April 2012



  • MuffRuff
    MuffRuff Posts: 238 Member
    04/17/2012 - 500 squats
    04/18/2012 - 500 squats
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Good morning,

    Days 1 - 10 - 1020
    11 - 4/14 - 100
    12 - 4/15 - 100
    13 - 4/16 - 120
    14 - 4/17 - 100
    15 - 4/18 - 100

    Welcome Wonlife. Glad you are joining us!

    Our dog gets on the bed or couch to watch TV with us, but she sleeps on the floor, next to the bed. Sometomes she goes into my daughters room and gets in bed with her though. :laugh:

    Barbie, I'm not surprised your husband didn't see any adults exercising. My son whose 15 started playing soccer at age 3, and in all these years, rarely have I seen any other parents exercise during practice. Thay all just sit around and chat, while I have walked, ran, basketball, and skateboarded. Yes, I'm 51 and can ride a skateboard. The others were aghast and I heard them say things like "Are you kidding me?" Oh well, I have fun.

    I did a search on your Olympic Trail. My trip to Wash was my last vacation alone as a single gal. I flew into Seattle , got a car, drove to Mt Rainer, and then a complete loop around the peninsula.. I stayed in Port Angeles for 2 nights. I quite liked Port Townsend too. I swam in the canal. Also, I was impressed with the lush green undergrowth in the forrest. It was different than other forrest regions I've been to. My friends said, you're going alone? How will you get back to the airport? I lived in San Diego then. And I told them, it's the same way you get to the airport here. You just drive on I-5 until you see the sign that says airport. You live in a beautiful area.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :cry: I'm ready for Jake to come home. I've had all the alone time I can stand and I want help walking the dogs. Today they kept bugging me to walk them while I was doing my weight training even though it had been only three hours since I walked them. When I finished and took them out, it turned out that they both really needed to go.

    :flowerforyou: I noticed today that I keep adding things to my weight training routine and it's gotten to taking an hour and 20 minutes or more so I'm going to see if there is something that I can let go and something that I can do earlier or later in the day while watching TV. I like to do it in one big "event" while wearing my heart rate monitor so I can get "credit" for the whole workout. LOL.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I did my regular 100 lunges plus 20 with 15 pound dumbbells and 20 with 10 pound dumbbells.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Clover, we love the Olympic Peninsula. We have lived here for seven years. We moved here from NW California where we had lived for a long time.

    :bigsmile: When I take my dogs to the off leash dog park, I let them off the leashes and then walk around the perimeter of the park. Everybody else stands around and talks or sits on benches and watches their dogs. Some people make comments about me getting my exercise but they still don't move.

    :drinker: :bigsmile: Congrats on your travel by yourself.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington where it was sunny in the morning and raining the rest of the day. smiley-greet013.gif
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Good morning,

    Days 1 - 10 - 1020
    11 - 4/14 - 100
    12 - 4/15 - 100
    13 - 4/16 - 120
    14 - 4/17 - 100
    15 - 4/18 - 100
    16 - 4/19 - 100

    When will your husband be coming home?

    My husband travels for work. Project based work, so sometimes he travels frequently. Usually his trips are 3 to 5 days, but some can last up to 2 weeks. Other times, he will be home for several months straight. It is interesting to note the subtle changes about the household when he's gone.

    We are lucky to have a good sized surburban back yard, so I can let Chelsea out anytime. Sometimes I leave her out while I go do errands. She used to jump over the fence into the neighbors yard. They have two dogs, and a dog door. We looked all over for Chelsea once, and found out she was over there laying on the couch!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: 100 lunges done today :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Clover, my husband was on a trip to visit a friend and go turkey hunting...he goes on trips by himself about twice a year.....I go to line dance workshops by myself once or twice a year.

    :flowerforyou: we have never been comfortable leaving the dogs outside by themselves at any time so we have always walked them or taken them to the off leash dog park......if you look at my exercise diary you will see how much exercise they provide for me.....the calories burned are what my heart rate monitor tells me.

    :bigsmile: I taught a line dance class today, subbing for the regular teacher and when I got in my car to come home there was a text from Jake saying he was safe and to call him when I got home.....his plan was to drive a little more than half way and spend the night......instead, when I put the car in the garage, his car was already there, he had left early in the morning and drove the whole way home so he wouldn't have to spend another night without us. :bigsmile: :heart:
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Good morning,

    Days 1 - 10 - 1020
    11 - 4/14 - 100
    12 - 4/15 - 100
    13 - 4/16 - 120
    14 - 4/17 - 100
    15 - 4/18 - 100
    16 - 4/19 - 100
    17 - 4/20 - 100

    Started this morning off with a walk. The kids play soccer this afternoon.

    Happy Saturday!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :bigsmile: Happy Saturday :bigsmile: we had sunshine and temperatures almost at 60 degrees so I worked in the yard for an hour.

    140 lunges done today
    40 of them with dumbbells. :bigsmile: today is day #20 :bigsmile:
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Good morning,

    Days 1 - 10 - 1020
    11 - 4/14 - 100
    12 - 4/15 - 100
    13 - 4/16 - 120
    14 - 4/17 - 100
    15 - 4/18 - 100
    16 - 4/19 - 100
    17 - 4/20 - 100
    18 - 4/21 - 100

    Can't sleep. I finally got out of bed at 5:00 and cleaned the kitchen.

    Yesterday I spent an hour or more weeding around the garden and bushes. I look forward to getting back out again today - after the sun rises :smile: I have some potted calla Lilies that I bought around valentines that I've been waiting to plant.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :bigsmile: this is supposed to be my rest day, but the dogs never rest :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: at least now that Jake is home, he walks them later in the day.....we had sunshine and I puttered in the garden for awhile.....my 100 lunges are complete for the day :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: I woke up early and moved to the guest room and read and fell back to sleep and didn't get up to walk the dogs until almost 6:30 :bigsmile:
  • MuffRuff
    MuffRuff Posts: 238 Member
    04/19/2012 - 500 squats
    04/20/2012 - 300 squats
    04/21/2012 - 300 squats
    04/22/2012 - 500 squats

    This week has been tiring, and next week is going to be even worse since the semester is wrapping up. I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Good morning,

    Days 1 - 10 - 1020
    11 - 4/14 - 100
    12 - 4/15 - 100
    13 - 4/16 - 120
    14 - 4/17 - 100
    15 - 4/18 - 100
    16 - 4/19 - 100
    17 - 4/20 - 100
    18 - 4/21 - 100
    19 - 4/22 - 100

    Hey MuffRuff. Glad to see you. I had a suspicion that school was keeping you pretty busy. Hopefully you will have a little time to rejuvenate yourself after the semester ends. I see your squats aren't suffering. :wink: I've started an online class this week. Nothing to brag about, just part of a "lifetime learning" path.

    Our dog likes it when I spend time gardening. It's good for both of us to be outside.
  • missbabygirlx
    This sounds GREAT!

    Seems like a fab way to keep me motivated! Going to start tomorrow (24/04/2012) as today's nearly over for me =)
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Welcome missbabygirlx! So happy that you are joining us. We are small, but committed and consistent. I look forward to seeing your posts.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :bigsmile: welcome, missbabygirlx, this is a great challenge. We are a small group but we support each other.

    I did the 100 squats for 100 days challenge and when I finished I decided to move on to doing lunges....so now I am on day 22 of my new 100 lunges for 100 days

    I do my lunges usually in the morning while walking one of my dogs and in the evening while brushing and flossing my teeth....on my weight training days I do some lunges with a dumbbell in each hand.

    Good luck to you on your challenge.
  • dayala01
    dayala01 Posts: 15 Member
    4/19: 100 squats
    4/20: 100 squats
    4/21: 100 squats
    4/22: 100 squats
    4/23: 100 squats
  • MuffRuff
    MuffRuff Posts: 238 Member
    04/23/2012 - 700 squats

    I thought I would do more today especially since I have been too busy to do some of my other exercises on the previous days. Clover5, I hope your online class goes well :). barbiecat, I love hearing about your dogs. They sound so awesome. Welcome missbabygirl! This is such an awesome group :).
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Good morning,

    Days 1 - 10 - 1020
    11 - 4/14 - 100
    12 - 4/15 - 100
    13 - 4/16 - 120
    14 - 4/17 - 100
    15 - 4/18 - 100
    16 - 4/19 - 100
    17 - 4/20 - 100
    18 - 4/21 - 100
    19 - 4/22 - 100
    20 - 4/23 - 120

    I also did some side leg lifts, inside leg lifts, tricept extentions, pelvic lifts, and calf raises. I don't get strength workouts done as often as I think I should. Also, yesterday I registered to run in a 5k on May 20th. Now I have a goal to reach for with my running. It would be nice to run the whole thing without stopping. I'm not there yet. We'll see how it goes. I intend to run 3 or more times per week until then. Daughter has soccer practice tonight. Last week, I found a gorgous neighborhood right near the park to run in. Older homes but most had either horses or llamas. I really enjoyed it.

    You are amazing MuffRuff! Great work Dayala. Great work on the lunges Barbiecat.

    So Barbie, do you have cats too?
  • MuffRuff
    MuffRuff Posts: 238 Member
    04/24/2012 - 700 squats

    The Leslie Sansone 5 Really Big Miles has been amazing. Wow clover5 120 squats! You are doing a wonderful job.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :flowerforyou: Clover, you are doing an amazing variety of exercise......best wishes on your running...glad you found a good place to run......I was a cat person before we got dogs......for years we had two cats, now we have only one,....Bernie who is part Maine Coon.....he loves the dogs, sleeps with them, teases them, and tries to eat their food......he lives indoors.

    :flowerforyou: MuffRuff, you are amazing with 700 squats :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: dayala, congrats on your continued success with squats. :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: today is weight training day so in addition to my usual 100 lunges, i did 30 with a 15 pound dumbbell in each hand and 10 with a 10 pound dumbbells.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington state where it was drizzly all day.
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Good morning,

    Days 01 - 10 - 1020
    Days 11 - 20 - 1040
    21 - 4/24 - 100

    Also, I ran during the soccer practice.
    Clover, you are doing an amazing variety of exercise......best wishes on your running

    Thanks Barbie. Variety keeps me from getting bored. I have ran off and on since 19 and I always return to it. But I enjoy just about any activity. Sounds like you have a hefty workout planned for today.

    MuffRuff - all I can say is WOW! That's alot of squats. Thrilled for you. Are you still thinking about joining the college gym? I have looked into downloading some of Leslie Sansone's audio recordings (I have rapsody), but have not taken action yet. As we get into summer, it's unlikely that I'll actually do it until the snow starts again next year. I will keep your reccomendation in mind though. This last winter I did a lot of step workouts with Denise Austin. By next year, I'll want something different.