10-week challenge



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    Yeah, Jessica, I just do NOT think body fat % calculators are a good measure when you use them as a "snap-shot". They aren't accurate (enough). So, instead, I think it is best if you use it at the same time, everyday, and under the same conditions (i.e. don't use it one day BEFORE you eat and one day AFTER you eat...). And then, chart your results. Take the average over 30 days. And THAT would be a (more) accurate measure of your body fat %.

    So, don't panic....like I said, the "snap-shot" will leave you frustrated because it won't be accurate, imho.

    I'm doing AWESOME this week, I believe. I didn't have a headache, yesterday, and maybe I'm already over the carb induction flu - which would be really good. I've done enough research on what I'm doing to likely allow for myself to eat at maintenance 1 DAY PER WEEK. For this week, I will choose Sunday - Mother's Day, because we have a supper out.

    The rest of the time, I'm eating at a deficit and I feel pretty confident in this 10-week-challenge, at this point.:smile:
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    Jessica - that happened to me too, when I first joined the gym and did all cardio, all the time. I was planning to measure monthly, and I'd been feeling pretty confident that with a month of lifting with cardio only on non-lifting days, the body fat % would HAVE to go down, but I'll find out for sure next week.

    I like the idea of the 30-day rolling average, but I don't want to buy one for fear I'll become obsessive about it too. It's bad enough I still weigh near daily. I can handle subtle fluctuations, but I think body fat % fluctuations might make me nutty.

    I'm also re-evaluating whether my goal of losing 10 lb. in 10 weeks was reasonable or not. The scale has come to a (fluctuating) standstill at 190. It reads 189 occasionally, but most often reads bet. 190-193.

    I do fit into size 14 jeans now though, both Lee & Levis. The Levis are still a little snug though, so I'd like those to be more comfortable by the end of 10 weeks.

    And I'm OK with being patient with the scale if I really am building muscle and burning fat. I'm happy with the changes I see in the mirror, even if I'm not so happy with the pictures I (finally) had my husband take. But it's frustrating to not know HOW patient I need to be before I start seeing the scale move again.

    I'm tempted to call my Dr., who advised losing weight to drop my cholesterol, and asking him whether my BMI or BF% is more important for that purpose...
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    karen, I think it is a TOTALLY appropriate goal to focus on "fitting better into your jeans". That is *perfect*. (and, at xmas-time, that WAS my goal, and I've MET that goal - so I'm onto the NEXT goal...)

    I used to be obsessive about the scale, but not anymore. And, if I ever do get a body fat % calculator (which I would like to - but it seems TOO STRANGE to ask for it for a "mother's day" gift, lol!), I think I can 100% separate the charting out from the emotion of it. Wake up. Do body fat %. Chart number. Get on with day. (Because, on a daily basis, the number isn't MEANINGFUL, at all.)

    But, that's me.

    Oh, and I *did* step on the scale, today, and I'm down 3 (or 4?) lbs from the weekend. So, yes, I'm sure it is water weight, but I don't care. If I stay consistent with what I am doing, I'm going to KILL THIS 10-WEEK-CHALLENGE!

    (And, that's kind of the *point*, right?? If it weren't "challenging", it wouldn't be called a "challenge"....)
  • mstawnya
    mstawnya Posts: 450 Member
    Holding steady with my beans each afternoon. Bedtime is still a challenge. I've been averaging 11:30ish and even went to bed at 9:30 one night. A little better than last week.
  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    Jessica, don't get too worried about it. Just pick a steady time of day to take your BF% and consider it starting from square one. You will start seeing the progress. Admittedly I've only seen minimal progress but I was plateaued for 8 months, gained 8 lbs over xmas and then plateaued again until just these last couple weeks. And I use the word plateau simply to reflect that my weight wasn't changing, by no means was I following any type of healthy plan until just this last 10 weeks when I upped calories and started lifting but even that took a lot of time for me. You will get there!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    How's everyone doing, today?? I hope you are thinking (and planning!) about how you can successfully maneuver through this upcoming weekend. Especially with "Mother's Day", that may be tough on many of the Mom's out there!

    For me, I've got a supper out on Saturday night AND on Sunday night. So, I've determined that Saturday night will have to be the fish entree, plus veggies ONLY. (No bread. No dessert. No booze.) Sunday night, will be my "maintenance day", so I can probably have the steak entree, and maybe even some salad dressing on my salad - still no bread, no dessert and no booze.

    So, I'm ready (I think).
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    I've got a brunch and dinner on Mother's day. But I might try to get to the gym for a workout (lifting or not will depend on if I lift Saturday), so I'll get some extra calories if I can be done & dressed before brunch (my gym doesn't open until 8:00 am). =)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    I had an excellent day, today, challenge-wise. I think I'm getting the hang of this and I'm just keeping on....
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    I had a meltdown today. Walmart has gotten to the point it nearly gives me an anxiety attack. I HATE that place. More than words can ever say. After I left there, I had to rush to my appt to have my armpits tortured (laser hair removal). Thats when the meltdown occurred. I went to Olive Garden. It could have been WAY worse, but I really wanted a glass of wine and tiramisu. So....

    I'll only be having a light snack tonight.
  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    Does that hurt much, the laser hair removal? I've seriously been considering it but I don't know anyone who has actually done it. And I would say we all need a glass of wine and tiramisu sometimes...

    Mother's day is a lucky break for me. My mom is a vegan so if we do actually go anywhere to eat it will be to a place that you would really have to try to find something really unhealthy, but she doesn't like to go out to eat since so many places can't accommodate her diet so we probably won't anyways! She told me she wants to go get and plant a rose bush in honor of my grandma who passed away a year and half ago so we will probably have a bit of an active day. Should be nice. Oh, and I am not yet a mom so no worries there.
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    Yes, it hurts. Some times worse than others. It's worth it though. I had my bikini area done a few years ago and had great results, so I decided to go for the underarms, too. It isn't completely permanent. I have to get zapped for maintenance 2 or 3 times a year once the initial treatment is done. But it is SO much better.

    I have no idea what my Mother's Day will look like. Dh works, and my dad is out of town. I have a feeling my mom will want to go out to eat. :-( I would rather not, just because of the crowds, but we probably will.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    Nah, I disagree - laser hair removal doesn't hurt!! (Go in the middle of your TOM cycle and take a tylenol before you go if you are REALLY pain adverse!) I've had my entire bikini done, brazilian done, calves done, underarms done and am in the middle of having my upper lip, chin and upper legs done.

    Best. Thing. Ever.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    I am fitting better into my clothes, already. Interesting.

    For me, it simply isn't enough to lift heavy weights, obviously. Eating at maintenance all these months has kept me "fluffy". Now that I am eating below maintenance, I'm losing weight AND I'm losing inches.

    So, not saying it's the same for everybody - but for me, THAT is the formula.

    Makes it *much* easier to keep on keeping on when there are results in the mirror.

    Oh, and I'm done with my "rest week" now - I'm going to start Stage 5 NROL4W today - yay!
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Beeps - I totally agree. I've been at 1800 most days, with a few spikes here and there due to traveling, but my pants are starting to get looser on me now. Hopefully I will be in that size 8 in no time!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    NOW THAT IS THE ATTITUDE!! Love it, jen. LOVE. IT.
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    My scale moved! It read 188.5 this morning (after being "stuck" bet. 189-193 since I started on Apr. 16). Three times without different readings. So I counted it, and I'm hoping it means my body is getting the message that I mean business with these weight workouts!

    Stage 1, A6 today, and man, I worked HARD, and it felt sooooooooooo good!!! =)
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    My scale moved! It read 188.5 this morning (after being "stuck" bet. 189-193 since I started on Apr. 16). Three times without different readings. So I counted it, and I'm hoping it means my body is getting the message that I mean business with these weight workouts!

    Stage 1, A6 today, and man, I worked HARD, and it felt sooooooooooo good!!! =)

    That's awesome!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    Yay, karen!! That's EXACTLY how it's done! BOOM!

    I had a great Mother's Day. Ate more than I had planned for...and for sure took in more sodium, than I would have thought!

    So, it's right-back to deficit, today and for the remainder of the week. Next weekend is a long weekend, so I'll have to choose my "maintenance" day very carefully.

    I am meeting with a personal trainer, today - so I'll get back to NROL4W on Wednesday.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Karen - that's awesome!

    I had a great Mother's Day as well - although I totally over ate. Spent most of the day outside building a swing set for the kiddos, but it was great. And as I was helping hubby carry a section of it, he says "Holy crap look at those muscles!" AWESOME!! That was on top of the other comments he had already made about my waist being smaller and my calf muscles the day before.

    Traveling totally kicked my butt, I don't know how people can stand doing it for work all the time. I was supposed to get my second workout for the week in on Saturday and that didn't happen. I was planning on getting up this morning and that didn't happen. I've got to get back to my sleep schedule soon!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    If those are your gams, jenthomas, they look friggin' SPECTACULAR.

    The end.