Level 1



  • JustACaJen
    JustACaJen Posts: 83 Member
    Now, level 2. That one scares me. Last time, I only did it for 1 day and came up with some excuse not to do it again. So this time I am using you ladies as my excuse TO do it. I hardly post on the discussion board and the majority of you are not on my friends list - so I have no idea why that excuse is working, but so far - it is. Today will be "easy" - I will celebrate finishing level 1. But Wednesday... someone help me on Wednesday....


    I'm at D05L02.
    During L01 i only take 1 day rest, as my arms were sored.
    L02 is not hard...is harder and different than L01, but it's possible to do it without stoping.
    If you strugle with the weights, go buy some lightier...I had to.
    I used 3.3lbs weights all L01
    Now, I use them almost all the L02, except for the V lifting, where I have to use 2.2lbs.

    For comparison:
    I did all L01 like Natalie, except for the pushups.
    L02 is harder for the legs and shoulders 'cause of planks and the squats ...OMG...first 3 days i did it like Anita, now i'm doing half like Anita and other half like Natalie and my butt and calfs hurts.

    NSV: At half of L02 I already lost as much inches as in the entire L01!!! Grand total until now: 6.3inches (16cm)

    If i can do it, you also can!!!!

    Kisses to you all,

    Yeah, I have been using 5lb weights for 1 and from what I can remember, I probably need to plan for getting some lighter ones for level two....
  • nomayo
    nomayo Posts: 228
    Today was D9 in L1. I took a break this weekend since I wasn't going to be around. I felt weird all Saturday, like I was missing something. I'm getting better with the push ups. Today I didn't take any breaks while doing the begginer push ups. YAY!

    One question: When you are done with the 30DS, are you planning in doing it again or a different DVD? Please, share.
  • Tatyanne
    Tatyanne Posts: 471 Member
    One question: When you are done with the 30DS, are you planning in doing it again or a different DVD? Please, share.


    Yes, I'm planing to do Ripped in 30, and after that maybe 6 week 6 Pack. I also want to run 5K every other day, so I think I'll have to switch between Jillian DVD's and running.

    During the week I don't have much time to exercise (40min max), so those DVD's are good 'cause they don't take to long.
    April and May are raining months in Portugal, so I guess if it's rainning I do DVD, if not, I go out to run.

    What are your plans?

  • wvtracyann
    wvtracyann Posts: 95 Member
    I just completed day 6 last night and am bearly sore this morning I even had energy to do a little Zumba after it this time. I did days 1-5 straight then took off sat and sun then started back again this week. I was worried that my body would "forget" everything since I took off two days but I think that is what it needed because I was getting so stiff I couldnt' hardly move uggggg
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    Yesterday was L1D5. Today was cardio for me. Tomorrow is D6. I know I'm losing inches, but I haven't taken official measurements. Maybe I will before I switch to L2.

    Question: When did you switch to L2? After the 10 days was up, or after you could get through all of L1 without taking a break?
  • nichole325
    nichole325 Posts: 244 Member
    Today will be Day 8 of Level 1. I took Easter off. I've been mixing 30DS with an hour of cardio 5 days/week.
  • Tatyanne
    Tatyanne Posts: 471 Member

    I love Jillian DVD's :bigsmile:
    She make us work hard and i thank her for it.

    I never needed a break doing L01. I did it all, 10 days with no rest days. After first day, my goal for L01 was to do the exercises like Natalie (advanced option). I started doing every exercises like Anita and ended only doing the pushups like Anita. All the other exercises I did like Natalie.
    Question: When did you switch to L2? After the 10 days was up, or after you could get through all of L1 without taking a break?

    You should switch when you think it's time.
    You can try L02 and go back to L01 again if you think it's to much, but my advice is, go to L02 when you don't need to have a break at L01, 'cause L02 is harder then L01.

    Fell free to add me as friend.

  • nomayo
    nomayo Posts: 228
    Thanks for answer me. I've been buying more JM DVD, right now I also have the killer buns and thighs, and the 6 week six pack, but I would like to get all. I probably will end up doing the Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism after 30DS, or the Ripped in 30. I'm buying her DVDs, watch them before start so I can decide what to do next. 30DS is the only thing I am doing right now. I wish I started with JM before, she is awesome.

    Saudações do Texas todo o caminho para Portugal.
  • lauranell79
    lauranell79 Posts: 31 Member
    I have been doing the shred L1 for almost a month...got a sore ankle and had to stop. I was upset b/c i wasn't losing anything .. .my clothes don't even feel lose :( so i switched from 1lb weights to 3 lbs and am hoping this helps. i'm also going to add in 3 days of cardio for 30 minutes. i still struggle with L1 so i'm not sure i'm ready for L2 yet. i'm hoping the extra weights and cardio help. i'm ready to see results :) fitness pal has my calorie intake at 1400. i think that might be too much. any thoughts or suggestions would be great!
  • nomayo
    nomayo Posts: 228
    I'm on D10 L1, I will do L2 tomorrow, let's see if I can finish it!
  • Ttopeka
    Ttopeka Posts: 151 Member
    I'm on D10 L1, I will do L2 tomorrow, let's see if I can finish it!

    Same here, I just finished L1 D10! Not looking forward to tomorrow but I'm happy to be 1/3 done with this at least!
  • nomayo
    nomayo Posts: 228
    I'm on D10 L1, I will do L2 tomorrow, let's see if I can finish it!

    Same here, I just finished L1 D10! Not looking forward to tomorrow but I'm happy to be 1/3 done with this at least!

    Haha, me too. Thank God we're 1/3 done. I like your avatar a lot. I love cats.
  • nichole325
    nichole325 Posts: 244 Member
    For those on Level 2...is it easier on ur knees? I'm so over all these lunges!
  • Daydreams406
    Daydreams406 Posts: 249 Member
    Hi! I am new and just did L1D1 today.
    Not as tough as I was expecting but a very good workout.
    I struggle with the pushups because my upper body strength is crap lol, but other than that I did pretty well.
    I was even able to follow the one chick who does the more advanced moves. Not the whole time but for at least half.
    I finished a lot stronger than how I started.
    I think it has to do with my breathing. Once I get it under control, and I work through the initial burn and that feeling like your are completely out of breath and have to stop...then its like something just kicks in and I can do it.
    By the end, with those bicycle sit ups, I was ready to be done, glad the cool down was after that lol.

    I have been doing my own strength training, so I think that helped a lot. I do squats on my own so my legs are a lot stronger than my upper body. Plus I try the lunges as well because they are good for your legs so I was prepared for them.

    I think I will be ready for level 2 after the 10 days. I would like to see my endurance get better.

    I like it though! :)
  • Daydreams406
    Daydreams406 Posts: 249 Member
    I have been doing the shred L1 for almost a month...got a sore ankle and had to stop. I was upset b/c i wasn't losing anything .. .my clothes don't even feel lose :( so i switched from 1lb weights to 3 lbs and am hoping this helps. i'm also going to add in 3 days of cardio for 30 minutes. i still struggle with L1 so i'm not sure i'm ready for L2 yet. i'm hoping the extra weights and cardio help. i'm ready to see results :) fitness pal has my calorie intake at 1400. i think that might be too much. any thoughts or suggestions would be great!

    I know you probably won't want to hear this, but I think you might need to up your calorie intake. I know not everyone agrees to that. But a lot of people see changes when they do so. I know for myself, I lose better with more calories. I am at 1640 for calorie intake. Lately I am always under by at least 150 or so, but thats okay. YOu don't have to eat exactly that number. Plus with the exercise calories, I do try to eat them back but when my day ends I am where I am. I don't ever feel hungry though, so that is a plus. There is heavy debate on that though so you do whatever you think is right for you.
  • angng
    angng Posts: 137 Member
    I find level 1 really easy EXCEPT for the side lunge with anterior raises and the pushups. My arms are just SO weak. I'm using 3 lb weights and I don't know if I should just use lighter weights until I can do them.

    Also, do people skip back and forth between levels? (Like. . .once I'm stronger, doing level 1 with heavier weights might be a good idea?).
  • Lilith47
    Lilith47 Posts: 52 Member
    I'm switching it up with other workouts, pilates, dance, soon I'll start running... I don't want to overdo it and die ;) It gets easier already with 3rd time! It'll take me longer to do 10 days of level 1 but I don't want to do the same things for consequent 10 days, switching it up is more fun!
  • Daydreams406
    Daydreams406 Posts: 249 Member
    I have been walking, and just started to walk/run. It has been many years since I have ran. I will do that on off days. Maybe I will add it to a 30ds day if I feel up to it, once I get stronger. I think I will keep using weights on my upper body as well too because my arms are so weak that I have a really difficult time with the pushups.
    I am thinking of doing the 2 days 30ds, one off for other exercise, then 2 30ds, and one off for other, then one rest day. At least that is my plan, and I am hoping I can stick to it lol.
  • lauranell79
    lauranell79 Posts: 31 Member
    I have been doing the shred L1 for almost a month...got a sore ankle and had to stop. I was upset b/c i wasn't losing anything .. .my clothes don't even feel lose :( so i switched from 1lb weights to 3 lbs and am hoping this helps. i'm also going to add in 3 days of cardio for 30 minutes. i still struggle with L1 so i'm not sure i'm ready for L2 yet. i'm hoping the extra weights and cardio help. i'm ready to see results :) fitness pal has my calorie intake at 1400. i think that might be too much. any thoughts or suggestions would be great!

    I know you probably won't want to hear this, but I think you might need to up your calorie intake. I know not everyone agrees to that. But a lot of people see changes when they do so. I know for myself, I lose better with more calories. I am at 1640 for calorie intake. Lately I am always under by at least 150 or so, but thats okay. YOu don't have to eat exactly that number. Plus with the exercise calories, I do try to eat them back but when my day ends I am where I am. I don't ever feel hungry though, so that is a plus. There is heavy debate on that though so you do whatever you think is right for you.

    Thank you... I have been wondering if that was part of the problem. I've always heard the more you work out especially with cardio the more you need to eat and I have been doing the opposite. So i'm going to try it... at least on the days I do 30DS and cardio! Thanks!!
  • newve
    newve Posts: 82 Member
    How long are we supposed to stay on Level 1? I started 30 day shred on yesterday and attempted Level 2 but my 7 month old woke up.