Wanting to see if I am doing this right..



  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    something said earlier reminded me of a mantra i heard constantly in another totally unrelated program (not a weight loss or fitness program). it totally fits here.

    it's a marathon, not a sprint.

    when adjustments were made in that program, you could get awesome positive results or you could find yourself weathering a storm like you've never seen. you HAD to think long-term, remain flexible and be willing to ride out the bad.

    same thing here so it seems. (i'm new here, so i do not claim any great knowledge. just my impression so far.)

    That's it exactly. The problem is with most of us is that we want everything right now and are willing to cause damage for the temporary results. Albeit, unknowingly at times because even some drs, shows, writings will lead you astray with the whole eat less and workout more concept. This is a slow, rewarding and gratifying process. The happiest day for me was realizing I didn't have to constantly deprive myself of everything to meet unrealistic calorie goals...the guilt was removed from eating pleasurable things in moderation...now I enjoy my food and don't care to overindulge...it is a different llifestyle.
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    You dont know how much your support means to me. Especially when I get flack from others about having to eat so much.
    I did check this morning for my trending report, and I was down 1.6 pounds from yesterday. So the scale was showing my almost back to where I was 4 weeks ago.. Lets hope that trend continues for my week:)
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    You dont know how much your support means to me. Especially when I get flack from others about having to eat so much.
    I did check this morning for my trending report, and I was down 1.6 pounds from yesterday. So the scale was showing my almost back to where I was 4 weeks ago.. Lets hope that trend continues for my week:)

    YESSSSSSS! GIRL I AM SO GLAD YOU STUCK WITH IT...I was concerned we were going to lose you...it does work..everyone's body is so different...but the science holds true none the less...just different time frames...but in the end...in the end....girl I could do a jig for you right now! Yes, keep tracking...a downward drop means you are trending down...you will start to see new lows as the weeks go by, but you will go up too...water weight fluctuations, food weight, fecal matter, lifting weight...they are all contributing factors to spikes....just hold on lady, hold on...don't remember if I told you...make sure to try and eat 1gr of protein per pound of bodyweight...I know it seems a lot, but your muscles need it...:-) YAY AYA YAYA YAA doing the happy dance...
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Good god.. 236 g of Protein? Im struggling to get my 30%!! :)
    I am working on it.. Im trying to find a protein powder(?) to try out, but I dont know much about those..
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Good god.. 236 g of Protein? Im struggling to get my 30%!! :)
    I am working on it.. Im trying to find a protein powder(?) to try out, but I dont know much about those..

    236 that decrease as you lose...sweet!

    I use Jillian Micheals whe and it is cheap and all natural. But my fav is a bit more expensive dr. Mercola pure protein power. Or go on www.vitacost.com and see about getting a natural one with a higher protein and caloric count.
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Ill take a look:)
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Checked the scale again this morning and I was down almost 3 pounds from what I was on Wed:)
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    Checked the scale again this morning and I was down almost 3 pounds from what I was on Wed:)

    Nice work !!:drinker:
  • Jen8np
    Jen8np Posts: 50 Member
    Checked the scale again this morning and I was down almost 3 pounds from what I was on Wed:)

    I have been following this and congratulations!!! I am still struggling with this as well. Feel like I should be suffering to lose weight. I left WW for mfp. I am still working on repairing my metabolism. I have less to lose, about 12-15 to goal, but believe me the struggle mentally and physically is just as frustruating. The bonus for u is that u educated yourself, had to listen to BS and negativity from others and had to have lots of patience but u trusted the system and it worked!!! I finally lost the 3lbs I had gained from increasing cals the last 3 weeks. However I am back up 2 again today. Trying not to stress. I am recording daily on an excel sheet and watching my trends and when I see that I realize I am still better than I was months ago. We humans want quick fixes so bad. I actually had a break down a few weeks ago and felt so dumb when I realized how little time had passed. I feel like we expect a 1lb weight loss a day. We are aiming for 0.5lb loss per week to keep our muscles and brain fed and that's only 2lbs per month!! If u factor in TOM and normal fluxuations this is a LONGGGGGG process. The best part is one day u will be fit and sexy as hell and your starvin Marvin friend will most likely be binging and back up in weight or if not she will have saggy lose skin. She will be watching every little calorie while u will be toned and lean and can easily eat that pizza or cookie cuz your metabolism will have your back. So long run has to be all of our focus. Do your thing, ignore others and be damn proud of yourself!

    Sometimes I really need to step back and look at the big picture. It's about how u look not just all about the scale. I would much rather look like the Lucia at 154 than some people same height at 130 and saggy skin. Your probably a million times healthier than u were a year ago, safe to say right? Well that means in time it WILL come off. Maybe not lightening speed but oh well. If this is for the rest of our life what is the rush?? Also, how great is it not to be starving and feeling deprived anymore? I love never feeling hungry and I told myself even if I never lose another pound then it's totally worth it because at least I have every and feel strong finally!

    Be proud of yourself you are doing amazing!! Feel free to friend me, I would love a smart tough gal to add to my friend list who is in the same journey as me :)
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Checked the scale again this morning and I was down almost 3 pounds from what I was on Wed:)

    I have been following this and congratulations!!! I am still struggling with this as well. Feel like I should be suffering to lose weight. I left WW for mfp. I am still working on repairing my metabolism. I have less to lose, about 12-15 to goal, but believe me the struggle mentally and physically is just as frustruating. The bonus for u is that u educated yourself, had to listen to BS and negativity from others and had to have lots of patience but u trusted the system and it worked!!! I finally lost the 3lbs I had gained from increasing cals the last 3 weeks. However I am back up 2 again today. Trying not to stress. I am recording daily on an excel sheet and watching my trends and when I see that I realize I am still better than I was months ago. We humans want quick fixes so bad. I actually had a break down a few weeks ago and felt so dumb when I realized how little time had passed. I feel like we expect a 1lb weight loss a day. We are aiming for 0.5lb loss per week to keep our muscles and brain fed and that's only 2lbs per month!! If u factor in TOM and normal fluxuations this is a LONGGGGGG process. The best part is one day u will be fit and sexy as hell and your starvin Marvin friend will most likely be binging and back up in weight or if not she will have saggy lose skin. She will be watching every little calorie while u will be toned and lean and can easily eat that pizza or cookie cuz your metabolism will have your back. So long run has to be all of our focus. Do your thing, ignore others and be damn proud of yourself!

    Sometimes I really need to step back and look at the big picture. It's about how u look not just all about the scale. I would much rather look like the Lucia at 154 than some people same height at 130 and saggy skin. Your probably a million times healthier than u were a year ago, safe to say right? Well that means in time it WILL come off. Maybe not lightening speed but oh well. If this is for the rest of our life what is the rush?? Also, how great is it not to be starving and feeling deprived anymore? I love never feeling hungry and I told myself even if I never lose another pound then it's totally worth it because at least I have every and feel strong finally!

    Be proud of yourself you are doing amazing!! Feel free to friend me, I would love a smart tough gal to add to my friend list who is in the same journey as me :)

    Wow, you just said a mouthful! I so agree with you...I could never go back to eating even 1500 calories much less 1200. I am soooo thankful for the thread I ran across that confirmed what I was thinking. I knew something just wasn't right...you shouldn't have to starve and then on top of that STILL not lose...man...I thank God because I truly did pray and ask God to show me what I am doing wrong and He did just that...

    Lady, you said a mouthful of exactly what is in my heart!
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Thanks for the support:) I was definitely nice to see this morning, and I hope things continue on:)

    Side note... ive been trying to get on that Hackdiet site to record my trend but it tells me my username and password dont work. i even tried a brand new account and even that would tell me i had the wrong password.. anyone else having trouble?