Question about hunger?



  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Damn... I gave up after 4 weeks. Guess I needed to give it longer. This time I'll up the calories but in smaller portions. I think the jump I made was too drastic on the system.

    I remember one of the leaders of this group said it takes at least 4 weeks (maybe 6) to start noticing a difference. So I just kept that in mind. I'm going on my 4th week now but too afraid to weigh myself...LOL! My clothes feel looser though so I'm feeling good about it.

    I upped my calories in small increments too. So maybe just jump back in and increase in small increments.

    One of my biggest problems is that I weigh myself every day. I know I shouldn't but the OCD part of me won't let me give that up. I keep trying to tell myself to take pictures and measure but I haven't quite gotten the courage to take that next step.

    I put the scale under my bed. I AM NOT WEIGHING until next Thursday!...You talk about a person addicted to the can't get any worse than

    Me too! I have a total love/hate relationship with my scale. Used to weigh myself every single morning. So the fact that I haven't weighed myself in a week is huge. I'm trying to get more used to focusing on how my clothes fit more than the numbers on the scale.
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    I couldn't eat a string cheese with an apple because I would be hungry. It is something about an apple that makes my tummy rumble with hunger. I tend to eat it with a protein drink or with a meal instead.

    I don't what it is about apple either.... but no matter when I eat them, I get really hungry very soon after. I don't know if it's the sugar spike or what. Think I'll start having it with either my breakfast or lunch and swap to a protein drink as a snack instead.

    Hmmm, that's interesting because I'm super hungry within an hour of eating an apple. Maybe it is the sugar spike that causes that, as you mentioned.

    I'll have to find something else to snack on in the afternoon.
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    I'm new here, so please keep that in mind. But I have learned that if I don't get enough fat in my meals I get hungry quickly. I have been reading (listening to actually) Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Tabues. It supports this idea, and talks about how low fat high carb diets are making everyone fat. Its very interesting and I do believe its correct (very dry book though). I would try to incorporate more fat, it helps with satiety.

    Thanks for your input! I've heard that too and I have noticed when I have a meal or snack higher in fat (healthy fat, of course), my hunger is curbed for much longer.
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    Over the last 3-4 weeks, I've increased my cals slowly. Went from 1400 to 1500 to 1600 and I'm now at 1700 (my TDEE - 20% is 1711 but I like round numbers...I'm anal that way).

    Now that I'm at 1700, over the last few days I've noticed I'm hungrier more often, which is strange because I feel like I'm eating every 2-3 hours. Usually my breakfast is around 300 cals and it'll hold me over until my mid-morning snack but I'm finding that I'm hungry before that. Yesterday I ate a light string cheese and an apple for a mid-afternoon snack and I was hungry an hour later.

    Is this a good sign that my metabolism is starting to speed up? It feels strange to be hungry when I'm eating this many calories.

    Same thing happened to me I upped my calories and thought "there is no way I can eat all this" and was very full for two days, then my appetite went through the roof I was so hungry which was weird cause at 1200 I was never hungry!

    I think it took a number of days for my appetite to calm down and adjust to the new calories. I was worried for a while that I would stay hungry! Its balanced out now and I do weigh myself every day. It was about a week after Iwent past the hunger stage that I started to see a loss again. I am glad I held out!

    Anyway this is my late night rambling way of saying "Yes I think that your hunger is a sign that youir metabolism is fixing itself".

  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Over the last 3-4 weeks, I've increased my cals slowly. Went from 1400 to 1500 to 1600 and I'm now at 1700 (my TDEE - 20% is 1711 but I like round numbers...I'm anal that way).

    Now that I'm at 1700, over the last few days I've noticed I'm hungrier more often, which is strange because I feel like I'm eating every 2-3 hours. Usually my breakfast is around 300 cals and it'll hold me over until my mid-morning snack but I'm finding that I'm hungry before that. Yesterday I ate a light string cheese and an apple for a mid-afternoon snack and I was hungry an hour later.

    Is this a good sign that my metabolism is starting to speed up? It feels strange to be hungry when I'm eating this many calories.

    Same thing happened to me I upped my calories and thought "there is no way I can eat all this" and was very full for two days, then my appetite went through the roof I was so hungry which was weird cause at 1200 I was never hungry!

    I think it took a number of days for my appetite to calm down and adjust to the new calories. I was worried for a while that I would stay hungry! Its balanced out now and I do weigh myself every day. It was about a week after Iwent past the hunger stage that I started to see a loss again. I am glad I held out!

    Anyway this is my late night rambling way of saying "Yes I think that your hunger is a sign that youir metabolism is fixing itself".


    Thank you for your feedback! Your profile pic is AMAZING!!!
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member

    Thank you for your feedback! Your profile pic is AMAZING!!!

    Yes but its not me! : / I have a substantial amount of weight to lose.

    Whenever I log on I am identifying with those abs. When I go to exercise or make food choices I try and act as I think a person with that body would act.
    Also I use to wear a bikini just like that before I piled all the weight on, although I never rocked it like this chick is doing.
  • Coni888
    Coni888 Posts: 7 Member
    I don't recall feeling hungry, but I always made sure to hit my protein I was eating about 135gr and up. I actually just changed my ratio to 35% protein so I am getting in more like 166 now.

    I couldn't eat a string cheese with an apple because I would be hungry. It is something about an apple that makes my tummy rumble with hunger. I tend to eat it with a protein drink or with a meal instead.

    I will tell you, I am finding that as I increase (1200-1350-1500-1800- now at 1900) as my body adjusts after a while I feel like it is almost not enough. My TDEE is 2254 so I am contemplating moving up to 2000. I don't know...I haven't weighed for a while due to a challenge, but if there is no movement on the scale I am going up:-)

    What is your macro percentage. I have been looking into it and people suggested 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fat, as this should also help with hunger. Is that right? Thanks
  • k0nfyo0zed
    k0nfyo0zed Posts: 313 Member
    i upped my calories from 1600-1800 to 2400-2600 (i like a range so i don't go nuts if i go over) over the last week and starting yesterday i was having a hard time staying out of the kitchen, whereas at the beginning i was like "really, MORE food?" good to see that this is normal. i was just going to blame it on TOM :)
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member

    Thank you for your feedback! Your profile pic is AMAZING!!!

    Yes but its not me! : / I have a substantial amount of weight to lose.

    Whenever I log on I am identifying with those abs. When I go to exercise or make food choices I try and act as I think a person with that body would act.
    Also I use to wear a bikini just like that before I piled all the weight on, although I never rocked it like this chick is doing.

    Well, the pic is definitely great for inspiration!!! We will definitely rock those bikinis once again!!!