April Challenge- VOTE!



  • DinahKyle
    DinahKyle Posts: 186 Member
    Wiegh/Measure ins tomorrow! Everybody ready!?!
  • KrisyKat
    KrisyKat Posts: 749 Member
    The scale has been a real d*ckface lately, but I'm still truckin'!!! Thank goodness for NSVs :laugh:
  • DinahKyle
    DinahKyle Posts: 186 Member
    April 23rd measurements!

    *April Wk 4*
    Wt: FINALLY KNOW THIS ONE! I am sitting at 160 lbs!
    waist: 29 1/2inch.
    hips: 38 inch
    bust: 38 3/8 inch

    Workouts committed to Wk 3: 1hr15min cardio - plus my usual pop-pilates. I have noticed that I have been doing them pretty quickly, but it's still feeling like it works :)

    How are all of you lovely ladies doing?! It's the last week in this challenge, lets show this month what we're made of!!
  • DinahKyle
    DinahKyle Posts: 186 Member
    I have been royally sucking at doing my pilates :( But I have been having a difficult time this week (aunt flo is being evil...) Not looking forward to Monday, but I will do it all regardless.

    I have been keeping up on the cardio though - if not getting even better than I thought! Well, we shall see how I do. Hope you all are having a good time too!
  • KrisyKat
    KrisyKat Posts: 749 Member
    Totally forgot to check in last week (oops!!)...

    Goal weight on 4/30 = 145

    4/2- 151.6
    4/9- 152.0 <
    TOM :sad:
    4/16- 149.8
    4/23- 149.6
    4/30- 147.8

    Didn't make my goal weight, but I AM learning not to rely so much on scale victories. Glad I was consistent with my pilates, as I definitely feel stronger than I did last month.

    HUGS TO ALL MY PIN-UP GALS!!! :flowerforyou:
  • DinahKyle
    DinahKyle Posts: 186 Member

    April 30th

    *April Wk 5*
    Wt: (haven't weighed myself again, so I will go for the 160lbs again)
    waist: 29 1/8 inch
    hips: 37 1/2 inch
    bust: 38 5/8 inch

    I feel pretty good. All in all I have lost around 1-2 inches off of everything this month. I do wish that I had kept up with my pilates better, but I was told to cut back. Very proud of my cardio though - the past week I actually found myself doing more than I had originally planned (tonight I biked for 2 hours! - Never thought I could do it, but I did!)

    Hope you all did well! Who's up for another challenge for May?!
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    Here is where I ended the month:
    April 2012 (vs. March)
    Weight: -6 pounds
    Hips: 44 (-2)
    Waist: 35 (-2)
    Bust: 41.5 (-1)
    Thighs: 24.25 (-1.25)
    Size: 16-18

    I am up for a new challenge. Hoping to fit in more pilates this month. And it would make me very happy to lose in the waist faster....

    My bust is shrinking a bit, but oddly it doesn't look so far off. I have been looking less pear lately. Hmmm....
  • DinahKyle
    DinahKyle Posts: 186 Member
    I've started a group for a May Challenge - do any of you have an idea for a new challenge for this month? Please reply to the new thread with any suggestions :)
