weigh in on menopause



  • campdawson
    campdawson Posts: 69 Member
    I am 54 and have been completely menopausal since 2008 and know well the weight gain and symptoms that accompany that milestone. Before that time I had an occasional hot flash, but since then they have been incessant, especially ay night. I have fans strategically placed around my home to combat the flashes. Learning to live with this has been the biggest battle as I am not on any prescribed medication but have been taking Estroven for about two years now. I also have acupuncture treatments twice a month for the past year for my symptoms, which helps more mentally because the hot flashes continue but I have peace of mind. I have been exercising faithfully for the past 3 years and have only managed to maintain my weight, none lost. I have gained about 40 pounds with the onset of menopause and remain active to ward off anymore unwanted pounds. This is the first time I have kept a food diary and it is my hope that this type of accountability finally breaks the cycle of the bulge.
  • queenbea77
    queenbea77 Posts: 404 Member
    I'm 53 and am having serious hot flashes! OH my! I've been having them on and off for the past year or so and have missed TOM occasionally. It seems when I don't get TOM I'm having hot flashes and when I have TOM I don't get the hot flashes - is this what's happening to everyone else? I gained weight over the past 18 years - I can't blame it all on pre-menopause. I think a lot of it was just over eating and not realizing my metabolism was slowing down too. I've been with MFP for almost a month and have lost 2 lbs. Not as much as I'd hoped but at least it's something. I just can't picture gaining another 20+ lbs. over the next few years until I am through these hot flashes and in menopause. I've just gone down a size in my jeans and I don't want to have to dig out the larger ones again!
  • krishamisha
    krishamisha Posts: 19 Member
    Hi everyone

    its good reading all your stories and knowing that you're not alone in the menopause weight gain. My bouts of hot flushes come and go (weeks or months at a time) however I have learned that whilst I can't always loose weight when they come; I can at least not gain weight by tracking my calories. (when the flushes first started i twice gained 5 kilos in what seemed like a week).

    Using MFP when they come is my weight gain prevention tool.

    My tips are 1 Planning - plan you meals day or week before so you don't get caught out (at least until your mind switches over to your new lower calorie way of eating) and 2 Never give up. If you miss a day; a week or a month; don't worry still come back and start again.

    I've been here for a year now; on and off; my progress is slow (because of that) but its still progress. I was slowed by a shoulder injury and i started exercising again and my knees hurt LOL. Low Impact for me then...

    Starting to loose again so feeling optimistic :-)

    ps - feel free to add me as a friend
  • queenbea77
    queenbea77 Posts: 404 Member
    Hi everyone

    its good reading all your stories and knowing that you're not alone in the menopause weight gain. My bouts of hot flushes come and go (weeks or months at a time) however I have learned that whilst I can't always loose weight when they come; I can at least not gain weight by tracking my calories. (when the flushes first started i twice gained 5 kilos in what seemed like a week).

    Using MFP when they come is my weight gain prevention tool.

    My tips are 1 Planning - plan you meals day or week before so you don't get caught out (at least until your mind switches over to your new lower calorie way of eating) and 2 Never give up. If you miss a day; a week or a month; don't worry still come back and start again.

    I've been here for a year now; on and off; my progress is slow (because of that) but its still progress. I was slowed by a shoulder injury and i started exercising again and my knees hurt LOL. Low Impact for me then...

    Starting to loose again so feeling optimistic :-)

    ps - feel free to add me as a friend

    I couldn't agree more that a big part is the planning. I have hard boiled eggs, baby bel cheese & fruit at the office so I can grab them as a quick snack if I'm in a pinch. I think I read that it takes about a month to make something a habit and I wouldn't be surprised. I know when I talk to new people at the gym many of them say "just getting there is just as much of a battle as the workout". I know when I take time off it can be difficult to get back into the routine.
  • frugalafterfifty
    frugalafterfifty Posts: 240 Member
    Glad to find this group. I'm 52 and don't know whether it is the menopause or thyroid that is making me gain weight like crazy. I don't like medications or doctors so I'm trying to about this the all natural way first to see if I can get it under control with healthy eating and exercise. I did buy some natural things at the health food store I'm trying. If things don't work out in about 60 days I'll go to the doctor. (yuk)

    I'm trying to eat well and track on MFP. Just also started doing Callanetics again and walking at lunch at work. Please feel free to friend me - it helps keep me on track too.

    I try to pack my lunch so there is no incentive to buy. It's also cheaper.

    Does anyone take coconut oil for any health benefits?
  • pattidutton
    So glad I found this group!

    I'm having the HARDEST time losing even the smallest amount of weight, even though I'm tracking my calories and exercising like a fiend (90 minutes of karate class 4 times a week - I'm a black belt).

    Any suggestions?
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    Just read that sage helps with hot flashes. You can drink it as a tea, use it as a spice or for a stronger effect take it as a dietary supplement like a liquid herbal extral. I plan to give this a try