Fifty Shades of Grey

JoJoDoerr Posts: 173 Member
I started reading the Fifty Shades of Grey today and Holy Porno Batman! Whew.....


  • sarah_ep
    sarah_ep Posts: 580 Member
    I never read it and am not one for romances. I decided to check it out on Amazon due to your post. I thought this review was hilarious and had to share.

    "First, a disclaimer. I am a male senior citizen, a semi-retired gynecologist whose customary literary fare is spy novels and military techno-thrillers. I have never read a romance before, except perhaps for junior high's "A Tale of Two Cities" (or was that a classic?) But after the recent hullabaloo over James' "Fifty Shades," I opted to give the genre a glance.

    The book's protagonist is college student Anastasia, who has never had sex or even "touched herself." I had to suspend disbelief at the social and sexual naivete of this twenty-one year-old, but I guess this implied vulnerability makes her more attractive as a romantic heroine. Yet it doesn't take her long to rectify this situation, and soon she is having orgasm after orgasm at the behest of her "dominant" partner, Mr. Grey. At my age, my arthritis flared up just reading about Ana's sexual gymnastics. And for some reason, I kept thinking about her contracting genital warts. Soon, however, Ana's endless pyrotechnic climaxes resembled repetitively watching porn: after a while, it leaves me bored and yawning. That said, there was a definite infectiousness to the plot; and taking Viagra to stiffen my resolve, I persevered.

    James' strong suit is her ability to elicit sympathy in the protagonist. I wanted to find out what happened to Anastasia, and that lent the story a compelling, page-turning quality. James is a polished novelist. Her dialogue is crisp, her prose poised, and her paragraphs well-parsed. The author's considerable skills notwithstanding, would I pick up an erotic romance like this again? Probably not.

    But that's just me. "
  • ctlinj7
    ctlinj7 Posts: 151 Member
    I loved all 3!!!!
  • mrstweedle1
    mrstweedle1 Posts: 43 Member
    I read the first book because my mom had bought it on our nook. I bought the next two because I wanted to know how the story actually finished out. I would say the storyline could have been finished in one book if only there had not been a sex scene on every other page. After awhile you realize there are only so many ways that someone can write about sex and since it happens alot in these books it gets very repetitive and annoying. The only reason these books are so popular is because the media has blown it up otherwise they would just sit next to the other erotic literature at the bookstore in the romance section. There is really nothing special about the story or the characters.
  • cinster1
    cinster1 Posts: 5 Member
    I have to agree with you, they do get very repetitive and I was also a little creeped out over his controlling issues. I think it really strayed from being romantic, example, he buys the seat next to hers on the plane so no one will sit next to her. It was on ok read but I really hope that any young woman out there reading it doesn't think all controlling men end up prince charming.
  • teacupowl
    teacupowl Posts: 104
    I'm reposting this from another thread I just happened to post in last night. I may be in the minority here, but I just can't get behind these books.
    So, putting my neck on the line here, but I pretty much refuse to read this series because of its origins. I live in a very bookish world - I work in a library, I'm a bit of a writer myself, I read constantly.

    The reason this series is always compared to Twilight is because it was originally Twilight fanfiction. Replace the name Christian with Edward. Replace the name Ana with Bella. You have the author's original version of the story. It was available for quite a while on under the title "Master of the Universe". The author, of course, removed it when she magically just switched all the names around and decided to call it her own work of fiction, never mind giving credit to Stephenie Meyer for, ya know, all the personality and physical traits of her "original" characters.

    It's created a huge stir in the book world, and a lot of people are pissed off. It opens the doors for almost any poorly written fanfiction to become published under a different title with different names, all without crediting the original author who inspired them to write it in the first place.

    (And, really, the bit I did glance through - the writing is quite mediocre. You can find much better online. ;D)

    BTW, there's a really, really fascinating article about the series here:

    I really do recommend reading that article. It's long, but it really goes deep and it's fantastically well-written.
  • mrstweedle1
    mrstweedle1 Posts: 43 Member
    Wow that article is fantastic!
  • beck5411
    beck5411 Posts: 4
    I just can't bring myself to read these books, maybe it's because of it's origins, I really couldn't stand the Twilight Series, to me Grey sounds like it's getting the same response theTwilight Series did as you either love it or hate it. Do you think I should give it a chance? I am really open minded when it comes to books but if it is anything like Twilight I don't want to waste my money.
  • aussiegirl1990
    aussiegirl1990 Posts: 56 Member
    I bought all 3 of them to today for only $20. I'll start reading them soon enough, after I finish the 10000000000000 books I'm reading now and return them to the library, but I have heard amazing things about this book.

    What attracted me to the book was the romance - I admit to being a romance fan - the cover of the book gave off a slightly dark feeling that suggested mystery (And also because the title is Fifty Shades of Grey O_O;;;).

    Just from reading the back of the books it certainly doesn't give off a Twilight feeling but I most certainly know how you feel.
  • Brandification
    Brandification Posts: 109 Member
    I read the first book and didn't particularly enjoy it. A friend convinced me to continue with the series, but so far the second book isn't much better, in my opinion. I, too, find Christian to be too controlling and Ana's "inner goddess" moments are irritating!!
  • b1505
    b1505 Posts: 102 Member
    I've heard a lot about this series, currently waiting for my friend to return from his holiday so I can borrow his copy of it!
  • lauren3382
    lauren3382 Posts: 372 Member
    I finally gave in and started reading it. I've only been able to get through 5 chapters. Not sure I can finish. Does it get any better?
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I only read it to see what all the hype was about. The story is JUST like Twilight. As I kept reading further, I kept being reminded of Twilight and it was off-putting. Oh, the strong, handsome, charming man that actually wants the introverted awkward girl *gasp*, how original. Everyone seems to think the sexual parts of it are extreme but honestly seemed vanilla to most of the romance novels I've read.
  • queenofgrey
    queenofgrey Posts: 70 Member
    it's deplorable that this "series" is being touted as legitimate literature. it does nothing more than objectify women, perpetuate sexism, & encourage abuse (not a bdsm relationship, like it claims). i've seen hardcore porn that does a better job of exhibiting a healthy relationship. not to mention the fact that the writing itself is sub-par at best. do yourselves a favor & read a real book.
  • queenofgrey
    queenofgrey Posts: 70 Member
    I only read it to see what all the hype was about. The story is JUST like Twilight. As I kept reading further, I kept being reminded of Twilight and it was off-putting.

    bingo. yahtzee. that's because it was twilight fan fiction, & all she did was change the names to publish it. again, sub-par.
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    I finally gave in and started reading it. I've only been able to get through 5 chapters. Not sure I can finish. Does it get any better?

    No. :ohwell:
  • airbent
    airbent Posts: 150 Member
    I can't believe it got published, it's that offensively bad. Someone needs some lessons in good porn writing.
  • airbent
    airbent Posts: 150 Member
    it's deplorable that this "series" is being touted as legitimate literature. it does nothing more than objectify women, perpetuate sexism, & encourage abuse (not a bdsm relationship, like it claims). i've seen hardcore porn that does a better job of exhibiting a healthy relationship. not to mention the fact that the writing itself is sub-par at best. do yourselves a favor & read a real book.

    This is what gets me, that everyone's okay with the fact that the relationship is TEXTBOOK abusive! I would run far away from that controlling freak of a guy.
  • strongnotskinny121
    strongnotskinny121 Posts: 329 Member
    I haven't read 50 shades yet....the whole Twilight resemblance is keeping me from it. I just keep reading more and more bad reviews. However, if anyone is looking for good erotica, I recommend The Sleeping Beauty trilogy. Be warned, though, this series has all kinds of sexual acts, so if your homophobic, don't read it.
  • JoJoDoerr
    JoJoDoerr Posts: 173 Member
    Now that I have finished them....I am really quite disgusted! I think these books knocked women back a few years! What a control freak! If we knew a guy like this in our real life..we'd have him locked up!
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    Now that I have finished them....I am really quite disgusted! I think these books knocked women back a few years! What a control freak! If we knew a guy like this in our real life..we'd have him locked up!
    Finished book two tonight. I totally agree this is a waste of time, but I can't help myself... I have to get book three just because I'm a glutton for punishment. These books are so poorly written, but it's like watching a train wreck - hard to pull yourself away (no pun intended!!!)

    BTW - the Anne Rice books - Cinderella Series is another example of poor erotica for those so inclined.