10 weeks in, no progress. Need some pointers.

Hi All. Kinda feeling discouraged. In 10 weeks I have not been able to lose any pounds or inches. I eat between 1800-2200 depending on exercise that day. Puts my net somewhere around 1750. My BMR is 1550-ish and my TDEE is 2100-2400 depending on the activity setting.

Almost every day I take mini work break walks of ~15 mins (sometimes two a day) where I climb a hill and then come back down again (so slog back to my desk job).

About 4 days a week I head to the gym for weight lifting (I do as heavy as I can while maintaining form) and light cardio (short 20-min jog or elliptical or maybe just a leisurely walk).
Usually one day I do something intense, like spinning.
On weekends I often go for a hike for a couple of hours or else take long leisurely walks around the city.

I'm looking for suggestions for getting things to budge!! I *feel* good. Just getting discouraged.
10 weeks ago wt = 171.4
today wt = 172.6

I had a brief shining 3 days last week where I was 169.4 for the entire 3 days. I was also really sick with a cold and not exercising at all. Foolishly, I thought maybe that was the rest I needed to really get my weight coming down again.


I could really use some analysis from someone who is not in my head. Help please!

emily the day walker


  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    I'm not really qualified to help you - I just started this journey myself, but I did want to follow your post since your stats are so similar to mine. I'm only 3 weeks in, waiting...
  • moylie
    moylie Posts: 195
    Bumping, because I'm also practically in the same depressing boat. 5 weeks in and NOOOO change in measurements, and still up 5 freaking pounds since before I started. It has NOT come down. Same story as you, about the same calorie intake, only eating back exercise calories to my BMR, doing a mix of cardio and lifting. What gives??? Why isn't it working for us? Are our metabolisms THAT damaged, or are we of the select few that will actually have to go down in calories to see any changes. I vowed to not look at the scale for a month. Looked this morning and am losing nothing. Also, as a stated my measurements have not budged in about 6 weeks. Ugggghhhhhh. I feel your pain and frustration.
  • WeCallThemDayWalkers
    WeCallThemDayWalkers Posts: 259 Member
    Well, at least you have company in the boat!

    Honestly, I feel good eating like I have been. Haven't exactly gained weight. Definitely not losing though. Or if so we're talking glacial speed, like .3lb/month or something.

    Wondering if I need to up the workout intensity or what. Blarg.

    I've been using the Hackers Diet tracker site to plug in daily weights and it shows how your actual trend is going. That is relatively encouraging. I can write that I ate Thai food last night and note a subsequent 1.5lb jump the next morning. Problem is, my jumps I experience after weight-lifting or eating Thai food don't ever go back down.
  • moylie
    moylie Posts: 195
    Well, at least you have company in the boat!

    Honestly, I feel good eating like I have been. Haven't exactly gained weight. Definitely not losing though. Or if so we're talking glacial speed, like .3lb/month or something.

    Wondering if I need to up the workout intensity or what. Blarg.

    I've been using the Hackers Diet tracker site to plug in daily weights and it shows how your actual trend is going. That is relatively encouraging. I can write that I ate Thai food last night and note a subsequent 1.5lb jump the next morning. Problem is, my jumps I experience after weight-lifting or eating Thai food don't ever go back down.

    I would like to see the trends, but weighing myself everyday would lead to unnecessary added stress, I'm afraid. I know I would see it go up, and not back down, then just go on a binge of crap food. No thank you.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Hi All. Kinda feeling discouraged. In 10 weeks I have not been able to lose any pounds or inches. I eat between 1800-2200 depending on exercise that day. Puts my net somewhere around 1750. My BMR is 1550-ish and my TDEE is 2100-2400 depending on the activity setting.

    Almost every day I take mini work break walks of ~15 mins (sometimes two a day) where I climb a hill and then come back down again (so slog back to my desk job).

    About 4 days a week I head to the gym for weight lifting (I do as heavy as I can while maintaining form) and light cardio (short 20-min jog or elliptical or maybe just a leisurely walk).
    Usually one day I do something intense, like spinning.
    On weekends I often go for a hike for a couple of hours or else take long leisurely walks around the city.

    I'm looking for suggestions for getting things to budge!! I *feel* good. Just getting discouraged.
    10 weeks ago wt = 171.4
    today wt = 172.6

    I had a brief shining 3 days last week where I was 169.4 for the entire 3 days. I was also really sick with a cold and not exercising at all. Foolishly, I thought maybe that was the rest I needed to really get my weight coming down again.


    I could really use some analysis from someone who is not in my head. Help please!

    emily the day walker

    Have you taken your measurements?
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Bumping, because I'm also practically in the same depressing boat. 5 weeks in and NOOOO change in measurements, and still up 5 freaking pounds since before I started. It has NOT come down. Same story as you, about the same calorie intake, only eating back exercise calories to my BMR, doing a mix of cardio and lifting. What gives??? Why isn't it working for us? Are our metabolisms THAT damaged, or are we of the select few that will actually have to go down in calories to see any changes. I vowed to not look at the scale for a month. Looked this morning and am losing nothing. Also, as a stated my measurements have not budged in about 6 weeks. Ugggghhhhhh. I feel your pain and frustration.

    Hmmm, what exactly is your workout routine on avg for the week?
  • elo83
    elo83 Posts: 97 Member
    I feel your pain! I've been eating more up to my BMR since February and I haven't lost a darn thing. I keep bouncing between 155-160! I just took my measurements last week so I'm going to have to give that some time but seriously! What gives?!
    I can't seem to get these last 10lbs off. I'm not sure what to do anymore :(
  • Cclancaster
    Cclancaster Posts: 368
    Just my two sense here but you can over work out. I work out for 35-45 minutes for 5 -6 days a week 3 strength 2 cardio and 1 yoga day. If you are working out 4 days a week strength training plus 20 or more minutes of cardio on those days then add in an intense spinning class and staying very busy during the weekend when does your body ever have time to recover from you muscles being torn down?
  • WeCallThemDayWalkers
    WeCallThemDayWalkers Posts: 259 Member

    Have you taken your measurements?

    Oh yes, sorry. I have been taking them. They are always the same for past 10 weeks.

    bust 43, natural waist 32-32.5, hips 42.

    I've measured thighs, calf, neck, forearm, bicep. No changes.

    Hard to know for sure with the arm, though. It lacks firmness so the tape measure sinks in a bit and I don't think I'm good at finding the same spot every time.

    I appreciate any suggestions. You're really an inspiration to me!!
  • bsinno
    bsinno Posts: 358 Member
    this is me BUMPing this for lata....

    :) no advice...but about to dive into this leg of my journey and interested...
  • Marge321
    Marge321 Posts: 131 Member
    Did you set your macros ?
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I feel your pain! I've been eating more up to my BMR since February and I haven't lost a darn thing. I keep bouncing between 155-160! I just took my measurements last week so I'm going to have to give that some time but seriously! What gives?!
    I can't seem to get these last 10lbs off. I'm not sure what to do anymore :(

    You need to eat TDEE-15% everyday and work towards hitting BMR if you have a high burn day. I just want to confirm that is what you are doing?
  • moylie
    moylie Posts: 195
    Bumping, because I'm also practically in the same depressing boat. 5 weeks in and NOOOO change in measurements, and still up 5 freaking pounds since before I started. It has NOT come down. Same story as you, about the same calorie intake, only eating back exercise calories to my BMR, doing a mix of cardio and lifting. What gives??? Why isn't it working for us? Are our metabolisms THAT damaged, or are we of the select few that will actually have to go down in calories to see any changes. I vowed to not look at the scale for a month. Looked this morning and am losing nothing. Also, as a stated my measurements have not budged in about 6 weeks. Ugggghhhhhh. I feel your pain and frustration.

    Hmmm, what exactly is your workout routine on avg for the week?

    Mon. Lifting combined w/ light cardio 1hr.
    Tue. Running (about 3.5 miles), co-ed rec volleyball 1hr.
    Wed. Rest
    Thur. Running (about 3.5 miles)
    Fri. Lifting combined w/ light cardio 1 hr.
    Sat. Rest
    Sun. Run 5 miles (upping this long run each week until my half-marathon in June)

    I have to keep the running at three days per week until my half-marathon. I will add a lifting day after that.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member

    Have you taken your measurements?

    Oh yes, sorry. I have been taking them. They are always the same for past 10 weeks.

    bust 43, natural waist 32-32.5, hips 42.

    I've measured thighs, calf, neck, forearm, bicep. No changes.

    Hard to know for sure with the arm, though. It lacks firmness so the tape measure sinks in a bit and I don't think I'm good at finding the same spot every time.

    I appreciate any suggestions. You're really an inspiration to me!!

    This is odd, something needs to be tweaked...it isn't your food intake I don't believe. I think it may be your exercise. Just try this for me... First take a one week break from exercising while you eat TDEE - 15% (do not decrease your cals from what they are now). You can go for leisurely walks, but don't work up a sweat. Then go back to exercising and do heavy lifting one hour max 3 days a week and on the other 2 days do 30 min HIIT (you can do on ellip, walk/jog, tread) and that is it. REST for the two days, keep your sodium reasonable, drink plenty of water during those two days, get up on the 3rd day and take your weight and measurements after using the restroom. Let me know the outcome (now if TOM is here or around the corner, that is going to skew your weighin).
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Bumping, because I'm also practically in the same depressing boat. 5 weeks in and NOOOO change in measurements, and still up 5 freaking pounds since before I started. It has NOT come down. Same story as you, about the same calorie intake, only eating back exercise calories to my BMR, doing a mix of cardio and lifting. What gives??? Why isn't it working for us? Are our metabolisms THAT damaged, or are we of the select few that will actually have to go down in calories to see any changes. I vowed to not look at the scale for a month. Looked this morning and am losing nothing. Also, as a stated my measurements have not budged in about 6 weeks. Ugggghhhhhh. I feel your pain and frustration.

    Hmmm, what exactly is your workout routine on avg for the week?

    Mon. Lifting combined w/ light cardio 1hr.
    Tue. Running (about 3.5 miles), co-ed rec volleyball 1hr.
    Wed. Rest
    Thur. Running (about 3.5 miles)
    Fri. Lifting combined w/ light cardio 1 hr.
    Sat. Rest
    Sun. Run 5 miles (upping this long run each week until my half-marathon in June)

    I have to keep the running at three days per week until my half-marathon. I will add a lifting day after that.

    For you, I would drop the one hour cardio sessions with the lift routine and increase the intensity of the lift session during those two days until the marathon is over.
  • wowmom23
    wowmom23 Posts: 36 Member
    Same boat here - could it be the water? I'm almost 8 weeks in and I've gained 3 lbs and I'm actually smushier. My body fat has increased 2%. Something is drastically wrong. I've been lifting heavy (NROLFW) all this time, too. I'm squatting 100lbs, pulldowns 45, pressing 25lbs/arm... I quit body pump and my excessive cardio when I began New Rules. Now I may only do cardio 1-2 extra days a week. I don't care about my weight - it's my body fat. I'm using the same scale and have for a year. I'm at an all time high! It's so defeating. I am either doing something wrong or my body just doesn't like more food ;)
  • moylie
    moylie Posts: 195
    Bumping, because I'm also practically in the same depressing boat. 5 weeks in and NOOOO change in measurements, and still up 5 freaking pounds since before I started. It has NOT come down. Same story as you, about the same calorie intake, only eating back exercise calories to my BMR, doing a mix of cardio and lifting. What gives??? Why isn't it working for us? Are our metabolisms THAT damaged, or are we of the select few that will actually have to go down in calories to see any changes. I vowed to not look at the scale for a month. Looked this morning and am losing nothing. Also, as a stated my measurements have not budged in about 6 weeks. Ugggghhhhhh. I feel your pain and frustration.

    Hmmm, what exactly is your workout routine on avg for the week?

    Mon. Lifting combined w/ light cardio 1hr.
    Tue. Running (about 3.5 miles), co-ed rec volleyball 1hr.
    Wed. Rest
    Thur. Running (about 3.5 miles)
    Fri. Lifting combined w/ light cardio 1 hr.
    Sat. Rest
    Sun. Run 5 miles (upping this long run each week until my half-marathon in June)

    I have to keep the running at three days per week until my half-marathon. I will add a lifting day after that.

    For you, I would drop the one hour cardio sessions with the lift routine and increase the intensity of the lift session during those two days until the marathon is over.

    Let me clarify on the lifting days, I just add about 15min. of elliptical and 15 min. on a stationary bike. So it's half-hour of that, and half-hour of lifting (for an hour of total exercies) for those two days a week.
  • Iluvchopsticks
    Iluvchopsticks Posts: 130 Member
    Hmm..... well I know some people are touchy about this, but looking at your diary (if you are logging correctly) it looks like you are regularly under your protein goals by quite a bit and often over on your carbs and sometimes fat. Maybe cleaning things up and getting more protein and less carbs will help?
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Bumping, because I'm also practically in the same depressing boat. 5 weeks in and NOOOO change in measurements, and still up 5 freaking pounds since before I started. It has NOT come down. Same story as you, about the same calorie intake, only eating back exercise calories to my BMR, doing a mix of cardio and lifting. What gives??? Why isn't it working for us? Are our metabolisms THAT damaged, or are we of the select few that will actually have to go down in calories to see any changes. I vowed to not look at the scale for a month. Looked this morning and am losing nothing. Also, as a stated my measurements have not budged in about 6 weeks. Ugggghhhhhh. I feel your pain and frustration.

    Hmmm, what exactly is your workout routine on avg for the week?

    Mon. Lifting combined w/ light cardio 1hr.
    Tue. Running (about 3.5 miles), co-ed rec volleyball 1hr.
    Wed. Rest
    Thur. Running (about 3.5 miles)
    Fri. Lifting combined w/ light cardio 1 hr.
    Sat. Rest
    Sun. Run 5 miles (upping this long run each week until my half-marathon in June)

    I have to keep the running at three days per week until my half-marathon. I will add a lifting day after that.

    For you, I would drop the one hour cardio sessions with the lift routine and increase the intensity of the lift session during those two days until the marathon is over.

    Let me clarify on the lifting days, I just add about 15min. of elliptical and 15 min. on a stationary bike. So it's half-hour of that, and half-hour of lifting (for an hour of total exercies) for those two days a week.

    Ahhh, ok, I thought maybe you were doing an hr on top of lifting:-)
    Well, lluvchopstick did what I would have done next...glad she did because time is such, I sure don't have much of anymore trying to keep up here.

    Work on getting in 1gr of prot per lb of body weight...and yes, I try hard to stay below below on carbs.
  • moylie
    moylie Posts: 195
    lluvchopstick was referring to the OP's diary, because mine actually is not open. I do, however have my macros set as suggested 40/30/30 (adding whey protein every day to hit my mark). I aim for less than 2,500 of sodium, and minimum of 25-30 on fiber. I really don't think my diet is at fault. I eat A LOT of veggies, no artificial sweeteners, keep sugars low, prepare 90% of my meals (very little processed stuff).