Daily weighing (I'm a rebel) :)



  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    I think this may be one of my favorite posts on MFP. Its so comforting to know i'm not alone. I find that weighing in daily keeps me from going too crazy and shows me just how much body weight fluctuates daily. Sadly, no matter how many times I tell myself that I will not let TOM weight bother me, it's still so annoying! LOL
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    Thanks for the link. The Hacker's Diet charting seems like it will be great. I like tracking things. I've not been very honest in my MFP tracking. I only post when I have a loss. I too have noticed that I lose, gain it back, bounce around, and then drop to a new low. So I had no idea prior to this post that this is what other people experience. I'm looking forward to using the charting on Hacker's Diet to see if I notice any correlations.

    I'm new to this group, so I'll post an intro. somewhere when I get a chance!
  • indrani1947
    indrani1947 Posts: 178 Member
    If anyone is interested in an online tool that automatically graphs a trend line of your daily weights make an account at


    Mostly for those who don't want to set up their own spreadsheet. it also looks very nice and has a lot of handy tools you can use.

    Thanks for the link it's so nice to see a downward trend even if it is slow..but shows how I can stall and then lose to play catchup at about .4lb per week which is what mfp predicts
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Yep. How I consider it: I get a preview of my new low, then wait a few days and actually get to keep it. Happens every time. And, it happened the other time I dieted (when I originally lost weight). I actually used to log it as my preview weight.
  • witrixie2011
    Been charting since January 1st and every 4 weeks I drop a huge amount. That's this week..... I'm very anxious to see if it actually happens again! :laugh:
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    True to form my "preview weight" disappeared. Because I weigh daily, I know it will reappear and then finally stay.
  • fmbomzo
    fmbomzo Posts: 382 Member
    I have to say that charting daily is really helping me. I see a pattern now much like previous posters have described. I lose a few lbs "dramatically", then it goes back up to my previous low for a while and bounces. Then I go back down to the new low and hang around for a while. So now that I know it is bouncing downward, I'm less anxious about the ride.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I have to say that charting daily is really helping me. I see a pattern now much like previous posters have described. I lose a few lbs "dramatically", then it goes back up to my previous low for a while and bounces. Then I go back down to the new low and hang around for a while. So now that I know it is bouncing downward, I'm less anxious about the ride.
    Exactly. I've only ever REALLY dieted once before (I lost 20LBS about 15 years ago, and kept it off). I weighed daily. I believe if I hadn't I would have quit. If I was weighing weekly and my weigh ins happened to correspond to ovulation, or pms, or eating indian food I would have quit. It was only through seeing my body's rhythms that I was able to feel okay about small increases and keep going.