God Damn America



  • MzMiller1215
    MzMiller1215 Posts: 633 Member
    I think of my country as I do my marriage. I am not always going to agree with our leaders, I may even think they are idiots at times, however, I enjoy the freedoms we do have that most countries don't and I want to die in my country as a free, Black American. I agree that our country needs drastic improvement but much of the problems we are facing are self-inflicted. We have this sense of entitlement that made us believe we deserved that newly constructed house that we knew we really couldn't afford but, you must uphold an image and kept several credit cards that gave us a false sense of wealth. It was bound to come to a head sooner or later.
  • MzMiller1215
    MzMiller1215 Posts: 633 Member
    I love my country and wouldn't consider living anywhere else. We are responsibile for our country and how we live. If you are not satisfied with the way our politicians are working, vote them out and get new ones. I do believe it would help our country if we had term limits so we wouldn't have the "professional" politicians whose only concern is staying in office.

    we need to kick *kitten* and take names, we have allowed this country to drift away from the constitution and the founding principles. to get back on line people need to take pride in their county and theirselves again. No one is ENTITLED to have free housing, free food, free money, free medical. You earn it or work for it.

    Our military was once the greatest in the world and so was our education system. This has all gone down the tubes because of personal agendas of people that we keep electing and the apathy of the general populace.

    Take pride, stand up for what is right.

    I totally agree!
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    I love that! i am so tired of hearing about "contraception" and wether a Mom works or not. is that something that should be in our political discussions/actions?

    It's all a tactic to keep blinders on the public. If you're bickering about abortion and gay marriage, then you're probably not paying attention to the things that SHOULD be discussed and solved through politics. Keep the herd busy, and you can do whatever you like without fear of consequence.
    To all the people saying "vote them out if you don't like them" well, it's not quite that simple. As pointed out by the above quotes there are too many people who will vote against this country and their own best interests simply because they are issue (gays/abortion typically) or party line voters. I wish I could vote them out but my vote gets cancelled by someone who is pro fetus/anti gay who votes for someone who will sell us all out to the best lobbyist simply because they claim to be pro life.

    America used to be a great country. We aren't anymore. We sacrifice the poor and children to give the rich more then criticize those poor when they dare ask "Please sir, may I have some more?" No country where a person can be educated, hard working, law abiding, and upstanding their entire lives but lose everything including their life simply because they lost their job and got sick or were in an accident when they lost their insurance is a "great country". A great country takes care of all of it's citizens, not just the elite. A great country runs the government, not people's bedrooms and marriages.

    We lived in Germany for 1 1/2 years. I had my blinders torn off while we were over there. I'd go back to Europe in a heart beat. I like a lot of America's perks (cheap housing, convenient shopping, being able to converse with my neighbors, etc) but there is an awful lot wrong. With the righties trying to repeal the entire 20th century (love that line!) I don't see how anyone can actually think it's going to get better to jump back into Puritanism instead of moving forward with the rest of the 1st world.
  • debloves2ride
    I love that! i am so tired of hearing about "contraception" and wether a Mom works or not. is that something that should be in our political discussions/actions?

    It's all a tactic to keep blinders on the public. If you're bickering about abortion and gay marriage, then you're probably not paying attention to the things that SHOULD be discussed and solved through politics. Keep the herd busy, and you can do whatever you like without fear of consequence.
    To all the people saying "vote them out if you don't like them" well, it's not quite that simple. As pointed out by the above quotes there are too many people who will vote against this country and their own best interests simply because they are issue (gays/abortion typically) or party line voters. I wish I could vote them out but my vote gets cancelled by someone who is pro fetus/anti gay who votes for someone who will sell us all out to the best lobbyist simply because they claim to be pro life.

    America used to be a great country. We aren't anymore. We sacrifice the poor and children to give the rich more then criticize those poor when they dare ask "Please sir, may I have some more?" No country where a person can be educated, hard working, law abiding, and upstanding their entire lives but lose everything including their life simply because they lost their job and got sick or were in an accident when they lost their insurance is a "great country". A great country takes care of all of it's citizens, not just the elite. A great country runs the government, not people's bedrooms and marriages.

    We lived in Germany for 1 1/2 years. I had my blinders torn off while we were over there. I'd go back to Europe in a heart beat. I like a lot of America's perks (cheap housing, convenient shopping, being able to converse with my neighbors, etc) but there is an awful lot wrong. With the righties trying to repeal the entire 20th century (love that line!) I don't see how anyone can actually think it's going to get better to jump back into Puritanism instead of moving forward with the rest of the 1st world.

    as you pointed out it isn't easy to make a change, like voting people out. but it has to begin somewhere. if your vote gets cancelled out by someone who is voting the opposite, then the majority wins the election, which is the way the process works. sorry if you don't like it. just don't give up on voting, which is what many people do because of that attitude, my vote doesn't count.

    moving back to Germany won't fix America, but feel free.....
  • EndofEternity
    I think if you read A People's History of the United States, the notion that this was once a great country a long time ago turns out to be rather absurd. Perhaps the people were just a little less distracted by benign Hollywood bull****, the government a little less bought and paid for, the news media a little less sensationalistic, and the country as a whole a little less spineless and cowardly.

    I'd gladly leave and never look back if it were as simple as the morons who trumpet this idea thought.
  • mikajoanow
    mikajoanow Posts: 584 Member
    So who is to blame, the politicians playing the game and keeping in their inner circle/families intact or the American public only concerns about today (and not their future generations)?

    The blame always falls on our shoulders. The politicians are elected by us. We have no excuse. Don't like them? Get involved and change something. But that's hard, so we don't. And we're left with what we have.

    I take great pride in my country. But I'm a realist. I see the cracks in the mirror. We have done great things. Things that inspire, things we can be proud of. We've also committed terrible acts which no amount of rationalization can ever excuse. We should always be striving to be better. History will judge as at the end.

    ITA with this.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    America has all the talent it needs. I'm not so sure it has the will. While nations like India and China turn out millions of scientists and engineers, half of Americans want to relitigate the Scopes Monkey trial. Instead of investing in new infrastructure and green technology, we are just ceding new markets to the rest of the world so that our corporations can protect their subsidies and rig the market system to guarantee their short-term profits.

    To the absolute astonishment of the rest of the world, we are trying to go back to the 50s and 60s and re-start the fight about contraception.

    It's hard to face the future when one of your major political parties wants to repeal the entire 20th century.


    I can't tell you how many foreign nationals are in graduate schools at the top US universities because they CAN'T find qualified Americans to fill those spots. I was the ONLY American woman in my entire program in my first year of grad school. We only had two American men, and 20+ Chinese, European, and Indian students. So few Americans are going into hard sciences anymore, especially women. Only 13% of Ph.D. mathematicians are women, and of that number, only 30% are American women.

    Our focus as a nation is on stupid superficial content (what Hollywood bimbo wore what to the Oscars, spending $1billion on a failing baseball team, etc.), not solving the very real and imminent problems we, as a world society, face: energy shortages, food shortages, the skyrocketing cost and insufficient quality medical care, very serious long-term damage to the environment with potentially catastrophic outcomes for our children and grandchildren, etc.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    I think if you read A People's History of the United States, the notion that this was once a great country a long time ago turns out to be rather absurd. Perhaps the people were just a little less distracted by benign Hollywood bull****, the government a little less bought and paid for, the news media a little less sensationalistic, and the country as a whole a little less spineless and cowardly.

    I'd gladly leave and never look back if it were as simple as the morons who trumpet this idea thought.

    If you really hate where you are, but won't leave, who's the moron?

    Maybe it's not easy, but staying in this country and enjoying all the perks of citizenship, while b!tching about how awful it is at the same time is just lame on your part.

    If you want to change things, work to change them. If you can't stand it and want to leave, leave. People do it all the time. My father fought hard just to get to this country. He knew he'd have a better life here.

    Or continue blaming Hollywood and the news, and calling others spineless cowards from the comfort of wherever you're at. :yawn:
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    I think if you read A People's History of the United States, the notion that this was once a great country a long time ago turns out to be rather absurd. Perhaps the people were just a little less distracted by benign Hollywood bull****, the government a little less bought and paid for, the news media a little less sensationalistic, and the country as a whole a little less spineless and cowardly.

    I'd gladly leave and never look back if it were as simple as the morons who trumpet this idea thought.

    If you really hate where you are, but won't leave, who's the moron?

    Maybe it's not easy, but staying in this country and enjoying all the perks of citizenship, while b!tching about how awful it is at the same time is just lame on your part.

    If you want to change things, work to change them. If you can't stand it and want to leave, leave. People do it all the time. My father fought hard just to get to this country. He knew he'd have a better life here.

    Or continue blaming Hollywood and the news, and calling others spineless cowards from the comfort of wherever you're at. :yawn:

  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    On a side note, could it be that us americans have turned into professinal malcontents and whiners? I keep hearing how bad things are, and to be sure, we have issues. But I have even heard people go as far as to say we are in a new Depression. Really? With your internet access, air conditioning, plentiful food, and every other major benefit that people take for granted, we are in a depression. I think it's great that Americans demand more of their government, but we have to get away from this "the world is ending" attitude everytime something doesn't go our way.
  • EndofEternity
    I think if you read A People's History of the United States, the notion that this was once a great country a long time ago turns out to be rather absurd. Perhaps the people were just a little less distracted by benign Hollywood bull****, the government a little less bought and paid for, the news media a little less sensationalistic, and the country as a whole a little less spineless and cowardly.

    I'd gladly leave and never look back if it were as simple as the morons who trumpet this idea thought.

    If you really hate where you are, but won't leave, who's the moron?

    Maybe it's not easy, but staying in this country and enjoying all the perks of citizenship, while b!tching about how awful it is at the same time is just lame on your part.

    If you want to change things, work to change them. If you can't stand it and want to leave, leave. People do it all the time. My father fought hard just to get to this country. He knew he'd have a better life here.

    Or continue blaming Hollywood and the news, and calling others spineless cowards from the comfort of wherever you're at. :yawn:

    You're confusing won't with can't.

    You're also making several baseless assumptions about me and the supposed perks I get from living here. But okay, let's say that I'm not an activist, that I'm not engaged in politics and having constant discussions with people, that I don't vote, that I'm not educating myself on a daily basis, etc. What if I'm just an average bloke trying to mind my own business? So just because I'm a dissenter who would rather live somewhere else that I should start packing my bags? What if you think for a few milliseconds about how moving to another country is the complete opposite of simple? Believe it or not, I think this country has a lot of potential, and I want to see it live up to that potential. There are many reasons I cannot leave, which are none of your business, but if I ever have the opportunity to leave, I will. In the meantime, I'll continue trying to improve this country.

    The only thing that needs to GTFO is the patriotic retardation of this country.
  • EndofEternity
    On a side note, could it be that us americans have turned into professinal malcontents and whiners? I keep hearing how bad things are, and to be sure, we have issues. But I have even heard people go as far as to say we are in a new Depression. Really? With your internet access, air conditioning, plentiful food, and every other major benefit that people take for granted, we are in a depression. I think it's great that Americans demand more of their government, but we have to get away from this "the world is ending" attitude everytime something doesn't go our way.

    Just because you and I have those things does not mean that everyone does. Look beyond your own personal situation. This isn't just about luxuries like air conditioning and internet access but the number of people in this country who are without basic food, clean water, and health care.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    On a side note, could it be that us americans have turned into professinal malcontents and whiners? I keep hearing how bad things are, and to be sure, we have issues. But I have even heard people go as far as to say we are in a new Depression. Really? With your internet access, air conditioning, plentiful food, and every other major benefit that people take for granted, we are in a depression. I think it's great that Americans demand more of their government, but we have to get away from this "the world is ending" attitude everytime something doesn't go our way.


    We live lifes of comfort that past generations could hardly dream about. You think other countries have fat poor people? Those poor *kitten* starve to death!

    SO much of the world is poor! Really poor. Not U.S. poor. Those countries don't put out books about how bad things are, because the dictator won't allow it and much of the population can't even read and nobody has the kind of money where they can afford a book. Right now there's a kid in the Phillipines digging through garbage to try to find a meal.

    Tell me again how bad you have it here. Mommy not letting you play X-Box until you clean your room?
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    You're confusing won't with can't.

    You're also making several baseless assumptions about me and the supposed perks I get from living here. But okay, let's say that I'm not an activist, that I'm not engaged in politics and having constant discussions with people, that I don't vote, that I'm not educating myself on a daily basis, etc. What if I'm just an average bloke trying to mind my own business? So just because I'm a dissenter who would rather live somewhere else that I should start packing my bags? What if you think for a few milliseconds about how moving to another country is the complete opposite of simple? Believe it or not, I think this country has a lot of potential, and I want to see it live up to that potential. There are many reasons I cannot leave, which are none of your business, but if I ever have the opportunity to leave, I will. In the meantime, I'll continue trying to improve this country.

    The only thing that needs to GTFO is the patriotic retardation of this country.

    No, you're telling yourself you can't so you don't have to. Because you don't actually want to.

    I said it wasn't simple. "Not simple" is not the same as impossible. Or even difficult. Sorry, if you really want to leave it's going to take a bit of effort on your part. Heaven forbid.

    Good news. You have the opportunity to leave. People do it everyday. They show up on foreign shores with nothing to their name. They actually do the things they say they're going to. Try it. Talk is rather cheap.
  • EndofEternity
    On a side note, could it be that us americans have turned into professinal malcontents and whiners? I keep hearing how bad things are, and to be sure, we have issues. But I have even heard people go as far as to say we are in a new Depression. Really? With your internet access, air conditioning, plentiful food, and every other major benefit that people take for granted, we are in a depression. I think it's great that Americans demand more of their government, but we have to get away from this "the world is ending" attitude everytime something doesn't go our way.


    We live lifes of comfort that past generations could hardly dream about. You think other countries have fat poor people? Those poor *kitten* starve to death!

    SO much of the world is poor! Really poor. Not U.S. poor. Those countries don't put out books about how bad things are, because the dictator won't allow it and much of the population can't even read and nobody has the kind of money where they can afford a book. Right now there's a kid in the Phillipines digging through garbage to try to find a meal.

    Tell me again how bad you have it here. Mommy not letting you play X-Box until you clean your room?

    Ah, okay, you're not just ignorant, you're inconsiderate. No wonder you can't reason why someone can't just pack their bags and leave for another country. Perhaps the reason why people like me are so miserable here is because we do see that there are genuine poor and neglected people in this country and are tired of people with mindsets such as yours which allow these problems to fester and grow beyond control.

    But nope, I'm just mad because Mommy won't let me play video games. Right. That's why I'm angry about this country.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Those of you who don't like it here, feel free to spread the word world wide. Maybe I can stop taking foreign language lessons.
  • EndofEternity
    You're confusing won't with can't.

    You're also making several baseless assumptions about me and the supposed perks I get from living here. But okay, let's say that I'm not an activist, that I'm not engaged in politics and having constant discussions with people, that I don't vote, that I'm not educating myself on a daily basis, etc. What if I'm just an average bloke trying to mind my own business? So just because I'm a dissenter who would rather live somewhere else that I should start packing my bags? What if you think for a few milliseconds about how moving to another country is the complete opposite of simple? Believe it or not, I think this country has a lot of potential, and I want to see it live up to that potential. There are many reasons I cannot leave, which are none of your business, but if I ever have the opportunity to leave, I will. In the meantime, I'll continue trying to improve this country.

    The only thing that needs to GTFO is the patriotic retardation of this country.

    No, you're telling yourself you can't so you don't have to. Because you don't actually want to.

    I said it wasn't simple. "Not simple" is not the same as impossible. Or even difficult. Sorry, if you really want to leave it's going to take a bit of effort on your part. Heaven forbid.

    Good news. You have the opportunity to leave. People do it everyday. They show up on foreign shores with nothing to their name. They actually do the things they say they're going to. Try it. Talk is rather cheap.

    Perhaps there are personal and family-related reasons that people like myself cannot just up and leave? Please, think for a measly millisecond. It might do you some good someday. It truly is sad how a country that prizes the first amendment has so many people that will tell a dissenter to leave if their justified complaints are a bit inconvenient.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    Perhaps there are personal and family-related reasons that people like myself cannot just up and leave? Please, think for a measly millisecond. It might do you some good someday. It truly is sad how a country that prizes the first amendment has so many people that will tell a dissenter to leave if their justified complaints are a bit inconvenient.

    I don't tell dissenters to leave. This country was founded on dissent. I support and often engage in dissent. I tell people who say "I wish I could leave this country!" to LEAVE! Otherwise you just sound like a whining child.

    I'm sure you desperately want to leave but have many reasons you can't right now. And when those reasons change you'll find new ones. Because you're not leaving. You just want to act cooler than the room by saying how lame the party you're at is. Be glad we let you stay and pick over the cocktail weinies while you drone on and on about how much the music sucks.
  • EndofEternity
    Perhaps there are personal and family-related reasons that people like myself cannot just up and leave? Please, think for a measly millisecond. It might do you some good someday. It truly is sad how a country that prizes the first amendment has so many people that will tell a dissenter to leave if their justified complaints are a bit inconvenient.

    I don't tell dissenters to leave. This country was founded on dissent. I support and often engage in dissent. I tell people who say "I wish I could leave this country!" to LEAVE! Otherwise you just sound like a whining child.

    I'm sure you desperately want to leave but have many reasons you can't right now. And when those reasons change you'll find new ones. Because you're not leaving. You just want to act cooler than the room by saying how lame the party you're at is. Be glad we let you stay and pick over the cocktail weinies while you drone on and on about how much the music sucks.

    You don't know anything about me, so how is it fair to say I'll find new ones? Even if I do, what is the crime in that? Life can change on a dime for a person with friends and family, a career, bills, etc. What is the crime in complaining in the first place when the music at this party we're talking about is truly horrible? I'd rather complain than cover my ears and dance, let alone be the party's unofficial bouncer when someone isn't conforming. At least then someone might hear my complaint and we can do something together to try and get this party to play to a different tune.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    So which is it? You hate America and want to leave, or you want to work together to change stuff you don't like? Because they are two very different things.