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Introduce Yourself!

MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
WOW! 50 members as of March 22, awesome!! So, I thought we may as well get to know one another a little bit since we'll be embarking on this 30DS adventure together!

I have to leave for the baby's doctor appointment momentarily, so no time to write my intro now. I shall return later to introduce myself. In the meantime, let us know a little about you!


  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    Hello! I'm Erin from Green Bay, WI. I have about 30 lbs to lose and am definately looking forward to this challenge. I'm 34 yrs old (35 in June) and have a almost 6 yr old son and a 3 yr old daughter and I work full time. So...I don't get much time to exercise! The 20 minute workout is what really drew me to the 30DS DVD. Plus, I've heard so many great things about 30DS, I had to see for myself!
  • MandyMcAwesome
    MandyMcAwesome Posts: 109 Member
    Mandy in Houston here. I have, err, a lot to loose but I thought 30DS would be a great way to mix it up. I am married with 2 dogs. I recently told my husband that I get hit on by a guy at the gym named Devon. It's a lie. But he now goes to the gym with me and his cholesterolis down. Go me.

    I read an earlier post that it is best to do 2 days 30DS, 1 day cardio, 2 days 30DS, 1 day cardio and then rest. So, being the geek I am, I made a color coded calendar. I am really excited to start!!
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    Mandy...I just did the same thing! LOL So if you and I are both going to follow that schedule our "30 days" should end around May 21. And I love that it works out that our "off" day is on Saturdays! :)
  • aknapp8
    aknapp8 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm Alexis from NC. I'm so excited about this challenge! I'm new to MFP- have done weight watchers in the past with mixed success, but never tried just calorie counting. I love that this site has a mobile app and also that it can connect with my FitBit. I have had the 30 Day Shred DVD for about a month now but I've only done level 1 twice. I'm excited about being part of a challenge and having a little extra motivation to stick with it. I plan on doing 6 days a week and taking 1 days off to rest.
  • Alacey88
    Alacey88 Posts: 486 Member
    I'm Alexis from NC. I'm so excited about this challenge! I'm new to MFP- have done weight watchers in the past with mixed success, but never tried just calorie counting.

    Hi!!! I am Alacey88 and I have been on WW for about 3 years and had succes before they changed thier meal plans.... but mainly quit because the host was talking about emotional eating way too much to the point where everytime I heard those two words--I want to eat.... Anyhoo I have been on here about 10 months just trying to maintain my weight as well losing during the school time.

    I am a Senior majoring in IS at UNR. I want to maintain during school time and lose during the breaks. I had the 30DS for a few months but done level 1 for 7 days but I also work out at the gym at least 3x a week and bowl on a league 1x week (ending in two weeks).

    I rather have a tone body then losing weight. Hopefully this time I will stick to the plan that I have developed for myself.
  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    hi - hope im not to late!
    my name is claire im from devon in england and really want to start the 30ds again - i tried it a while back but had noone to kick my backside for me!! lol. i hope you will all do this. any way i currently weigh in at 85.3 kgs and have been at a bit of a stalemate recently. this should give me the push i need.

    good luck everyone!!

  • Hi my name is Michelle I'm 33 years (today) I live in NJ and started 30 day shred back in October dropped off of it during our Christmas vacation and have struggled to get back into the routine. Hopefully this will change! So far i've already done 2 days of JM 30 day shred. I have a target date of May21 to loose at least 15lbs. I plan on doing JM 5 days a week alternating with days of cardio and strength and 1 day off (typically Sunday) where I do more leisurely workouts...(i.e. stroll with family in park etc)

    Question:- I find that the strength exercise in circuit 3 of workout 1 is very difficult to do...anyone else feel like that? (this is the one where you sort of squating to the side and lifting your arms to eye level).

    Or have tips on how to be better at it?
  • Karelle92
    Karelle92 Posts: 25
    Hi, my name's Karelle and I'm from Canada. I'm french so I'm sorry in advance if my english is not perfect. I'm turning 20 soon and I would like to lose around 30lbs by the end of the summer, or maybe lose less and tone-up a bit. I broke my wrist 2 years ago and sometimes it gets really sore, so I don't know if I will be able to do alot of push ups :/ Despite my wrist problem, I am really looking forward to start 30DS. I've never tried a fitness dvd before, I hope I'll like it because I also got 2 other dvd's from Jillian!
  • ang2803
    ang2803 Posts: 39
    Hi I'm Angela! I just had a baby in January and I was on a weight loss journey before I got pregnant. So I am resuming my journey down to 150 pounds or less. That's a little less than 100 lbs. I lost 90 before so I know I can do it :)
  • MommyofLily
    MommyofLily Posts: 149 Member
    Hi group! My name is Rachel. I'm 28, fairly new mom (my daughter is 10 months old). I sit at a desk for my job (engineer).

    I had lost about 50 lbs before my wedding in Aug 2010. Then I got pregnant 2 weeks after the wedding and gained a total of ~35 lbs... I'm getting close to being back to my wedding weight, but have about 9 lbs or so left to go. Then I want to continue losing another ~40 lbs or so to get to my goal weight (healthy BMI range).

    I did 30DS before my wedding. I didn't do it consistently, but probably did a combination of Level 1 and Level 2 around 30 times in the 2.5-3 months before my wedding along with walking and yoga. It definitely gets results!! I look back at pictures from when I was the same weight I am now and I had a totally different body in terms of toning and muscle. I'm so excited to be a part of this group. I plan to start doing the video tomorrow or Friday.

    Feel free to add me on here if you like. :)
  • MommyofLily
    MommyofLily Posts: 149 Member
    Mandy in Houston here. I have, err, a lot to loose but I thought 30DS would be a great way to mix it up. I am married with 2 dogs. I recently told my husband that I get hit on by a guy at the gym named Devon. It's a lie. But he now goes to the gym with me and his cholesterolis down. Go me.

    Hahaha brilliant idea on getting your hubby to go with you!!!
  • Hi! My name is Jennifer, I'm turning 23 on the 29th, and I'm from a tiinnnyy place called Wakefield, MI. I only want to lose about 10lbs, I am 5'10" and currently at 172lbs. I did 30DS for about 2 1/2 weeks in January and I was doing really well, then I just gave up, I dont know what happened, but I'm ready to get back on track!!
  • tamaraingold
    tamaraingold Posts: 2 Member
    My name is Tamara and I am 43 (44 in June YIKES!) I live in Concord, NC. I have started and stopped diets so many times! I really need to stick with it this time and loose about 40 pounds. I want to feel good about myself and be able to keep up with a very active 3 year old :)
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    I finally made it back. What a day! Anyhow, thank you ALL for introducing yourselves, I'm so happy to meet all of you and I'm really excited to start this adventure together I plan to start 30DS with my husband on April 1st, probably going to do it 4-5 times a week, and adding in some jogging on the "off" days.

    I'm Chandra. I'm 32, married with two boys. My eldest turns 8 next month and my youngest will be 6 weeks old on Monday. Before I got pregnant with my youngest, I'd lost approximately 50lbs, and was around 20lbs away from my goal weight. I gained around 32lbs while pregnant, and I should get the clearance to get back into more "hardcore" working out at my six-week appointment on Tuesday. I completed half of JM's Yoga Meltdown yesterday, and boy do I feel it today!

    Thank you ALL for joining me on this workout program -- let's keep each other motivated and accountable. We can do this!!
  • JenW0217
    JenW0217 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Everyone; my name is Jen. I'm 31 yrs old from PA. I have two boys (oldest just turned 8 and youngest w/ be 3 in May). I have a lot to lose... like another 80+ lbs. I've heard tons of great things about 30DS and I'm excited to start!! I just joined MFP in Feb so if you would like to add me please do. I can use all the motiviation and encouragement I can get!! We can do this!!
  • jnels
    jnels Posts: 28 Member
    Hi Group!
    I'm Jessica, 33yrs old, I'm 5'2 and started at 135, but now I'm 128 and I live in Texas! I have two boys 6 1/2 and 2 1/2. I started 30 DS on March the 10th. I don't do it everynight, busy mom of 2 who works full time. But last night was my 6th time doing level 1. Physically I've always been able to eat without consequence BUT since I turned 30 I've noticed that it all goes to my thighs--can you say SADDLEBAGS!!! Oh, and don't get me started on my inner thighs touching:sad:

    My goal is to lose 15 lbs, maybe 20. I just have to see when I get to 15. I dont want to look unhealthy. As of this week I'm down 8lbs! But more importantly I want to tone and firm. Last year I was really self conscions about wearing shorts, when did all these dimples come about?! So I made a promise that this year would be diffferent. The first thing I did was give up Dr. Peppers, which was really hard---I'm addicited! Well, I was! I never drank water, maybe once a month I would drink it but I hated it so it was coffee, tea, and soda only for me. I started my new challange mid January and I'm quite proud so far. I actually like drinking water now, I feel better and I dont have as many headaches. Plus working out has given me some much needed energy.

    Oh dear, didnt mean to write so much! Glad to meet everyone and really glad to have some support and motivation :bigsmile:
  • dr00
    dr00 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm Drew! I'm 19 years old, I live in Ohio and I'm 5'9 and around 180 pounds right now. I'm hoping to get down to 150 and then go from there. I'm on day 4 of the 30 day shred and I love it so far! My favorite thing I've noticed so far is how much more stamina I have now. During the first day I was sweating and panting, and wanted to give up after only a short while but now I fly through it!
  • jansari2
    jansari2 Posts: 15
    Hi. I'm Jawaria,stay at home mum of 3(8, 5, 2). I need to lose 15 pounds to be at my ideal weight. I am 32 and until last year could stuff an entire pizza and just walking 4 days kept me in shape...and then one day I woke up almost 30 pounds heavier. Curse of the 30s?! I'm hoping this motivates me to get in shape, tone up and lose those 15 pounds. I firm 33 in may so hoping I can be in much better shape for my birthday!
  • JustACaJen
    JustACaJen Posts: 83 Member
    Hello! I am Jen. I live in the Dallas, Texas area and I have been on MFP (active) since January 9th. As of this morning, I am down 20.2 lbs and I have about another 38 to go. I am 6'2" with a goal weight of 170. I started 30DS in February and took about 3 weeks to get through level 1 (I was mixing in cardio only days and rest days). I did 1 day of level 2 and then I put it aside and just started focusing on cardio again. I am a calorie burning addict and I just liked seeing the higher numbers. The problem is, I never eat back enough of those calories and I think I am just hindering myself. So I am committing to the 30DS this time and then once I am done with that, I am going to start the weight lifting routine in New Rules of Lifting for Women. It's time to take the next step in my lifestyle change!!

    I am going to start another thread today about what everyone's 30DS schedule looks like because I am thinking of attacking it slightly differently this time. check it out and let me know what you think! I look forward to seeing us all Shred away some inches in April!
  • heyhaleylee
    heyhaleylee Posts: 31 Member
    I'm Haley from Tuscaloosa. I go to the University of Alabama, and I'm and education major. I want to lose about 30 pounds, and I'm excited to try the 30 DS. I didn't make it to level 2 last time I tried, but it's happening this time!