Scared to take that first step!



  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I'm in the same boat as well. I have just upped my calories and I am so scared I'm going to start gaining and then give up. I really want this to work because starving sucks!

    Hiedi please put your scale away, take out your measuring tape and pay attention to how your clothes fit. This works, feel free to friend me and view my pics. My story is the same as sooooo many here, it takes time, but there is no suffering through bec your starving. You will feel better, look better and lose inches and weight too. Make sure to read what to expect. It warns that you may gain weight but you do trend back down once the body realizes you will faithfully fulfill its needs.

    You can do this!
  • MoominFit
    MoominFit Posts: 10
    Nearly posted this same thing myself, so I'm glad I saw your post! I ate like a horse for the first 20 yrs of my life because I was so active and from a "skinny" family. Now that I think about it, the weight gain in my late-20s & probably coincided with my decision to "get in shape" -- which, of course, meant dieting and exercise. In my case, I started eating everything sugar-free, and then developed false Graves Disease. They were ready to take out my thyroid but I kept pointing out that I was *gaining* weight, which is the opposite symptom of hyperthyroidism. I eventually lost weight, but it's been a yo-yo throughout my 30s, especially after 3 kids (gained 50 lb with each but lost it after the first two, not the last). I've been struggling -- losing, gaining, losing, gaining -- for three years now. I just started MFP about a month ago, but cluelessly had it calculate my calories to 1200. On top of that, I was doing Jillian Michaels RI30, walking a lot, and NOT eating back exercise calories! Thank goodness I found this group before I completely sabotaged my metabolism. I'm terrified to be eating 1800 cals per day. I'm at 162, and with my frame & bone structure, I have about 20 lb to lose. -- or rather, if not counting lbs, I should be in a small size 10. That's where I know I feel good and strong and healthy.

    I am taking measurements & not being a slave to the scale. I'm not doing lifting right now, but it's moving toward the summer season, so every weekend I'm in my yard for hours doing heavy digging and gardening, etc. (that gets me sore enough!).

    Anyway, THANKS for this post because I'm right with you. I don't even have the guts to take a "before" picture because I feel so icky. But I think I will do so out of trust for all the people here who have shared their success stories. I hope I'll eventually get to share before AND after ones as well. :-)

    -- Andrea
  • lillebanon
    lillebanon Posts: 214 Member
    I was scared, but I dove in headfirst, because eating LESS certainly wasn't working, so I figured no point in continuing to starve myself!
  • Michelle650
    Michelle650 Posts: 218
    Nearly posted this same thing myself, so I'm glad I saw your post! I ate like a horse for the first 20 yrs of my life because I was so active and from a "skinny" family. Now that I think about it, the weight gain in my late-20s & probably coincided with my decision to "get in shape" -- which, of course, meant dieting and exercise. In my case, I started eating everything sugar-free, and then developed false Graves Disease. They were ready to take out my thyroid but I kept pointing out that I was *gaining* weight, which is the opposite symptom of hyperthyroidism. I eventually lost weight, but it's been a yo-yo throughout my 30s, especially after 3 kids (gained 50 lb with each but lost it after the first two, not the last). I've been struggling -- losing, gaining, losing, gaining -- for three years now. I just started MFP about a month ago, but cluelessly had it calculate my calories to 1200. On top of that, I was doing Jillian Michaels RI30, walking a lot, and NOT eating back exercise calories! Thank goodness I found this group before I completely sabotaged my metabolism. I'm terrified to be eating 1800 cals per day. I'm at 162, and with my frame & bone structure, I have about 20 lb to lose. -- or rather, if not counting lbs, I should be in a small size 10. That's where I know I feel good and strong and healthy.

    I am taking measurements & not being a slave to the scale. I'm not doing lifting right now, but it's moving toward the summer season, so every weekend I'm in my yard for hours doing heavy digging and gardening, etc. (that gets me sore enough!).

    Anyway, THANKS for this post because I'm right with you. I don't even have the guts to take a "before" picture because I feel so icky. But I think I will do so out of trust for all the people here who have shared their success stories. I hope I'll eventually get to share before AND after ones as well. :-)

    -- Andrea

    Its great to hear that more people are trying the eating more game!! Im going to slowly try and upp mine to 1600ish cals and see If I can notice a change in weight/measurements!! Goodluck to you!! :)
  • candicejn
    candicejn Posts: 458 Member
    I've been on MFP for about a year now. Back in August/September, I quit, because I felt like I was starving to death all the time. So when I started back in Feb, I had mfp set my cals and everything for me. I was eating 1500 to 1700 cal a day. One day I got to work, and I felt like I was going to pass out. I have celiacs disease, and it causes me to be hypoglycemic. I thought my sugar was dropping. Nope, sugar was in the 100's. So I had my coworker check my vital signs. Everything was normal. But I was visibly shaking, my head was spinning, and I thought I was going to die. I had a friend bring me some food, and when I ate it, about 10 minutes later, I felt perfectly fine. I put 2 and 2 together and figured out, I wasn't eating enough. This was in March.

    I found this group, by a fluke. So I started reading the threads, and it all started to make sense. So I did the math, and told myself, this can't be right. There is no way I am going to lose weight eating 2000 calories a day. This is crazy. I've lost 5 pounds, and I have dropped from a size 22 to a size 18. So, yes it does work, and I feel so much better, and I am never, ever hungry.

    We are here for you when you are ready to take the leap. We promise to catch you. Stay focused on your goals, and you will meet them.

    Thank you for posting this! I just jumped up to 2000 cals/day last week (slow rise from 1290 about a month ago), so these kinds of stories make me happy :)
  • Michelle650
    Michelle650 Posts: 218
    good luck with your calorie increase!!