April 2012



  • MuffRuff
    MuffRuff Posts: 238 Member
    04/11/2012 - 500 squats
    04/12/2012 - 500 squats

    Clover, you are doing a wonderful job! barbiecat, I always love your words of encouragement. Hopefully I will buy a pass at my school to attend any exercising class I want. They even have cycling and dance classes for a pretty cheap price to use for a year. I feel like doing some group activities will be more fun.
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Good morning,

    1 - 4/3 - 100 squats
    2 - 4/4 - 100
    3 - 4/5 - 100
    4 - 4/6 - 100
    5 - 4/7 - 120
    6 - 4/8 - 100
    7 - 4/9 - 100 A full week! Yeah
    8 - 4/10 - 100
    9 - 4/11 - 100
    10 - 4/12 - 100

    Thanks MuffRuff! I notice you do an amazing amount of squats. You must have great legs. Group exercise classes can be fun and a good way to make friends. I have gone to exercise classes a few times over the years, but I have to confess, I tend to be a bit of a loner. What kind of school do you go to? community college, tech school, university And what subject are you studying?

    Barbiecat, I have read some of Miriam Nelson's books. I have Stong Women Eat Well in my bookcase. She addresses subjects in an easy read manner, and not too boring. I like the outdoors, so exercising outside is fairly easy for me to make happen. And my daughter is in soccer season now, so during practice I have an hour to kill anyway... Might as well do some walking and a few calesthenics and get some fresh air. Have fun on your trip!
  • MuffRuff
    MuffRuff Posts: 238 Member
    Hey clover5! My legs have definitely improved, but I still have a long way to go. I am still self conscious about my legs since I have gone so long without wearing shorts and skirts. Hopefully one day I will reach a point where I can do so. I started Jillian Michaels Killer Buns and Thighs today, and it was a challenge but not too bad since I have been doing this challenge for a while. The 30 Day Shred has been great. Today was my weight training day as well. So, I got a good workout. I feel you on the loner part. I tend to be a loner as well. I go to a university, and I have a degree in Studio Art, but right now I am working on my other two degrees, Japanese ( three more classes to go) and Economics.

    barbiecat, Ihope you enjoy your trip this weekend!

    04/13/2012 - 500 squats
    04/14/2012 - I am tired from the Killer Buns and Thighs, since there are a lot of exercises. For now I will count those as my squats for today. However, I may do some squats later.
  • MuffRuff
    MuffRuff Posts: 238 Member
    04/14/2012 - I forgot to mention I did Leslie Sansone's 5 Really Big Miles as well. It was great since she also incorporated squats, lunges, and strengthening exercises.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :bigsmile: I am home ----alone----my hubby continued the trip by himself to California to spend a week with a friend and I rode home from the event we went to with some friends.......the pets are still being boarded and can't be picked up until Monday morning. I am something of a loner, too, and as much as I love my husband and my pets, I am going to enjoy this brief time alone.

    Friday 100 lunges
    Saturday 100 lunges :bigsmile:

    I also managed to walk 17,000 steps each day :bigsmile: in spite of long hours in the car and and all day meeting today........I got up early and walked on the treadmill at the hotel fitness center for an hour and walked during every break during the meeting today.

    :bigsmile: MuffRuff, I can't believe how many people have told me that they can barely do 20 squats....I didn't dare tell them about your 500 squats a day.:bigsmile: you are multi-talented with your several degrees in different fields and your fitness routine......I know you'll be rewarded in time with the legs you want for dresses and shorts......my legs are still the chubbiest part of me and I keep on working on them....today I saw a woman a little younger than me with great looking slim tanned legs and I started to say something to her about how fit she looked and then I noticed that she was carrying around at least 30 extra pounds around her middle so I said nothing.

    :bigsmile: clover, someone said that the best exercise is the one you'll do, and you seem to have found the location and the activities that work for you....I think being a loner is very productive......if I had to wait around for someone else to workout with me, I'd still be waiting:laugh: :laugh: I'm fortunate to have found the line dance classes but usually classes aren't my thing.
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Good afternoon,

    Days 1 - 10 - 1020
    11 - 4/14 - 100
    12 - 4/15 - 100

    I had logged on this morning and typed a responce to you two, and when I clicked on post, I found out that MFP had shut down the site to do maintainence. Was a bit disappointed, but oh well, nothing I could do. So...

    I have heard of Jillian Michaels exercise DVD's, but have not tried them.
    I went for several years without wearing skirts or dresses. Not because of weight, but because I was kind of a tomboy. When I started wearing them, I was definitely out of my comfort zone. It took me some time to get used to the feel. MuffRuff you are going to look great! Also, your education is impressive. I went to a community college myself (years ago) and learned to be a bookkeeper. Not a glamoros carreer, but it has served me well.

    Barbiecat, I get your point about not waiting for others to join me to exercise. My husband likes to walk with me and the dog, and even played tennis with me a couple times last week, but usually, I'm on my own. I find exercise to be meditative anyway, and I like the time alone with my thoughts, or sometimes in prayer.

    Happy Sunday you two.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :bigsmile: Clover I consider my walking time to be a form of meditation.....my husband does formal zen meditation and is always urging me to try it, but walking does for me what seated meditation does for him.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: today was a weight training day so I did extra lunges with dumbbells :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: 140 lunges today

    :flowerforyou: don't have skirts or dresses any more primarily because I am always so cold
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hey there,

    I feel a little out of step since I usually post on this thread in the mornings, but I've already reported yesterdays squats to you. I'v e done 20 for today so far, and will continue.

    Now that the weekend is over, and my family is off to work and school, maybe I can get back to my normal routine. My steps yesterday were over 12000. The sun is back out today, so I am looking forward to getting outside. This week I hope to get started with some spring gardening. I love all the spring flowers, and flowering trees. Also, I have some bookkeeping to get done.
  • dayala01
    dayala01 Posts: 15 Member
    This sounds like a good challenge to start. I hope I can make the full 100 days! I'll be starting/completing my first 100 squats this afternoon.
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    This sounds like a good challenge to start. I hope I can make the full 100 days! I'll be starting/completing my first 100 squats this afternoon.

    Welcome dayala01. We are honored to have received your first post!
  • dayala01
    dayala01 Posts: 15 Member
    Day 1 (4/16) done! 100 squats down...I might feel that tomorrow, but I'm not going to stop :)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    Day 1 (4/16) done! 100 squats down...I might feel that tomorrow, but I'm not going to stop :)

    Welcome, I'm so glad you joined us. Even if you feel the effects tomorrow or the next day, don't stop because it will get better and you'll be glad you persisted..:bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I did my 100 lunges today :bigsmile: this is day 15

    My husband is out of town for a few days so my routine is anything but normal, but I have a bit of extra time for things I want to do...:bigsmile: I picked the dogs up from boarding this morning and took them to the dog park and while they ran off leash, I walked :bigsmile: then we picked up the cat and came home.
  • MuffRuff
    MuffRuff Posts: 238 Member
    04/15/2012 - 500 squats
    04/16/2012 - only 300 squats

    Welcome dayala01!
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Good morning,

    Days 1 - 10 - 1020
    11 - 4/14 - 100
    12 - 4/15 - 100
    13 - 4/16 - 120

    Did an extra 20 squats while brushing my teeth last night. Also, I've been running a little bit. Running always works for me - for weight management. But, I'm having trouble with getting consistant. I want to get to running 3 to 5 days each week.

    MuffRuff, don't you feel down about 300 squats. That's still alot. And you do other exercise as well.

    Barbiecat, I'll bet your dogs were very happy to see you. My dog darn near shakes her tail off when I pick her up from the kennel.

    Dayala, the first week is the hardest. I was a sore for a few days. All better now.
  • dayala01
    dayala01 Posts: 15 Member
    4/17: 100 squats done! :)

    clover5 yes the first week is hardest. I'm also doing Tae Bo because I haven't found anything else to try, and that's also killing me, but after the first week things will be better. :-)

    barbiecat sounds like you had a fun and busy day! I just moved into my house and I'm thinking about getting a dog, but I'm still debating on what breed I want.

    MuffRuff you must have killer legs with doing that many squats and lunges!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :bigsmile: April 17 :bigsmile: 140 lunges done---100 ordinary ones---two sets of 10 with 15 pound dumbbells in each hand and two sets of 10 with 10 pound dumbbells in each hand.

    :bigsmile: today was my weight training day so I did a lot more stuff and now I'm tired and eagerly waiting to watch the DWTS results show.

    :flowerforyou: after walking the dogs for over an hour this morning I discovered that the battery on my pedometer was dead.....I had another battery and remember how to replace it, but the numbers are low tonight even though I walked a lot.

    :flowerforyou: the pets are happy to see me but they are wondering where their dad is......last night he talked to each of them on the phone :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: MuffRuff, are you keeping a total of your squats? It must be over 50,000 by now :bigsmile:
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Good morning,

    Days 1 - 10 - 1020
    11 - 4/14 - 100
    12 - 4/15 - 100
    13 - 4/16 - 120
    14 - 4/17 - 100

    I had an active day yesterday. Met with a friend, early, for a long walk, got my squats done :smile: also did 70 crunches. Last evening was daughters soccer practice, and I decided to go for a run during that time. I always take my pedometer off during my aerobic session, but still managed to get a whopping 15,425 steps!

    Here's my philosophy on choosing a dog. Smaller dogs make smaller poop. This will make lots of sense when you have to pick up the goodies. We have a mid-size mutt, about 22 pounds. She is cocker & poodle. Also very possesive of me.

    Happy Wedensday!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :flowerforyou: dayala, more thoughts on choosing a dog breed----how much exercise do they need compared to what kind of time you have to walk them or take them out
    if they will live indoors will they be allowed to sleep with you and how big is your bed? :laugh: how much grooming are you willing to do? My dogs are smaller standard poodles, 38 and 48 pounds, they need a lot of exercise, regular grooming, and lots of attention from people......they sleep with us and we recently bought a king size bed to accommodate all of us

    :flowerforyou: clover, my husband went with friends to their son's baseball practice (kids ages 8 and 9) and he said it was one of the most boring experiences so I told him about how you do all your exercising during your daughter's soccer practice......he said he wished he'd known that sooner :laugh:

    My 100 lunges are done for the day.....as soon as finish my lunch I'm meeting a friend for a four mile walk on the Olympic Discovery Trail :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: I carry my pedometer all the time
  • wonlife
    wonlife Posts: 14 Member
    This sounds like a good challenge~

    Started yesterday 4/17
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    This sounds like a good challenge~

    Started yesterday 4/17

    Welcome :bigsmile:
    this is a small group and we are at various stages of the challenge but we are committed and happy to have you join us.:bigsmile: :smile: