Nobody wants you....



  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Uh... because most of the strangers of the opposite sex who friend you or want to "help" you are trying to get into your pants...? Wow, is it wrong to assume that?
    Working in a male-dominated field, it's quite common. All the sudden someone will take an interest in "mentoring" me, or helping my career. I accept the help (because once in awhile it's genuine) but usually it's them trying to get with me.
    Damn. :frown:
    I hope this isn't true because I'm helping a girl fixing her computer at her place tonight.

    I must be one of the few naive people who believe in male/female uninterested help or friendship then.

    I don't know if I believe that men and women can be just friends anymore, acquaintances yes, but just 100% friends w/o sexual tension or any sexual history between them.. not sure.

    I'm thinking of my guy friends right now. I have one, D, who is my true friend. I don't want him but he definately wants me.
    Of course FL, we're definatley just friends but we've had sex and sometimes there's flirtyness.
    My old best guy friend was always just my friend but we'd flirt too playfully.

  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    Well I can be friends with a guy - I guess it is because half the time I couldnt tell if he would be hitting on me or not :laugh: (still trying to learn that from fat to fab in this journey)
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Rant Alert!!! - Why is it when you’re nice to someone (opposite sex) they immediately assume you want to get up with them (on MFP). Can't men and women just be friends & supportive. This is annoying. Has anyone else encounter this???

    I dont find this to be true- perhaps maybe the way you show your niceness comes off as flirty? Its a possibility- we are never exactly sure how we are perceived by others.

    I just do my very best to avoid private emails with the opposite sex, so they dont think that Im... you know... hunting.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I don't know if I believe that men and women can be just friends anymore, acquaintances yes, but just 100% friends w/o sexual tension or any sexual history between them.. not sure.

    I'm thinking of my guy friends right now. I have one, D, who is my true friend. I don't want him but he definately wants me.
    Of course FL, we're definatley just friends but we've had sex and sometimes there's flirtyness.
    My old best guy friend was always just my friend but we'd flirt too playfully.


    My best friend is a 27 year olf drop dead gorgeous frontman in a well known band in NYC. For all the years we've been BFFs, sleeping over in the same bed multiple times a week, always joined at the hip, numb to the gossip, etc... there is nothing sexual between us. The X factor is missing. He looks too much like my dad did when he was 27- and we've become like Harry and Hermoine. We need each other. but we have no desire for each other. Not even almost accidentally when hammered drunk.

    If it hasnt happened by now, then thankfully I dont think it ever will. Sometimes you are surprised more by how important someone becomes to your life.. than what gender they are :D

    sorry for hijacking your thread! I am just always happy that I can be a witness for guy/girl friendships still :D
  • slay0r
    slay0r Posts: 669 Member
    awwww that is so awesome. I want a girlfriend like that (A girl that's a friend :p)

    All of mine are like other people said, through sexual feelings or experiences. It's pretty horrible looking at the girls I've been close to and realising that! :p
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    Rant Alert!!! - Why is it when you’re nice to someone (opposite sex) they immediately assume you want to get up with them (on MFP). Can't men and women just be friends & supportive. This is annoying. Has anyone else encounter this???

    There are a couple of things to reference. There's a youtube video of a guy going around a college campus talking with girls about male friends who they think are just friends and aren't interested in them. Then they search out the guys and ask them if they want to hook up with the girls. The answer is invariably yes. It's just how we work. Also, reference Chris Rock's bit about men and wanting to help women, it's all a ploy to place ourselves firmly in a precarious position with you. Men use favors, help, and other things to offer themselves to women. I.e. - Hey, want me to carry your groceries, let's hook up... hey, let me hold the door for ya, wanna go back to my place... wow, you look great today, that ouftit really accentuates your eyes, wanna see how it would look on my floor?

    So what you are saying is that every single action or gesture a guy makes is to hit on a woman? Does this only apply to singles?
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Rant Alert!!! - Why is it when you’re nice to someone (opposite sex) they immediately assume you want to get up with them (on MFP). Can't men and women just be friends & supportive. This is annoying. Has anyone else encounter this???

    There are a couple of things to reference. There's a youtube video of a guy going around a college campus talking with girls about male friends who they think are just friends and aren't interested in them. Then they search out the guys and ask them if they want to hook up with the girls. The answer is invariably yes. It's just how we work. Also, reference Chris Rock's bit about men and wanting to help women, it's all a ploy to place ourselves firmly in a precarious position with you. Men use favors, help, and other things to offer themselves to women. I.e. - Hey, want me to carry your groceries, let's hook up... hey, let me hold the door for ya, wanna go back to my place... wow, you look great today, that ouftit really accentuates your eyes, wanna see how it would look on my floor?

    So what you are saying is that every single action or gesture a guy makes is to hit on a woman? Does this only apply to singles?

    We're only here for the benefit of your penis. And to make sandwiches. Glad you guys finally admitted it in writing lol
  • usedasbrandnew
    usedasbrandnew Posts: 300 Member
    Off the wall, but this issue is one of the many reasons I love my gay guy friends... but even then when they're drunk they want to make out... guess it's always an issue. nvm. Haha.
  • NeedANewFocus
    NeedANewFocus Posts: 898 Member
    Depends on how you do it..

    If you're ultra flirty well I'm going to assume you want me! I mean, why wouldn't you??

    HAHA. Just kidding.

    But yes, I will assume if the guy is extra nice.

    I WISH the men I'm trying to hit on would get a clue.

    Next time I'll just straddle them and see if they understand THAT. :angry: I'm pissy!!!

    You are clearly on one today. Would you like to lay on my couch and talk it out? "Therapy" session....
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Depends on how you do it..

    If you're ultra flirty well I'm going to assume you want me! I mean, why wouldn't you??

    HAHA. Just kidding.

    But yes, I will assume if the guy is extra nice.

    I WISH the men I'm trying to hit on would get a clue.

    Next time I'll just straddle them and see if they understand THAT. :angry: I'm pissy!!!

    You are clearly on one today. Would you like to lay on my couch and talk it out? "Therapy" session....

    :huh: Is this a trick question?????

    "you are clearly on one today."

    Lay on the couch???? :smokin:
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Off the wall, but this issue is one of the many reasons I love my gay guy friends... but even then when they're drunk they want to make out... guess it's always an issue. nvm. Haha.

    Um yeah. I had a friend Justin who was totally flamboyant gay and he had a bff Fedra. I sat in the back seat once and they were in the front drunk and all of a sudden they start making out hardcore. :noway: I was so confused.
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,252 Member
    this is funny to me because I have a lot of strickly platonic male friends. Guys I've know for years and have never had that kind of moment with. So I honestly believe that you can just be friends.
  • NeedANewFocus
    NeedANewFocus Posts: 898 Member
    Depends on how you do it..

    If you're ultra flirty well I'm going to assume you want me! I mean, why wouldn't you??

    HAHA. Just kidding.

    But yes, I will assume if the guy is extra nice.

    I WISH the men I'm trying to hit on would get a clue.

    Next time I'll just straddle them and see if they understand THAT. :angry: I'm pissy!!!

    You are clearly on one today. Would you like to lay on my couch and talk it out? "Therapy" session....

    :huh: Is this a trick question?????

    "you are clearly on one today."

    Lay on the couch???? :smokin:

    no tricks terms of the
    "on one" = irritated, frustrated, etc.
    sure...lay on the couch...seems like you have some tension that needs to be released.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Oh boy. You have me blushing like a school girl. :devil:
  • jaxdiablo
    jaxdiablo Posts: 580
    Rant Alert!!! - Why is it when you’re nice to someone (opposite sex) they immediately assume you want to get up with them (on MFP). Can't men and women just be friends & supportive. This is annoying. Has anyone else encounter this???

    There are a couple of things to reference. There's a youtube video of a guy going around a college campus talking with girls about male friends who they think are just friends and aren't interested in them. Then they search out the guys and ask them if they want to hook up with the girls. The answer is invariably yes. It's just how we work. Also, reference Chris Rock's bit about men and wanting to help women, it's all a ploy to place ourselves firmly in a precarious position with you. Men use favors, help, and other things to offer themselves to women. I.e. - Hey, want me to carry your groceries, let's hook up... hey, let me hold the door for ya, wanna go back to my place... wow, you look great today, that ouftit really accentuates your eyes, wanna see how it would look on my floor?

    So what you are saying is that every single action or gesture a guy makes is to hit on a woman? Does this only apply to singles?

    We're only here for the benefit of your penis. And to make sandwiches. Glad you guys finally admitted it in writing lol

    We're just trying to get something, anything between buns...

    Ok, on a serious note, that's not the way it is, but (most) men are wired differently in my opinion than women. That is by no means all I am looking for from a woman, but it's something that I'm usually considering in some capacity. I'd definitely like to find a woman who I was compatible with on numerous levels, but unfortunately the first thought that hits my head is what she would look like in a compromising position, unless I'm not attracted to her, then I can be platonic with her.

    Does this mean that's all I think about? No chance in H-E-double hockey sticks... I have fantasized what it would be like to just spend time with someone I'm interested in, no sexual thoughts at all, just generally enjoying each other's company. I know, weird right? A guy who wants more than the dirty? I must be a unicorn. :-P
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Do you guys believe in the mermaid theory?

    That if you are around a chick for enough years, she slowly turns from a manatee into a mermaid? Or that eventually... you are going to think about what it would be like to have sex with her?

    I feel like guys are so goal-oriented that the only reason they would imagine having sex with one of their chick friends and not act on it- is because the fantasy was so effing unbearably awful.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,307 Member
    Do you guys believe in the mermaid theory?

    That if you are around a chick for enough years, she slowly turns from a manatee into a mermaid? Or that eventually... you are going to think about what it would be like to have sex with her?

    I feel like guys are so goal-oriented that the only reason they would imagine having sex with one of their chick friends and not act on it- is because the fantasy was so effing unbearably awful.

    No,we are not that primitive,I can look at a lady and think it would be cool to have sex with her but out of courtesy and respect never try or even mention it if she was not also interested.
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    the first thought that hits my head is what she would look like in a compromising position, unless I'm not attracted to her, then I can be platonic with her.

    *ducking the 2x4s about to fly* this is the crux of it... when I was less attractive, I had a lot of platonic male friends who weren't romantic at all. Guys didn't do near as much for me as guys do now. And guys weren't trying to get with me like they are now. So when someone says "I have tons of guy friends who aren't that way" I automatically wonder if they've made themselves unattractive in some way (weight, looks, man-hating attitude, etc).
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,307 Member
    the first thought that hits my head is what she would look like in a compromising position, unless I'm not attracted to her, then I can be platonic with her.

    *ducking the 2x4s about to fly* this is the crux of it... when I was less attractive, I had a lot of platonic male friends who weren't romantic at all. Guys didn't do near as much for me as guys do now. And guys weren't trying to get with me like they are now. So when someone says "I have tons of guy friends who aren't that way" I automatically wonder if they've made themselves unattractive in some way (weight, looks, man-hating attitude, etc).

    Isn`t that just kind of a basic reaction we all have,if a person whether male or female doesn`t find another person attractive they are not going to make any kind of "mating" moves on them.
    Attraction is always subjective from one person to another but also some basic things.
    I have no clue what ladies generally think of me at my normal appearance but if I went a few days without shaving,showering or changing clothes pretty much everyone would avoid me.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    My best friend at school was a guy. I dont see him often but he sent me a text last week saying he thinks of me often and loves me to bits.

    My best friend now is a guy, we've know each other for 20 years. Ran a business together. Speak every day. He's my first port of call when I have problems with men.....:laugh: It's great, cos I get the male perspective :bigsmile:

    Never had sex with either of them. Wouldnt want to. Why ruin a beautiful friendship?

    I'm not saying that either of them never wanted to jump me at any point, nor that I've never thought about it, but you know, sometimes it's just better to be friends. Men know that too!! :flowerforyou: