How many calories are you eating?

JessLLoser Posts: 235 Member
So how many calories are you eating and what`s your height and activity level? There are a lot of numbers out there and it can be hard to choose the right one.

I think I know mine now but I haven`t been successful with weight loss, Yet!

medium activity level 3-5 times a week c210K plus one or two body weight or dumbell sessions. Plus Kinect games. Fun!

maintenance at 183 2473

maintenance calories at goal weight of 160 2300

calories at deficit 2125

Bring on the weight loss!


  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    lift weights 3-4x/wk, cardio 2 days

    maintenance ~2100
    deficit ~1900


  • moylie
    moylie Posts: 195
    After seeing Kiki's numbers... I think I need to eat more. I'm not making any progress after almost 8 weeks averaging around at 1825 calories. Scales has stayed up 4lbs., and I haven't lost ANY inches in TWO months.

    Think I should up to at least 1900? Go to full TDEE maintenance of 2200????

    Age: 40
    144 (before upping) 149 (currently, so numbers are new below)
    BMR 1419
    TDEE 2199
    TDEE -15% 1870
    Run 3 days, Lift 2 days (training for half-marathon)
  • DoubleE615312
    DoubleE615312 Posts: 173 Member
    Age: 35
    5' 5"
    BMR 1719
    TDEE 2313
    TDEE -15% 1966
    Run 4 days, Lift 2 days (doing C25K on wk 4). On my cardio days, I will alternate between elliptical and HITT for 10 sets of 30:30. Usually get in about 2-2.5 cardio during the week. And 2- 30 minutes strength sessions.

    Right now eating anywhere from 1800-2000 calories a day. I wear a Bodymedia Fit armband.
  • rotnkat
    rotnkat Posts: 393 Member
    47 (well I will be on Thursday)

    5' 5.5"

    BMR- 1690

    TDEE- 2324 lightly active

    Cut- 1975

    I'm usually within + or - 30 calories of 1975
  • angsellis
    angsellis Posts: 44
    39, 5'3 182 lbs I work out 5 days a week just doing the shred so I chose light activity and eat about 1817 calories or slightly less.

    I'm not sure if it's high enough or not.
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    Age 31
    292.5 lbs

    Working out 5 days a week.

    Maintenance - 3944 calories
    TDEE-20% - 3164

    I usually get within 30-50 calories up or down.
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    33yo with ladybits
    BMR 1990
    TDEE (exercise 1-3 days a week) 2662
    Cut- 2100-2300 and I'll go over if I feel I need to.

    I lift heavy (for me) and can't progress with my lifting unless my deficit is smaller. I DO NOT in any way want to lose muscle mass. I've worked hard for these suckers!!!

    If it's a rest day and I'm starving- I eat. I don't usually eat over 2000 on workout day- all the blood rushing to the moosles doesn't leave much for the stomach and if I force it..well.. we don't do that anymore ;D So on rest days I try to make up the difference.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Age 41
    5' 7.75"
    154.6 (well, have water weight I am carrying from the weekend...uggh)
    Lift 3 days and cardio one day

    BMR 1443
    TDEE 2237
    Cut 1900

    When I came into the knowledge, I started eating 1800, I lost some weight and then plateaued. So I went up to my 15% cut value and the scale started moving again. I am still trending down, but whew, the fluctuations with TOM, HIGH SODIUM, lifts, is hard to get a true weight. So I wait for all those things to be a couple days out of reach to get a good weight.

    And I am no longer thinking of a "goal weight" but a "goal size"...whatever the weight is at that moment, ok:-)
  • trosewine
    trosewine Posts: 88
    Age 45
    5' 4.5"
    TDEE 1950
    (light activity with 2 days 30 min strength, 3 days 20-40 min walk, 2 hrs/wk doubles tennis)
    TDEE-15%: ~1650
  • fmbomzo
    fmbomzo Posts: 382 Member
    Age 41
    5' 3"
    Strength or core training 6 days a week; cardio approx 2-3 times per week (30 mins each session) - 1 rest day each week

    BMR 1479
    TDEE 2292 (choose moderate instead of very active even though I workout about 7 hrs/week in general)
    Cut 1948

    I do the "Cut - exercise cals - BMR" to get my remaining calories needed each day. I hope that's right.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Not enough.

    5'7, 166 lbs, 29 yo female.

    lift 3-4 days a week, run 5+ miles 1 day a week.

    My last 90 days....

    VVEXVVEX Posts: 132 Member
    Age 49 (50 in July!)

    5' 4" and 145

    BMR 1450
    TDEE 2200
    CUT 1900

    Work out hard with weights 3x a week.
    Moderate cardio 2-3 more days (walking).

    As of today I'm one month into eating 1700-1900 daily, after a three-month plateau at 1200. I also adjusted macros to 40/30/30.

    The scale ticked up to 149 around the three-week mark, and is down to 145 today. Feeling very optimistic and committed to this approach.
  • wordpainter09
    wordpainter09 Posts: 472 Member
    Age: 25
    Cw: 139
    Maintenance: 2200, moderately active
    Cut: 1700-1900
  • twoboys2012
    twoboys2012 Posts: 352 Member
    Age 32

    5' 4" and 198

    BMR 1666
    TDEE 2575
    CUT 2188

    30 Day shred 3x/wk
    C25k 3x/wk
    Tabata 4 minutes 2x/wk
    cross trainer HIIT 2x/wk

    I have just increased my calorie intake to what i should be eating ... I am still struggling to get that number up but my body is starting to get used to eating more after 2 months of low cal diet on MFP. I at least try to hit my BMR but even that is hard most days.

    I was losing on the low cal diet but it was not right and i was now (after 2 months) feeling hungry still t the end of the day. Yay now i can have more to eat even though struggling to go as high as i want ... oh the irony!
  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    5"9 and 44 years old. I am currently eating 2275 cals a day (and losing). My BMR i THOUGHT was 1580 cals. But i had a Dexa Scan this week....i weigh 189 pounds and found out i am 142.78 pounds of lean mass (they told me i have one of the highest levels of muscle they have ever seen in a female) and told me my RMR is 1900-2000 completely explains why i went on a binge cycle when eating 1200 cals! lol....Im staying with my 2275 cals a day at the moment....but if i burn over 375 calories i am now starting to eat it back.
  • JessLLoser
    JessLLoser Posts: 235 Member
    5"9 and 44 years old. I am currently eating 2275 cals a day (and losing). My BMR i THOUGHT was 1580 cals. But i had a Dexa Scan this week....i weigh 189 pounds and found out i am 142.78 pounds of lean mass (they told me i have one of the highest levels of muscle they have ever seen in a female) and told me my RMR is 1900-2000 completely explains why i went on a binge cycle when eating 1200 cals! lol....Im staying with my 2275 cals a day at the moment....but if i burn over 375 calories i am now starting to eat it back.

    Wow! That`s great. Wish I had acess to that kind of scan. I`m having trouble finding the correct calories for my height. I am always thinking I am more muscular than I thought. Changed my goal cals to 1975 a day. Hope that makes the cut. You are going to be so fit now!!
  • newve
    newve Posts: 82 Member
  • newve
    newve Posts: 82 Member
    Age 40

    5'6" and 152
    BMR 1443
    TDEE 2235
    CUT 1900

    30 day shred and Leslie Sansone walk away the pounds 2-3 times a week.
  • MrsSki38
    MrsSki38 Posts: 68 Member
    Age - 38


    CW: 164 and some ounces

    TDEE: 1782
    less 15%: 1515
    BMR: 1485

    Exercise: very little and so chose sedentary when determining TDEE. I work a lot and commute 2 hrs/day. Then play mom/wife/cook with less than an hour of 'me' time (which work is slowing down so I'll have a smidge more time for working out).

    I'm having a hard time most days even getting to 1400 calories after being strict about 1200 calories for over 3 months. I'm also trying to fill my days with better choices regarding food. With that I have way more options and can eat more.
  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    AGE: 38
    5'5" and 165
    BMR: 1498
    TDEE: 2584
    CUT 15%: 2196

    - I do P90X so I Lift/Strength Train 3x/week
    2 - 3 days of Cardio (1 hr each of kickboxing, plyometrics and CardioX)
    - plus I walk the dog for an hour every day.