Chris' (Gerbies) 90-day journey with JM...



  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    My first two weeks back...doing workouts 5/6...are DONE! Woooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooo!!!! Feeling great and strong, which I love. I still have some nagging shoulder/neck pain, but I've had that for some time, so I'll continue to work through it. I won't be weighing myself this morning as thought; I forgot to do so before my workout and now I've worked out and drank almost a liter of water. I'll just weigh myself when we get from vacation. Lookign forward to vacation, though I will need to do some work while we're away. Luckily, I get up early and my son naps, so I should be able to get a few hours a day to work on some projects (including my workouts). Plus my in-laws are coming for a few days as well, so that's more childcare for my son :). I'll keep everyone posted as to what my workouts looked like without weights, but using workouts 5,6,7 & 8 as inspiration.
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    First day of vacation (well actually part of yesterday, but today's the first official day. Overall, yesterday was solid. I ate more calories than usual, but I'm ok with that, since I was moving towards taking in more calories. My choices were solid and I even woke up hungry this morning! Although I think part of that is being a bit dehydrated. Today is an off day for workouts and I will take it! I feel very sore today. I' m not sure if that's because of the workouts or sleeping in a less comfortable bed last night (and having a restless night). No matter....we will probably go to the beach today and I will be active with my son, who ia VERY active 2 1/2 year-old little boy. My goal for today's food is to eat "in" all day and stick to my usual menu (protein shake for breakfast, Greek yogurt with banana and Kashi cereal for lunch). I will continue to log, no matter what! Tomorrow, I start my own version of Jillian's workouts, so I'm looking forward to those...
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    Doing well on vacation! I completed my first workout away from home, without the video. Luckily, in the beach home we're renting, I found a few weights in the basement: a set of 3s, one 5 or 8 lb (not marked) and one 10 lb. I was able to do workout 5 without the video. I actually did the moves longer than 30 seconds most of the time, as I just counted out a certain number of reps. I tried to pay attention when I completed 5 & 6 last week to the number of reps. I found that the majority of time, I completed exercises for 45 seconds and sometimes a minute. From start to finish, I did the workout in about 45 minutes (10 minutes longer than the video). I was SO sweaty...which is awesome! Can't wait to do workout 6 tomorrow...just me and my ipod in the basement. Eating, overall, is solid. I'm trying to avoid going out to eat and have told my husband I will not go out more than one time a day and would prefer to only go out a few times while we're away. We bought a bunch of healthy groceries, so I hope that will help. It's tough when you have a husband who's chomping at the bit to go out...he's not really in "healthy" mode right now. I hope the rest of the week goes well...
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    Another vacation workout! Did workout 6 with modifications (plank arm pullbacks with a single weight!) but I did it and had a great workout. Again, it took me longer (about 44 minutes) but it felt great. Tomorrow, I will jog for my cardio down to the beach and along the coastline...I'm looking forward to that!
  • aprrae
    aprrae Posts: 172 Member
    You are doing great on vacation!! I'm sure it's hard to be on track when others around you are in vacation mode, but stick with it. You will feel so great coming back from vacation knowing that you've maintained your healthy targets. Have fun!!
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    I ran this morning. While it was a good workout, it was less effort than I anticipated. Cardiovascularly, I could easily handle my somewhat slow pace (I did use muscles I do not normally use)'. I ran just under 2 1/2 miles. I felt great! Great way to start the day!
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    I'm back from vacation and I would rate the health level of my vacation as a C+. Overall, I worked out 6 times during the 8 days of our vacation (awesome...though I had planned for 7 times). Eating started REALLY strong in the week and got worse as the week went along. The final two days (Thursday night through Saturday morning) were not great...think buffalo wings, potato skins, too many cookies and homemade ice cream. So, overally, I started strong, worked out hard throughout the week and ended with a bang :). Today, I'm resting from workouts and will jump into week 7 of the workouts. I'm looking forward to eating clean this week with tons of water; I can tell I'm retaining TONS of water. I hope to know what impact my vacation had on my weight within a few days of eating clean (gives me time to lose the weight retention). I also reactivated my subscription for my BodyMedia Fit to understand what my daily calorie burn is and then ensure my calorie deficit will result in at least 2 lbs a week. I'm balancing all of that with ensuing I minimally eat my BMR (about 1800 calories) and see how weight loss will be affected. Here's to moving into week 7...
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    After a successful workout week on vacation, I've been out of commission for several days. My shoulder pain finally got too much to do the workouts (especially as I moved back into week 7, which is push-up crazy). I hope to resume workouts on Monday. UGH.