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  • annamerrick
    annamerrick Posts: 78 Member
    ps, I am still trying to figure out how to quote part of a reply...any tips? :)
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    When I quote part, I press "quote" then just delete the parts of the quote that I'm not referring to.

    Or, you could copy & paste just that part, but surround it with the word "quote" in brackets, like below, only without the spaces.

    [ quote ] copied & pasted text [/ quote ]
  • annamerrick
    annamerrick Posts: 78 Member
    When I quote part, I press "quote" then just delete the parts of the quote that I'm not referring to.

    Thanks! I was missing the quote brackets at beginning and end...
  • mstawnya
    mstawnya Posts: 450 Member

    When the book says to do 15 reps on each leg in each set before switching to the ball for crunches, do you do 15 on one side, then 15 on the other? Or, do you alternate, and do 15 reps of one pair of lunges (one leading R and one leading L)?

    I did the alternating legs for both sets, so I still ended up doing 15 on the left and 15 on the right for each set, but does it matter?

    I did them down a hallway. It was too awkward to step forward and back and switch legs. My understanding was to lunge first with your non dominant leg, return to start and lunge with the other leg. Do each leg 15 times (for a total of 30) for each set. Is that right?
  • firstnamekaren
    firstnamekaren Posts: 274 Member
    I don't know if your gym has this, but I did my pushups on a Smith machine--the one that is for squats, but the bar is attached to rails on each side and the bar slides up and down. I set the bar to about hip level, so it was probably about a 45 degree angle. I can move the bar down 3 more times to make it increasingly harder until I am strong enough to do them on the ground....which will hopefully happen soon!

    Oooh, I will look for this! I'm like 95% sure mine does, but I've never used it. I did my first Workout B yesterday and had mixed feelings about it.

    First, when asked a personal trainer to show me how to do a deadlift (I really did not want to mess it up) and as soon as I asked, some *kitten* physical therapist was like, "OH THOSE WILL WRECK YOUR BACK AND MESS UP YOUR POSTURE" when the PT was asking me which kind of deadlift. I was determined to do them correctly (if done right, they won't mess up your back!) but I think I was so shaken by that jerkoff that I did them wrong, and felt it in my lower back more than legs. :grumble:

    Presses were good, and pulldowns were good; these are things I had done before. But here's what I did for lunges: I held dumbbells in each hand, lunged forward with one leg, and just went up and down in the lunge position instead of stepping back after each rep. Whoops. I did 15 on one leg, then the other.

    And I guess I'd done bosu ball crunches all wrong before because last night it was tougher than I remembered!
  • annamerrick
    annamerrick Posts: 78 Member

    First, when asked a personal trainer to show me how to do a deadlift (I really did not want to mess it up) and as soon as I asked, some *kitten* physical therapist was like, "OH THOSE WILL WRECK YOUR BACK AND MESS UP YOUR POSTURE" when the PT was asking me which kind of deadlift. I was determined to do them correctly (if done right, they won't mess up your back!) but I think I was so shaken by that jerkoff that I did them wrong, and felt it in my lower back more than legs. :grumble:

    Presses were good, and pulldowns were good; these are things I had done before. But here's what I did for lunges: I held dumbbells in each hand, lunged forward with one leg, and just went up and down in the lunge position instead of stepping back after each rep. Whoops. I did 15 on one leg, then the other.

    And I guess I'd done bosu ball crunches all wrong before because last night it was tougher than I remembered!

    Thats really annoying about the deadlifts!! I watched a ton of videos on them and I'm still not sure if I'm doing them right. It just doesn't feel like a natural movement to me....maybe because I'm tall (5'11)....I am really focusing on keeping my back flat and not rounded.

    I am wondering if I'm doing something wrong with both the jackknife crunches and the swiss ball crunches. Both felt way too easy to me, even though I followed the books recommendations. Are more people doing pike crunches than the jackknifes they show in the book? Also, even with a 10 lb weight on my chest I didn't feel much in my core during swiss ball crunches...I felt more in my glutes in hamstrings. Maybe up the weight even more?
  • mstawnya
    mstawnya Posts: 450 Member

    First, when asked a personal trainer to show me how to do a deadlift (I really did not want to mess it up) and as soon as I asked, some *kitten* physical therapist was like, "OH THOSE WILL WRECK YOUR BACK AND MESS UP YOUR POSTURE" when the PT was asking me which kind of deadlift. I was determined to do them correctly (if done right, they won't mess up your back!) but I think I was so shaken by that jerkoff that I did them wrong, and felt it in my lower back more than legs. :grumble:

    Presses were good, and pulldowns were good; these are things I had done before. But here's what I did for lunges: I held dumbbells in each hand, lunged forward with one leg, and just went up and down in the lunge position instead of stepping back after each rep. Whoops. I did 15 on one leg, then the other.

    And I guess I'd done bosu ball crunches all wrong before because last night it was tougher than I remembered!

    Thats really annoying about the deadlifts!! I watched a ton of videos on them and I'm still not sure if I'm doing them right. It just doesn't feel like a natural movement to me....maybe because I'm tall (5'11)....I am really focusing on keeping my back flat and not rounded.

    I am wondering if I'm doing something wrong with both the jackknife crunches and the swiss ball crunches. Both felt way too easy to me, even though I followed the books recommendations. Are more people doing pike crunches than the jackknifes they show in the book? Also, even with a 10 lb weight on my chest I didn't feel much in my core during swiss ball crunches...I felt more in my glutes in hamstrings. Maybe up the weight even more?

    The jackknifes were tough for me because I have awful balance, but I felt the Swiss ball crunches in my quads & glutes too. I added a 10 lb. plate, but it didn't do much. Will increase next time.
  • Polly758
    Polly758 Posts: 623 Member
    Pushups. God, I hate them. Knowing I can't do them on the floor, I tried for an incline, and don't know what angle I used, but it was probably about 45 degrees, and they were still REALLY hard. It was especially hard to keep my elbows close to my ribcage instead of letting them go out to the side. But I got through all the sets. do you think I should try an even easier incline???

    I always thought that the elbows were supposed to go out to the side-- that allows your chest and biceps to do the work. If you do with your elbows close to your body, it works your triceps more.

    I didn't even read what the book says, maybe I better check if it says to keep elbows in. Then I'll ignore it if it does. :D
  • newmari12
    newmari12 Posts: 29 Member
    I did workout B today for the first time and found myself lifting a little too much weight for all the exercises (I guess what Lou said about women usually picking too light a weight does not apply to all of us lol), In any case, I too felt it in my glutes when doing the swiss ball crunch - am I doing it wrong? I had 10lbs resistance and did not feel a thing except for in my butt!

    Does anyone else feel like the first time going through workouts A and B is sort of overwhelming? I know for me, as someone who has only done group fitness classes (before starting NROLFW I was going 6x/week), I had never set foot in the weight lifting section of my gym and in these last two workouts I have felt completely intimidated and unsure of what I was doing, even though most of these moves I have done before in one way or another. These first two workouts have been all about re-learning how to do these moves in a different environment (one I am not yet 100% comfortable with) and do them correctly while also determining what the right weight is for me. I just feel like maybe I should start the program over again now that know what to do - anyone else feeling this way?
  • firstnamekaren
    firstnamekaren Posts: 274 Member
    About the stability ball crunches: I don't know if you guys did them this way, but I made sure my torso was mostly on the ball, my shoulders weren't resting on it, I kept my elbows out and watched the ceiling all the way up and down.
  • newmari12
    newmari12 Posts: 29 Member
    When I did the crunches I tried to do them as per the picture provided but now that I am looking at it closer do my shoulders need to be off the ball? I had my husband watching me and he said my shoulders were lifting off of the swiss ball I felt nothing in my abs. Maybe I'll just have to experiment with it.
  • mstawnya
    mstawnya Posts: 450 Member
    I did workout B today for the first time and found myself lifting a little too much weight for all the exercises (I guess what Lou said about women usually picking too light a weight does not apply to all of us lol), In any case, I too felt it in my glutes when doing the swiss ball crunch - am I doing it wrong? I had 10lbs resistance and did not feel a thing except for in my butt!

    Does anyone else feel like the first time going through workouts A and B is sort of overwhelming? I know for me, as someone who has only done group fitness classes (before starting NROLFW I was going 6x/week), I had never set foot in the weight lifting section of my gym and in these last two workouts I have felt completely intimidated and unsure of what I was doing, even though most of these moves I have done before in one way or another. These first two workouts have been all about re-learning how to do these moves in a different environment (one I am not yet 100% comfortable with) and do them correctly while also determining what the right weight is for me. I just feel like maybe I should start the program over again now that know what to do - anyone else feeling this way?

    I think it's overwhelming because it's new and we're all unsure of how much weight to add and whether our form is correct. I wouldn't start over. We have a lot of chances to get this first stage right! I did my 2nd Stage 1 Workout A today and still brought along the book to double check my form and added more weights. It's all good.
  • jody75
    jody75 Posts: 37 Member
    I think its great that women across the world are going to start demanding squat racks at the gym!

    Form can be really tricky. I learnedly a lot from Mark Rippetoe's book Starting Strength.
  • annamerrick
    annamerrick Posts: 78 Member
    I did workout B today for the first time and found myself lifting a little too much weight for all the exercises (I guess what Lou said about women usually picking too light a weight does not apply to all of us lol), In any case, I too felt it in my glutes when doing the swiss ball crunch - am I doing it wrong? I had 10lbs resistance and did not feel a thing except for in my butt!

    Does anyone else feel like the first time going through workouts A and B is sort of overwhelming? I know for me, as someone who has only done group fitness classes (before starting NROLFW I was going 6x/week), I had never set foot in the weight lifting section of my gym and in these last two workouts I have felt completely intimidated and unsure of what I was doing, even though most of these moves I have done before in one way or another. These first two workouts have been all about re-learning how to do these moves in a different environment (one I am not yet 100% comfortable with) and do them correctly while also determining what the right weight is for me. I just feel like maybe I should start the program over again now that know what to do - anyone else feeling this way?

    I think it's overwhelming because it's new and we're all unsure of how much weight to add and whether our form is correct. I wouldn't start over. We have a lot of chances to get this first stage right! I did my 2nd Stage 1 Workout A today and still brought along the book to double check my form and added more weights. It's all good.

    I totally agree with this ^^
    I don't think Stage 1 is about being perfect, its about learning form and what your body is capable of. Just keep improving every workout and you'll be great!