Starting to Waver on my decision to increase calories.....bu

tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
I am starting to, well actually I have always doubted my decision to increase my calories. I was netting 900-1400 for a couple months and lost 17lbs. Stalled for a couple weeks and decided to research it a bit, upped my calories without really figuring out if I was on a plateau or what.

It has been 2.5wks since I upped my calories to no less than 1500 net. My current BMR is 1500.

I have done some research though that you should eat like you are already your "goal weight" which would make my BMR 1300 cal. My friend who is a trainer at a elite gym in Chicago told me that ALL of the trainers there never recommend over 1500 calories to their clients who are trying to lose weight, maybe to maintain, but never to lose.

I have gained 3 lbs now, in the past 2.5 weeks, up down, up down same 2lbs, now up another.... sick of this ! I have measured, inches have NOT changed

I work my *kitten* off at the gym, HIIT and lift really heavy..... I should be getting in shape not gaining !


  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I am starting to, well actually I have always doubted my decision to increase my calories. I was netting 900-1400 for a couple months and lost 17lbs. Stalled for a couple weeks and decided to research it a bit, upped my calories without really figuring out if I was on a plateau or what.

    It has been 2.5wks since I upped my calories to no less than 1500 net. My current BMR is 1500.

    I have done some research though that you should eat like you are already your "goal weight" which would make my BMR 1300 cal. My friend who is a trainer at a elite gym in Chicago told me that ALL of the trainers there never recommend over 1500 calories to their clients who are trying to lose weight, maybe to maintain, but never to lose.

    I have gained 3 lbs now, in the past 2.5 weeks, up down, up down same 2lbs, now up another.... sick of this ! I have measured, inches have NOT changed

    I work my *kitten* off at the gym, HIIT and lift really heavy..... I should be getting in shape not gaining !

    Hmmm...Tabinmaine, listen I understand your frustration. I don't agree with working out hard, high burns and not eating the cals to fuel it. I know a lot of others do and I know everyone is different, but I can't see how eating less than your BMR would allow your metabolism to do anything but slow down hun. BMR is the what is needed to just breathe laying down and not moving...our body is made to survive, so if it doesn't get the fuel the metabolism slows down.

    I will look at your diary, but I ask if nothing else...2.5 weeks...give it 1.5 weeks more my dear...just another week and a half.
  • tarachamp
    tarachamp Posts: 41 Member
    I am sorry you are feeling bummed. :(

    Have you taken measurements? How do your clothes fit? Are you sticking with the 40/30/30 ration?
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I am starting to, well actually I have always doubted my decision to increase my calories. I was netting 900-1400 for a couple months and lost 17lbs. Stalled for a couple weeks and decided to research it a bit, upped my calories without really figuring out if I was on a plateau or what.

    It has been 2.5wks since I upped my calories to no less than 1500 net. My current BMR is 1500.

    I have done some research though that you should eat like you are already your "goal weight" which would make my BMR 1300 cal. My friend who is a trainer at a elite gym in Chicago told me that ALL of the trainers there never recommend over 1500 calories to their clients who are trying to lose weight, maybe to maintain, but never to lose.

    I have gained 3 lbs now, in the past 2.5 weeks, up down, up down same 2lbs, now up another.... sick of this ! I have measured, inches have NOT changed

    I work my *kitten* off at the gym, HIIT and lift really heavy..... I should be getting in shape not gaining !

    Hmmm...Tabinmaine, listen I understand your frustration. I don't agree with working out hard, high burns and not eating the cals to fuel it. I know a lot of others do and I know everyone is different, but I can't see how eating less than your BMR would allow your metabolism to do anything but slow down hun. BMR is the what is needed to just breathe laying down and not moving...our body is made to survive, so if it doesn't get the fuel the metabolism slows down.

    I will look at your diary, but I ask if nothing else...2.5 weeks...give it 1.5 weeks more my dear...just another week and a half.

    Ok, I looked at the last week and what I believe may help is to make sure you are hitting your protein numbers, cut back a little on the carbs, and definetly watch the sodium. You are lifting heavy and you are not getting in enough protein consistently...everyday, hit that macro number, carbs are ok, but if you could get more of them from veggies and fruits...

    I looked more so at the numbers than the food contents, but if you don't have a good protein drink...get one...that will help boost those numbers. I tend to drink the protein drink with snacks and a big one after workouts.

    OH and last, whenever you eat a carb, combine it with a protein....I try to always eat protein first and then carb because it slows the insulin spike that you get with eating carbs.

    Hope this helps lady!
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    I have been eating more protein in the last few weeks than I have EVER eaten in my life, I am running out of sources of it that I can afford. I have a protein powder, but problem is if I drink too much of it I don't feel like eating anything else, or the other 1800 calories I am supposed to eat that day, therefore I try to limit it to 1 shake a day....

    I can't afford fish and chicken or meat at every meal, I eat tons of eggs, nuts, shrimp and chobani yogurts...... seems like I can't get enough into me, or if I can, it has too many carbs in it too
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I have been eating more protein in the last few weeks than I have EVER eaten in my life, I am running out of sources of it that I can afford. I have a protein powder, but problem is if I drink too much of it I don't feel like eating anything else, or the other 1800 calories I am supposed to eat that day, therefore I try to limit it to 1 shake a day....

    I can't afford fish and chicken or meat at every meal, I eat tons of eggs, nuts, shrimp and chobani yogurts...... seems like I can't get enough into me, or if I can, it has too many carbs in it too

    Maybe try guzzling a double shake right after your workout and drinking one first thing in the morning when you get up. That will bump your numbers a bit. You can then eat your other meals hopefully as scheduled...
  • DecemberNick
    DecemberNick Posts: 64 Member
    I may have to go against the current on this one but I don't see anything wrong with trying a different approach if you don't see the changes you think you should. You're taking measurements, you're monitoring but the progress isn't quite there. I think the next decision you're trying to make is what you want to change to continue to lean up. On that front, it looks like you're interested in reducing your calorie goal.

    Personally, I don't think there's anything wrong with trying something new. Do the same thing you've been doing and track your progress. I'd definitely monitor how heavy you'd be working out with fewer calories. That's more of a "feel" thing ("I'm always tired at the gym!"). See where you are in 2-4 weeks and reevaluate, see if you're getting the results you're looking for.

    Just to give credit to ANL's advice, my weight on the "higher calorie" diet has pretty much just bounced around between the same few pounds but it took me *at least* two weeks before I saw any changes. The difference has been in my physique. I can see more definition in my stomach muscles and I'm generally more "rounded". The lack of my weight loss I certainly attribute to the muscle growth I've experienced in my legs due to my exercise routine.

    Either way, you know your body and your situation best. Keep analyzing your progress and adapt to the results ;)
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    I honestly feel stronger at the gym, and that's good, but I feel like I am in a bulking cycle right now.... my muscles are bigger and stronger and more noticeable..... but there is nothing attractive about a "thick" muscle woman with tons of fat on top.....

    Going to take my 30day progress pics tonight, it's the 15th. We shall see if there are any noticable changes.
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    I hear you- it's frustrating to not see progress when you want it SO badly.

    In my mind I figure one of three things will happen (if I quit Fueling)
    -lose all the muscle I just made and lose weight from it.
    -lose all the muscle I just made and gain fat
    -I will find a magical land where I build muscle, drop 2lbs of fat a week and am never hungry or tired.

    This is how I think of it on days like today, where I am struggling a bit. Not saying low cal won't work for you- just saying that it didn't work for me and if I'm honest... it never really did. I'd rather feel good and strong and damn what the scale says or how I'm 'supposed' to look. This is just me though and you know what's important to You :)
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Man, shoot I struggle too...I am struggling now...I feel great some days, pudgy other days...I see my scale go up up up at times with the lifts and sodium, I am going through a stagnation as we speak...I just upped again. It is about finding that right spot. BUT I do know I was miserable on eating 1500 or less...carbe binged all the time, was tired all the time, and God knows I would not be able to lift what I am lifting. As the muscles grow, the fat does wear off. It is truly a process. I just feel like 2.5 wks is not enough for are seeing results with the muscles, that mean the fat burning must has too. If you are not gaining weight your body for sure is using the fuel you are giving it. Dropping the cals may cause a loss but of the precious muscle tissue gained. I rather burn that fat off with the muscles underneath. I sure have been skinny fat before...I didn't like it:-)

    Anyway, you have to do what is best for you...I just ask that you at least give it the 4 the pics, let us see if we see a difference. Girl sometimes I see nothing but others see because I am looking at me all the time...
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    I will put the photos up tonight , I am curious now too !
  • Audddua
    Audddua Posts: 176 Member
    -I will find a magical land where I build muscle, drop 2lbs of fat a week and am never hungry or tired.

    Could you please share this with us when you find it?? :laugh:
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    Are your workouts more, less, or the same intensity as when you were eating lower cals?

    How high cal burns are you averaging?

    Have you increased water intake AS protein intake has increased?

    Have you "gained" any real, lasting weight?

    Being up and down the same two lbs is not necessarily cause to panic. It sounds as if your metabolism is stabilizing, which, if by the end of the next two weeks if there are NO changes, essentially means that you have been eating at maintenance, and have undergone a "metabolism repair". Which is good. You will have allowed your body to stabilize at higher levels and become accustomed to the maintenance. Then, if no changes in the scale have occurred, you can SLOWLY lower your cals and be able to see weight drop at *still* a much higher number than 900-1400.

    Either way, there is no way to truly know until 4-6wks. It's just impossible to make a call 2.5 wks in (with any thing, be it workout plans, diets, etc.).
  • msmayor
    msmayor Posts: 362 Member
    Hey I don't know much...but I've upped my cals over the past few weeks and I was so nervous doing so - I wished I had did it all at once but I've been playing around with the same 1lb up 1lb down....but get this with more food and it's been around 4wks or so I want to believe my body is finally getting used to the extra fuel....I look at it this way - I stopped losing at 1200-1400 cals but now I'm eating more and not gaining....go figure - I think it takes time that's all after all the weight I'm carrying I didn't gain it in 4-6 wks....I'm just saying Eat More to Weigh Less is now my motto! Stick in there....
  • Jme2012
    Jme2012 Posts: 106 Member
    this is all very interesting. I too would like to know how this all works out. Lord kows I have dieted my whole life and always thought calorie restriction was key. And yes I have lost LOTS of weight on VERY low calories, but put it back just as fast. So now Im here to find a sustainable lifestyle and Im thinking eating my BMR would do that for me. BMR as per MFP is 1682.. Tabin.. keep us posted!!!
  • KristysGonnaGetFit
    KristysGonnaGetFit Posts: 40 Member
    I understand about being "nervous" to increase calories, but it totally worked for me. I was netting about 1200 for a couple weeks, lost 2 lbs right away, but then stalled and had no energy and was crabby all the time. Did some research and realized I needed to up my calories, so now I gross about 1800-2000 calories and net 1500-1700/day depending on workout and have started dropping lbs. again. Give your body some time to get used to the additional fuel and hopefully it will also work for you. Good Luck!
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    Are your workouts more, less, or the same intensity as when you were eating lower cals?

    How high cal burns are you averaging?

    Have you increased water intake AS protein intake has increased?

    Have you "gained" any real, lasting weight?

    Being up and down the same two lbs is not necessarily cause to panic. It sounds as if your metabolism is stabilizing, which, if by the end of the next two weeks if there are NO changes, essentially means that you have been eating at maintenance, and have undergone a "metabolism repair". Which is good. You will have allowed your body to stabilize at higher levels and become accustomed to the maintenance. Then, if no changes in the scale have occurred, you can SLOWLY lower your cals and be able to see weight drop at *still* a much higher number than 900-1400.

    Either way, there is no way to truly know until 4-6wks. It's just impossible to make a call 2.5 wks in (with any thing, be it workout plans, diets, etc.).

    My workouts are definitely harder and heavier with the weights, I have lowered the length of my cardio but upped the intensity, gone from 45min incline walking/running 3 miles to 30 min sprint intervals instead....
    My calorie burns have gone from 400 most days ( only cardio) to 250-400 weekdays (incl weights now), weekends I tend to burn 6-900 on each day. Usually 1-2 days off each week.
    I drink approx a gallon of water a day, little less.....I don't bother tracking it all on MFP
  • MommaFuhrer
    MommaFuhrer Posts: 214 Member
    Reading this later :happy:
  • rmk20togo
    rmk20togo Posts: 353 Member
    -I will find a magical land where I build muscle, drop 2lbs of fat a week and am never hungry or tired.

    Can I just put "magic land" in my GPS? :laugh:

    Tab I too am losing/gaining the same 1-3# with 2 weeks of increased calories. I was also gaining/losing the same when I was netting 600-900 calories. If my scale can be trusted my BF is not changing either. However, I'm determined to give it a full 30 days to see what happens. I wish I could give you some advice, but I have no idea what I"m doing. I want to lose fat and gain muscle, but can't find the right formula. I'm interested to read what the experts have to say.
  • clb51
    clb51 Posts: 23 Member
    This is a great thread. I started with the increase about 5 days ago. I have not lost, but haven't gained either. I have tried the 1200 or less calorie restriction for about 15 years to lose 15 pds. It has not worked no matter how hard I have tried. This makes sense. I am committed and thankful to have found this site.
  • rmk20togo
    rmk20togo Posts: 353 Member
    Oh, and Lucia , you're pretty much my hero. You're closer in age to me than most (though I'm still 10 years older) and you have the calorie intake and muscle definition I long for! Nice work missy.