I agree with this.



  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member


    I had to look back through the thread to find the rat *kitten* who said this.

    Tameko.. you broke my heart.

    :brokenheart: :sad:

    *patpat* you still have your wolverine jacket!

    Seriously I didn't hate it but after like 3 years of everyone and their mother going "omg you HAVE to see it its the best" I was like "...really?"
    <snip>. It makes me sad when I see someone, say, wearing a Zelda shirt and then when I ask them their favorite game from the series they blank out and say "Idk lol, haven't played them." ;~;

    I feel the same way about kids in misfits t-shirts.

    haha -- totally. But hot topic makes good money on those - and the patches.

    Also I am vaguely annoyed by the overuse of particular memes but actually since I don't have very many nerd-friends in real life it doesn't tend to come up. I think within my tiny circle we're still a bit overly enamored with "Nope, chuck testa"
  • msunluckythirteen
    msunluckythirteen Posts: 335 Member

    I feel the same way about kids in misfits t-shirts.

    My son wears Misfits shirts, but he truly is a fan because his parents are fans. He has been listening to them from birth. And our shirts come from Interpunk, not Hot Topic.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member

    I feel the same way about kids in misfits t-shirts.

    My son wears Misfits shirts, but he truly is a fan because his parents are fans. He has been listening to them from birth. And our shirts come from Interpunk, not Hot Topic.

    I personally think it is fine to buy things from hot topic because hot topic sells things you might want if you like certain ..things.....this is a terrible sentence. but um. Ahem. Its fine if your tastes lead you to purchase items in hot topic. The reason hot topic is a joke is because people let it inform their tastes which is silly. But I am in no way above buying a my little pony shirt there. I don't know where else to get them.
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    I like the original poster remember when it was NOT cool. I was not popular in High School at all but not a qualified geek either. I guess what made me sad was we had one just like dude on Big Bang Theory...a walking brain! He was so smart. But they would tease him and some of us would try to protect him but he would say nothing at all. He ate by himself. I wished often teachers would try to help them and maybe they did but I didn't see it as a teen. A few of us tried to talk with him but I think he was so used to being isolated he didn't really respond at all. I think of him now and wish hope he came out okay.
  • msunluckythirteen
    msunluckythirteen Posts: 335 Member

    I personally think it is fine to buy things from hot topic because hot topic sells things you might want if you like certain ..things.....this is a terrible sentence. but um. Ahem. Its fine if your tastes lead you to purchase items in hot topic. The reason hot topic is a joke is because people let it inform their tastes which is silly. But I am in no way above buying a my little pony shirt there. I don't know where else to get them.

    Oh, I have bought stuff there. It's just my son is a very snooty Skate punk (yeah an oxymoron, a snooty punk. LOL!). He doesn't like wearing the Hot Topic t-shirts because his words "kids buy the stuff to be cool and they don't know crap about the bands". And he's partially right. It's just like you said people do let it inform their tastes. But I think some people shop there because they carry some cool stuff, like you and I.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    It's also similar to the amount of girls that wear band t-shirts and you know they don't even know it's the name of a band let alone like the music. Saying that I wonder how I would be judged, but really you do just know with some girls it's their latest look.
    UGH! This is my number one pet peeve. There was a girl from high school who I HATED and she always wore a Zeppelin shirt to school. Being a HUGE Zeppelin fan (tattoo to prove it) I asked her what song was her favorite. Her response was "wish you were here". The laughs she got were satisfying enough for me.

    I honestly think it's more of a fashion trend than anything. The overpriced stuff Hot Topic sells, the fact the everyone thinks it's cool to buy thick frame glasses. I know that most women I see who are true nerds don't always look the part. :smile:
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    It's also similar to the amount of girls that wear band t-shirts and you know they don't even know it's the name of a band let alone like the music. Saying that I wonder how I would be judged, but really you do just know with some girls it's their latest look.
    UGH! This is my number one pet peeve. There was a girl from high school who I HATED and she always wore a Zeppelin shirt to school. Being a HUGE Zeppelin fan (tattoo to prove it) I asked her what song was her favorite. Her response was "wish you were here". The laughs she got were satisfying enough for me.

    I honestly think it's more of a fashion trend than anything. The overpriced stuff Hot Topic sells, the fact the everyone thinks it's cool to buy thick frame glasses. I know that most women I see who are true nerds don't always look the part. :smile:

    *cries* I was so excited when I found thick framed glasses to fit on my bridgeless asian nose and now you tell me you think I'm uncool *sobsob* *wail* *runs off*

    Pff. ha. Seriously - I don't really see any point in calling people out on it. Just enjoy what you enjoy and don't worry if other people TRULY enjoy those things or not. If they don't, then its their loss that they waste their time on it, not yours.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    It's also similar to the amount of girls that wear band t-shirts and you know they don't even know it's the name of a band let alone like the music. Saying that I wonder how I would be judged, but really you do just know with some girls it's their latest look.
    UGH! This is my number one pet peeve. There was a girl from high school who I HATED and she always wore a Zeppelin shirt to school. Being a HUGE Zeppelin fan (tattoo to prove it) I asked her what song was her favorite. Her response was "wish you were here". The laughs she got were satisfying enough for me.

    I honestly think it's more of a fashion trend than anything. The overpriced stuff Hot Topic sells, the fact the everyone thinks it's cool to buy thick frame glasses. I know that most women I see who are true nerds don't always look the part. :smile:

    *cries* I was so excited when I found thick framed glasses to fit on my bridgeless asian nose and now you tell me you think I'm uncool *sobsob* *wail* *runs off*

    Pff. ha. Seriously - I don't really see any point in calling people out on it. Just enjoy what you enjoy and don't worry if other people TRULY enjoy those things or not. If they don't, then its their loss that they waste their time on it, not yours.

    Hey, some people pull them off! I'm talking about this 'style' fad.

  • maxmariesfo
    maxmariesfo Posts: 173 Member
    Personally, I feel like I've been robbed.

    I remember when Doctor Who was something exactly THREE kids (and I was one of them) in school knew about. Now it crops up in mainline television when the Leverage characters use Tom Baker and Sarah Jones as aliases.

    I remember when being a Trekkie made me a supreme outcast. Now people I meet decide if they want to be my friend or not based on who my favorite captain is.

    I remember when no one had heard of Roger Corman or Vincent Price. When people looked at my friend Pam and I like we were aliens from another planet for spewing dialog from House of Usher in the halls at school. Now John Cusak is doing The Raven and when I saw the first trailer for it, the whole theater whoop-whooped.

    I remember when horror films about hauntings and demons were rare. Now mainstream actors don't feel they are real actors until they've done one or the other.

    I remember when my love of super heros was right up there with being a Trekkie. Now my attorney boss has asked if she can go see The Avengers with me. Whaaa??!!

    I remember when my love obscure Brit programs like Red Dwarf, Black Adder, Mr. Bean and Faulty Towers was only appreciated by visiting Brits. Now an actor from a Doctor Who spin-off lands a roll on a popular tv show? Ok, it helps that he's exceedingly charming. But they used to be obscure British actors...

    All these things are trendy?

  • jaric01
    jaric01 Posts: 132 Member

    The older I get the more I'm convinced nobody should let Piers Anthony anywhere near little girls.

    LMAO! I fear you may be right.
  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,957 Member
    Personally, I feel like I've been robbed.

    I remember when Doctor Who was something exactly THREE kids (and I was one of them) in school knew about. Now it crops up in mainline television when the Leverage characters use Tom Baker and Sarah Jones as aliases.

    I remember when being a Trekkie made me a supreme outcast. Now people I meet decide if they want to be my friend or not based on who my favorite captain is.

    I remember when no one had heard of Roger Corman or Vincent Price. When people looked at my friend Pam and I like we were aliens from another planet for spewing dialog from House of Usher in the halls at school. Now John Cusak is doing The Raven and when I saw the first trailer for it, the whole theater whoop-whooped.

    I remember when horror films about hauntings and demons were rare. Now mainstream actors don't feel they are real actors until they've done one or the other.

    I remember when my love of super heros was right up there with being a Trekkie. Now my attorney boss has asked if she can go see The Avengers with me. Whaaa??!!

    I remember when my love obscure Brit programs like Red Dwarf, Black Adder, Mr. Bean and Faulty Towers was only appreciated by visiting Brits. Now an actor from a Doctor Who spin-off lands a roll on a popular tv show? Ok, it helps that he's exceedingly charming. But they used to be obscure British actors...

    All these things are trendy?


    We still have "The Guild".....for now.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Personally, I feel like I've been robbed.

    I remember when Doctor Who was something exactly THREE kids (and I was one of them) in school knew about. Now it crops up in mainline television when the Leverage characters use Tom Baker and Sarah Jones as aliases.

    I remember when being a Trekkie made me a supreme outcast. Now people I meet decide if they want to be my friend or not based on who my favorite captain is.

    I remember when no one had heard of Roger Corman or Vincent Price. When people looked at my friend Pam and I like we were aliens from another planet for spewing dialog from House of Usher in the halls at school. Now John Cusak is doing The Raven and when I saw the first trailer for it, the whole theater whoop-whooped.

    I remember when horror films about hauntings and demons were rare. Now mainstream actors don't feel they are real actors until they've done one or the other.

    I remember when my love of super heros was right up there with being a Trekkie. Now my attorney boss has asked if she can go see The Avengers with me. Whaaa??!!

    I remember when my love obscure Brit programs like Red Dwarf, Black Adder, Mr. Bean and Faulty Towers was only appreciated by visiting Brits. Now an actor from a Doctor Who spin-off lands a roll on a popular tv show? Ok, it helps that he's exceedingly charming. But they used to be obscure British actors...

    All these things are trendy?


    We still have "The Guild".....for now.

    But a LOT more stuff gets made now, with better production values (...okay and sometimes gets ruined in the pursuit of a mass market) and I really don't see how that can be bad. I mean, 20 years ago if you'd been told every year would have a huge summer blockbuster mega bucks production of a super hero movie, some of which would actually be exceedingly good, you would have been like 'whaaaaa?" Or that everyone in the world, nerd or not, would get ravingly excited about a fantasy book series about wizards and witches (regardless of how you feel about Harry Potter in general, that's a major shift in what people have traditionally enjoyed en masse). Or hell that a million billion gazillion people can say they have played an RPG of some stripe (MMO or even general video game status aside).

    I dunno, I totally used to feel this way but then I took an a.... err, I mean -- but I got over it. Social status is only meaningful in contexts in which you make it meaningful. Outside of that, whatever. You are who you are and you like what you like. Stop letting other people ruin it for you.
  • maxmariesfo
    maxmariesfo Posts: 173 Member
    Wow. I was just being poetic. Not expecting a scolding from someone I do not even know.

    My feelings have nothing to do with "social status." I don't give a fig about social status.

    High budgets do not equate to good films. Has any single ONE of the high budget remakes we've been saddled with lately been any good?
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Wow. I was just being poetic. Not expecting a scolding from someone I do not even know.

    My feelings have nothing to do with "social status." I don't give a fig about social status.

    High budgets do not equate to good films. Has any single ONE of the high budget remakes we've been saddled with lately been any good?

    Sorry, it wasn't meant to sound scolding, it was meant to be conversational. Internet fail.

    And - did you not like the batman movies?
  • HowieTwoPointZero
    HowieTwoPointZero Posts: 494 Member
    There is nothing worse then geek on geek violence.

    *closes eyes*
    *makes slapping gestures*
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    There is nothing worse then geek on geek violence.

    *closes eyes*
    *makes slapping gestures*

    when it a girl geek vs a guy geek its usually over quickly and not in the guys favor. I deadlifted 155 lbs yesterday. Bring it! *roar*

    *edit* except that WAS a girl I was talking to? (my brain saw the max adn not the marie) Hmm. I still think I've got like 50 lbs on her.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    There is nothing worse then geek on geek violence.

    *closes eyes*
    *makes slapping gestures*
