

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Challenge exercises: YES
    Water: 12 glasses
    Under Calories: YES
    Double crunches: 30 today, 90/210
    Walking challenge: 7.2 miles

    Kelly: Wow...running over 5 miles is awesome! I am impressed:tongue:

    Teresa: Planks...yes, they are getting easier but I must say the amount of time I can hold them depends on how much else I have done BEFORE them. If I've done other upper body exercises, I don't make it as long, but usually hold them from 30 to 60 seconds. I am determined to strengthen my weak upper body!

    Have a good one, All!
  • cantobean
    cantobean Posts: 287 Member

    under calores: yes
    water: on my 12th cup
    exercise challenge: yes
    double crunches: 50, so 70/200
    running: nada :(

    Planks are not too hard for me. I can hold one for about 50 seconds. It's the "leg raise and hold" that's REALLY tough. I can only do it in 20-30 second intervals.
  • onefitsurvivor
    onefitsurvivor Posts: 108 Member
    Water- 8 cups
    Under calorie goal today - Yes!!!
    Walking Challenge: 2.11 miles (C25K W2D1) :drinker:
    Double Crunches: 50/150 so far.
    Exercise Challenges: Yes! :happy:

    How is everybody doing on those PLANKS?? Are you able to "hold" them a little longer each week? How long are you guys holding them for? (Just curious). I'm a woos - I'm struggling to make it to 30 seconds........ :blushing:

    Great day for you, Teresa! I would LOVE it if the planks would get easier for me! I hold them for 30 seconds. By the last set, I'm pooped! Maybe next week they'll be easier! :)

  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 432 Member
    Tuesday: Day 3

    Water- 15 cups
    Under calorie goal today - Yes, did well! Working for the "zone"
    Walking Challenge: 0 miles
    Burned 0 calories: 662/32500
    Minutes: 40/1950

    Crunches: 0/180 Need to get busy!

    The leglifts are a killer for me too! My whole body shakes while I do them! Crazy!
  • onefitsurvivor
    onefitsurvivor Posts: 108 Member

    under calores: yes
    water: on my 12th cup
    exercise challenge: yes
    double crunches: 50, so 70/200
    running: nada :(

    Planks are not too hard for me. I can hold one for about 50 seconds. It's the "leg raise and hold" that's REALLY tough. I can only do it in 20-30 second intervals.

    The leg raises are harder for me too! I put my hands under my bottom because otherwise they really hurt my back. I can hold them for 60 seconds but it's a struggle!

  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member

    Exercise Challenges - Check
    Water- 12 cups
    Under calorie goal today - Check
    Walking Challenge: 1 = 19/130 = 111 remaining
    Calories Burned: 330 = 6784/32500 = 25716 remaining
    Exercise Minutes : 70 = 1108/1950 = 842 remaining
    Double Crunch - 120/300

    So I totally missed my workout yesterday because I overslept...and then I did it again today!

    My workout buddy and I are working on revamping our workout schedule so we can stop being so tired and missing them all together. Getting up at 4:30 is just leaving me exhausted because I cant seem to be able to get to bed any earlier than 10:30-11 so i am running on no sleep. Its affecting how much quality time I can spend with my kids during the day cuz I just want to sit on my bum. My house is no where near as clean as I like to keep it LOL. So yeah...gonna have to figure that out. Do have a workout planned for this evening. Thank God. I am missing those exercise calories when it comes dinner time.

    I must have a crummy core LOL I can hold the planks for more than like 25 and when it comes to the leg lifts its like 15 seconds maybe 20. I try really hard to push that time but its just not happening. So i just set me a 3 minutes countdown on the phone and start and stop it each time I have to take a break. It takes me like 10 tries to get my 3 minutes in LOL
  • musky4
    musky4 Posts: 126 Member
    them there planks are KILLER - I too can barely get 30 seconds !!!! (arms are shaking =the whole bit ) LOL
    :noway: :embarassed:
  • shapestocome
    shapestocome Posts: 476 Member
    It's the leg lifts that are killer for me! Although yesterday I was able to hold them 6 inches from the ground for 45 seconds -- although like Shelle my whole body is shaking by the end. If anyone walked in they would think I was having a seizure! but they are getting easier :smile:

  • m00nflwr
    m00nflwr Posts: 103 Member
    planks are hard on my achy shoulders and wrists/hands
  • shapestocome
    shapestocome Posts: 476 Member
    double crunches:I have been slacking but will do some extra tonight and tomorrow. 50/300
    Exercise Challenge: No!
    Water- 8 cups
    Under calorie goal today - Yes 525 cals!
    Walking Challenge: 3.5
    Burned 352 calories: 7955/32500
    Minutes 52: 1177/1950

    Yesterday was my rest day and also had a busy day -- I did get the exercises done yesterday but not today. Tomorrow is my day off so I will catch up tomorrow. I am also going away for the weekend so I will need to do some extra days as well.

    I hope everyone had a great day!
  • amazing_grace♥
    I enjoyed reading about your Planks and your legs raise & holds...... haha. I don't feel so bad now. :noway:

    I have to start getting to bed earlier too - I'm exhausted every single night and I've read that if you get plenty of rest - THAT helps you to lose weight as well. Ugh!!! Just not enough hours in the day!!

    Exercise challenge: Not tonight's - am tired and my abs are killing me tonight.... will make them up tomorrow
    Double crunches: Not tonight.... again, my abs.... ugh!!
    Water- 8 cups
    Under calorie goal today - Yes!
    Walking Challenge: 0

    Have a GREAT night all!!
  • carriel1976
    carriel1976 Posts: 129 Member
    Today I did 60 more double crunches. That makes it 245/300
    I drank 14 glasses og water and stayed under calories by 300 or so. I also was able to walk 3 miles and get my challenge exercises done. I feel really good about today
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Today was a tough day in so many ways!!! I think the long weekend full of events and long day at the airport yesterday with a much delayed flight caught up with me today...so...

    Under Calories: NO....really over and quit tracking. Something I haven't done in a while:-(

    Challenge exercises: NO...but will do tomorrow for SURE!

    Walking challenge...NO (well, at least I am being consistent!)

    Double crunches: Ditto!!!!

    Water: 9 glasses

    Off to bed before I do any more harm!!!!!!!!
  • cantobean
    cantobean Posts: 287 Member
    I had a rough day here, as well!

    Under calories: yes, but my day was top-heavy. I hate that, because it means I'm hungry and crabby in the evening.
    Water: 8 cups.
    Exercises: half of them. Will do the others tomorrow
    Double crunches: none
    Running: Nada. I haven't run in a whole week!! Getting back on track TOMORROW after work!
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    double crunches: I forgot!!! :O Tomorrow.....that means I have to do 40 tomorrow! lol might take awhile.
    Exercise Challenge: Yes
    Water- 12 cups
    Under calorie goal today - Yes
    Walking Challenge: 2 miles
    Burned 221 calories
    Minutes: 55

    Today was grandma-sitting, and it went MUCH better than last week! Tomorrow is my big work day at the senior residence, then I have one more client in the evening after that. The morning is our home school group's gym class, so I'm guessing I'll be making up a lot on Friday. I didn't get ahead today like I wanted, but at least I didn't get any further behind!

    Everyone is doing great. I totally relate to the shaking during leg raise & holds and during planks!!!! I'm using these teaching my 7 year old to be polite and encouraging (as opposed to shockingly rude and laughing! :O) There is a lesson in everything, right? lol
  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 432 Member
    It's the leg lifts that are killer for me! Although yesterday I was able to hold them 6 inches from the ground for 45 seconds -- although like Shelle my whole body is shaking by the end. If anyone walked in they would think I was having a seizure! but they are getting easier :smile:


    ROFL!!!!! I think "I" am having the seizure!!!!
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member

    Exercise Challenges - Check
    Water- 16 cups
    Under calorie goal today - Check
    Walking Challenge: 1 = 20/130 = 110 remaining
    Calories Burned: 679 = 7463/32500 = 25037 remaining
    Exercise Minutes : 90 = 1198/1950 = 752 remaining
    Double Crunch -60= 180/300

    Tried the arc trainer for the first time at the gym last night and Im in love! I usually hop on the treadmill for a half hour each time I go to the gym and in 15 minutes on the arc trainer I burned just as many calories. Hopefully I can do a full 30 minutes on it tonight!

    On a side note. I am so tempted to step on the scale every morning. I want to know if im losing! I am trying not to step on the scale because I would hate to see a loss today and maybe less of a loss on Saturday. Then I would be all disappointed by my official weigh in! I find myself super excited to see Saturday mornings!
  • cantobean
    cantobean Posts: 287 Member

    On a side note. I am so tempted to step on the scale every morning. I want to know if im losing! I am trying not to step on the scale because I would hate to see a loss today and maybe less of a loss on Saturday. Then I would be all disappointed by my official weigh in! I find myself super excited to see Saturday mornings!

    I weigh in almost every day, anyway. I find it keeps me honest. If i have a "clean" day with lots of water and veggies and few starches, I almost always see a small loss. If I eat a lot of starches, sodium, or not enough water, I see a significant gain. It's a personal reminder that keeps me motivated. I know HOW to do it, I just need that immediate feedback to keep me going.
  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 432 Member
    Nice answer cowansar. The same thing happens to me.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    I have to weigh almost every day or I find I will start putting off weighing when I haven't been perfect...and next thing I know it's been TOO long and that's how I can "fool" myself into thinking I am doing just fine, when I may be gaining weight. The daily weigh-in keeps me honest with myself and also lets me accept that my weight will fluctuate with certain things, like sodium! But that's just me. I think we all need to do what works for us:-)

    Feeling better today...now need to get my exercises in from yesterday and today!:grumble: I am still T-I-R-E-D!!!:yawn: :yawn:

    Have a good one, Kackie