


  • bmwauug
    bmwauug Posts: 54 Member
    I say have them jump right in - just remember to pace the fittest or they may never come back.
  • sister83
    sister83 Posts: 25 Member
    Just finished cardio power of week 3 day 5! I'd say my power jumps are getting better Yayyy!!
    Doing insanity burns so much calories that I find it hard to sometimes net my bmr let alone eating all of my exercise calories.

    @sren4th I think you should see what's the fitness level of your friend, if she's already fit then why not. But if she isn't too fit she might be too overwhelmed by the the workouts in month 2 which comes after the recovery week. I've watched the mth2 workouts, they look INSANE. Maybe have her try a few of the month 1 workouts to see how well can she cope.
  • AKartes11
    AKartes11 Posts: 30
    Hi guys!!! I had a nice weekend, yesterday's day off was exactly what I needed. I have been forcing mysellf to eat more because burning so many calories and not upping my intake has really taken a toll on my body, I have felt like a zombie with migraines for about 5 days now. But today I'm ready to get back into it!! Week 3 here I come!! Fit test today, we will see how far I've come! Wish me luck!
  • sren4th
    sren4th Posts: 23
    I say have them jump right in - just remember to pace the fittest or they may never come back.

    lol ok i did it but we started with week 2, she done her own pace and substitute bu the power jumps which is fine i think. thanks for the advise sir :flowerforyou:
  • RetaRose
    RetaRose Posts: 8 Member
    I did this with Hubby and dropped a bunch of weight but didn't tone up at all, so Im going to start over and hope this time I can tone. Its a hard work out but so worth it in the end
  • sren4th
    sren4th Posts: 23
    I did this with Hubby and dropped a bunch of weight but didn't tone up at all, so Im going to start over and hope this time I can tone. Its a hard work out but so worth it in the end

    :flowerforyou: Welcome Back to the insane peeps :laugh:
  • AKartes11
    AKartes11 Posts: 30
    Ughhhh, my muscles are soooo sore and the workouts are so much harder to do with a screaming baby... He is working on popping his second tooth and won't sleep for the life of me!!
  • sren4th
    sren4th Posts: 23
    Ughhhh, my muscles are soooo sore and the workouts are so much harder to do with a screaming baby... He is working on popping his second tooth and won't sleep for the life of me!!

    hang in there lady, you can do it !!!!!!!
  • sren4th
    sren4th Posts: 23
    Ok so tonight might be the last night me logging on, have insanity month 2 - Max Interval circuit awwwwwwwwwww -
    shouldn't have watched the video :sick:

    But my workout buddy ripped her toe nail off so she is out for a couple days/weeks so i am right on schedule. Oh and sorry I haven't posted pics yet can't find the darn cable for the camera :noway:
  • sren4th
    sren4th Posts: 23
    I survived but heck i gonna be sore tomorrow morning ;0) got to admit I took more than 30sec break they give you and needed for Max interval Circuit & fit test 100 minutes and only burned 556 calories, so not looking forward to tomorrows workout :embarassed:
    How is the rest of the "Team Insane" doing?
  • bmwauug
    bmwauug Posts: 54 Member
    Which protein shake??? I just got the shakeology in the mail yesterday but have yet to try it... I might try it later tonight. I suck at eating often only because I'm never really too hungry all the time :(

    I've been eating protein bars and have noticed a huge improvement...feel better, less sleepy. But, on the cardio recovery days I miss the energy that comes from getting my BPM up.
  • Dannib55
    Dannib55 Posts: 50
    I will be starting this Sat. Shaun T is coming to town and I will be working out with him and prob a few hundred people. I'm hoping that this will give me the motivation to continue with Insanity.
  • sren4th
    sren4th Posts: 23
    I will be starting this Sat. Shaun T is coming to town and I will be working out with him and prob a few hundred people. I'm hoping that this will give me the motivation to continue with Insanity.

    Welcome on board - the people here rock and always have an open ear if you feel like giving up
  • sren4th
    sren4th Posts: 23
    Which protein shake??? I just got the shakeology in the mail yesterday but have yet to try it... I might try it later tonight. I suck at eating often only because I'm never really too hungry all the time :(

    I've been eating protein bars and have noticed a huge improvement...feel better, less sleepy. But, on the cardio recovery days I miss the energy that comes from getting my BPM up.

    Hey bmwauug, what kind of bars are you eating? Looking forsomething besides the shakes just to switch it up a little.
  • bmwauug
    bmwauug Posts: 54 Member
    I'm eating the pure protein bars from costco....

    I also eat lean beef jerky for some solid protein (low fat)
  • clang1
    clang1 Posts: 44 Member
    Hey Everyone! I'm new to the group and last night I completed Day 58 of Insanity! I'm so close to the end and I need encouragement to finish! I must say that knowing there's only 5 days left is already motivating but I also wanted to find a place where people are supporting each other with this. I've seen great improvements in my body, strength and stamina during this process. No weight loss but I've lost some inches and definitely toned my body.

    Happy Thursday everyone and I'm excited about being part of this group!
  • RetaRose
    RetaRose Posts: 8 Member
    Keep at it clang1!!! You have come so far, no way do you want to give up now!!
  • RetaRose
    RetaRose Posts: 8 Member
    sren4th it is a hard but awesome work out. The results are great!!!!
  • RetaRose
    RetaRose Posts: 8 Member
    Im excited I have reached my goal wieght!! Now I have to try and stay where im at!! I keep telling myself its okay you can treat yourself now, but I know if im not careful I'll be right back to where I was before
  • clang1
    clang1 Posts: 44 Member
    Congrats on reaching your goal weight LDeFran!! Personally I was a bit frustrated with the fact that the scale is not showing my results the way the mirror is. I used to weigh myself once a week but since the second week into Insanity I decided that the scale didn't matter. I know I look better and feel better and I KNOW that the same area of muscle weighs more than the same area of fat!

    Dig Deeper everyone!!