of the others she may have not been in love with Rick anymore even before all this happened and that Shane already had feelings for her based on the conversation the two men had in the squad car at the beginning of the series.

    I think that while the rest of the group might have been shocked, Herschel and Daryl seemed to already have a good idea of what was going down out there with Rick and Shane. Daryl found the walker that Shane had killed and knew he had lied to lure them all out to the woods...

    Carol was pretty helpless and hopeless this episode. That man of honor crap was total sh@t and Daryl stood up for Rick immediately. MIchonne is mind blowing. Finally, someone for Daryl!! I hope they get together and don't get pitted against each other :) PLEASE let this happen!