Fifty Shades of Grey



  • ketchup38
    ketchup38 Posts: 112 Member
    I believe it's pure hype. Survived the first, forced myself to push through the second book. As for the third. I think I'll just pass.
  • ohmykai
    ohmykai Posts: 210 Member
    i am a little excited to see it n the big screen not sure how thats gonna work either but when i read a book i get into it and see it in my mind and have to know what happens

    I have a feeling, at least I hope it's just a "Feeling" that it isn't ruined when it reaches the big screen. With all that happens in the books, I have no idea how that can fit into a rated R movie.
  • maria1113
    maria1113 Posts: 508 Member

    Give it a read if you can!

    OMG, I ended up reading this blog at work and I'm rolling in laughter here :laugh: Such a hilarious blog! Thanks for posting the link to it!

    (and yeah, I haven't read the books)
  • Its definitely the hype about the books that is selling them. Saying that, and putting the sex to one side as it is rather repetitious, the story is quite good in that it does show how a badly abused child can have problems with forming relationships....but this is nothing we don't know already. I have to confess to reading all three in a week as they were quite compulsive reading, and gave me a break from reading the heavy going stuff that I usually have my nose in!
  • traceface71
    traceface71 Posts: 45 Member
    Meh. It lived up to expectations...they were pretty low though. And while bdsm isn't my thing, (I do enjoy a good erotic story though) this was not even good bdsm. It makes me chuckle a little when people talk about how "dirty" it is.
    Anywho....Laters, baby! <
    best thing from the book imo
  • cowgirlashlee
    cowgirlashlee Posts: 301 Member
    Honestly, I'm in the boat with a few others that have said they aren't sure they can finish it. My coworkers have all read the series, and insisted that I try it. Borrowed it on my kindle from the library, and am at chapter 8 so far and not sure I can actually make myself finish this. So much is driving me crazy that I just am not sure this is the series for me.

    Glad I didn't pay for the books...
  • Anywho....Laters, baby! <
    best thing from the book imo

    That little saying was cute and my favorite part too! I never read the twilight books or watched the movies just because everyone else was like OMG TWILIGHT!!!! So I stayed away. lol But then when I thought hmm I think I'll read them I saw a little bit of the movie and Kristen Stewart was horrible so that ruined it for me! But I am soo excited for the Fifty Shades movie! The book was pretty good I didn't necessarily understand all the big words she used sometimes but it was good. The one complaint was after awhile the sex scenes were like ehh kinda annoying so I started skipping through them and going on with the story.
  • stormtruck2
    stormtruck2 Posts: 118 Member
    I have read all three books in the series. I am a man and am working on a degree in psychology. To say I read them from a slighty different angle would be stating the obvious. The first book was the most disturbing, the second less so and the third the most normal of all. Lets look at the cast of characters:

    Anastasia: She is what every guy THINKS he wants. Pure, unsullend, and slightly weaker than he. She is what every women wants to be. Beautiful, smart, strong, pure, and hard to tame. Able to control men not only with their sensouality, but with their intellect also.

    Christian: Is what every guy wants to be. Extremely rich, stunningly handsome, every woman wants him, incredably smart, virile, hung like a portrait, and powerful. A king! He is what every woman thinks she wants. Handsome, rich, smart, lavishes attention , gifts and is available.

    In order to be succusful as a book, the writer must not write of the mundane that the reader already lives every day, but outside the mundane. Yet not cross the line of absurdity. The author must write what most people desire deep down inside, yet make them feel secure it is okay that they never reached that level they desired.

    The B&D, S&M is an open display of their inner desires and insecurities. Christians need to control anothers body quells his sense of insecurity. He demands control becasue he feels that he is actually scared, weak and powerless. By being domineering, he is able to keep people from realizing that he is weak, and powerless. Yet Anastasia's opposing force of personality makes him feel that he does not have complete control, so he is not responsable for the outcomes, for he is uncomfortable with the power he seems to posses.

    Anastaia feels powerless in this world, and discovers that through her sex, she can exert power over even the most powerful man in the country. She finds that she is stronger and more powerful than she ever thought she was. Yet she still has the comfort of her proxy dad (Christian) taking care of her, so she is not respnsable for many of her actions.

    The psycological stresses in the mind of each of them creates the tension of suspense through out the book. The under current that the reader is aware of, but not sure of what they are aware of. That is the hook/complusion that some speak of when saying they couldn't stop reading the series.

    The arc of the series though is not anti-woman at all, but reaffirming of the oldest convictions of women. One that they are indeed powerful and nothing will befall them that they will not allow; and that a womens love is enough to tbring the most cruel and savage of man to heel. A woman can love a man from tyrantical to loving and tamed. It also reasserts the theme that any and all women have complete control of their lives through their own inate strength.

    I will in the near future be writing a more in depth analysis of the main characters from a physcological point. So as I said, I did read the series from a rather differnet angle than your average bear.
  • As an avid reader i read all 3 in the series and enjoyed them all. It is obviously not a book for all tastes and I found it funny that someone was irritated with the references to her "inner goddess" , as I loved those parts. It added another dimention to her inner thoughts and lightened things up as did their text emails. It interested me as i was curious about why someone would be interested in S&M or submissive/dominant relationships and i think she very aptly gave us a peek into an alternative lifestyle. I do not think she was "setting women back" in any way nor was she trying to promote this lifestyle. I believe it was about a very damaged man and the woman who tried to love him, I did think it did contain a lot of sex but that was the purpose of"fifty shades of gray" as an erotic love story. finally I don't understand the reasoning behind giving an opinion about a book that you have admittedly not EVEN READ!I mean really!..The long and short of the whole thing is we are all different and thank GOD as things would be dull if we all thought the same. VIVA LA DIFFERANCE!
  • THANK YOU ...........stormtruck 2 ......... I agree wholeheartedly.!I guess I am different too :bigsmile: lol
  • mrsringor2011
    mrsringor2011 Posts: 40 Member
    How about reading this is you didnt care for fsog
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    i have not read them yet,but i am going to soon!
  • I admit to reading all three books because I just needed to see how this woman wound things up in her blatant rip off of the Twilight series. As I was reading it, I felt this sense of deja vu and now I know why. I read a very detailed comparison on Amazon where a reader really spelled out the similarities and I was amazed that the author was able to get away with just changing the names, taking out the vampire/werewolf parts, and adding in some truly bad BDSM. To each his own, but if you are going to write about an alternate lifestyle, at least research it and get at least some of it right! Also, the fact that she constantly used the same phrases over and over and over drove me mad. I felt like she was cutting and pasting all over the place. If I had to read ONE more time about how Christian "smirked" down at Anastasia, I was going to wipe the smirk off his face myself...

    Afterwards, I felt very pleased with myself that I only borrowed these from the library and didn't waste my money on them. :tongue:
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