Anyone eating maintenance cals?

DarkAngellEyes Posts: 317 Member
I just decided to eat at maintenance for a month or so to sort of restart my metabolism (I probably should have done this in the beginning of the program, but better late than never I suppose!)

The NROLFW calculations give me about 1950 on non-workout days and 2200 on workout days. I wear a HRM during my workouts and todays workout (stage 3 wo 2A) I burned around 500 cals.... My question is... do I eat back those calories? Or just eat 2200 as recommended and not take into account the exercise cals?

Just want to make sure I do this right.


  • freezerburn2012
    freezerburn2012 Posts: 273 Member
    The 2200 already accounts for the exercise calories, so no need to eat them back.
  • icandothis318
    icandothis318 Posts: 40 Member
    I think the workout days (the 2200) includes 250 calories as exercise cals. If you burn anything after that 250 you should eat those back. So in your case out of the 500, 250 is already in that 2200. The other 250, you eat.
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 959 Member
    If you are following the program, then you just follow the numbers in the book and disregard the exercise calories amount here on MFP. Log them, but just eat what the book has told you to.