How many calories are you eating?



  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Age: 33
    5'7" and 235 pounds
    BMR - 1831
    TDEE - 2838
    Cut 15% - 2412

    One 1hr step class
    One 1hr Pump Class
    3 days running 5k-ish (45mins)
    JIllian Michaels Video on occasion
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Age 44 (next week!) :blushing:
    5'8 and 176 lbs
    BMR (Katch McArdle) 1646
    TDEE 2366
    Maintenance at goal weight (163lbs) 2289
    medium activity - weights at least 3 times a week for between 30 and 60 mins, and running 4 times - 3x anything between 3 and 7 kms with one long run of 10 +10kms...

    So I might still eating too little, but I'm shooting for 2000.... In days that I do my long run and burn around 800 calories extra with that, I eat more because that makes me hungry!

    Week three starting and the scale not moving in any direction yet - so we'll wait and see...
  • lillebanon
    lillebanon Posts: 214 Member
    165.5 lbs
    BMR 1499
    TDEE 2013 + 200 Cals for BFing = 2213 Maintenance at Lightly Active level
    I'm not cutting right now, but when I do, I'll drop 15%.

    My workout routine has been an erratic mess for the last month (working in 1 to 3 a week), but I hope to get it established better in the next few weeks. I trained for and ran a half marathon at the end of March. After I met that goal, I kinda floundered with my exercise (training for that was soooo time consuming). My goal now is to try and do 3 days at the gym (1 hr doing upper and lower body strength - heavy lifting, and about 15 mins of cardio), and then 2 or 3 days of core strengthening in between at home. If I get to that level, I will up my calories more to the Moderately Active level. However, working 50 hours a week and having a 2.5 year old when I get home, and a hubby who doesn't like me to disappear for hours to the gym makes it a little difficult.
  • macnurseapril
    macnurseapril Posts: 53 Member

    Nurse, & Mom and I lift 3 days/week and cardio 4-5 (it's my stress reliever I have some clear cortisol enhanced abdominal fat)

    BMR 1985
    TDEE 3424 (heavy excersie/job)
    Cut 2900

    I average 2500-2800. The next two weeks I am focusing on 2800-2900 to see if that gets things moving....
  • Jessica1274
    Jessica1274 Posts: 363 Member
    CW 156.2

    TDEE 2280
    Minus 20%. 1824

    I have MFP set at 1850. I eat 200-300 over on lift days, sometimes more. I was having a lot of fatigue, so I am being sure to eat enough during recovery. I just cut my lifting to two days a week, so I am hoping that will help.

    Currently I'm lifting heavy twice a week (hopefully eventually I can go back to three times) and going back to cardio 2-3 days a week, with low to average burns.
  • wonderkitten711
    wonderkitten711 Posts: 109 Member
    medium activity level 3-5 times a week c210K plus one or two body weight or dumbell sessions. Plus Kinect games. Fun!

    maintenance at 183 2473

    maintenance calories at goal weight of 160 2300

    calories at deficit 2125
    26 yrs old
    CW: 285
    BMR: ~2100

    Moderate activity level - I work three 10+ hour shifts a week as a nanny to a 2.5 year old, strength train 3x/week, have to do shoulder rehab exercises (six months post op) 2-3x/week, and do Zumba, pilates, or light jogging once or twice a week depending on how I'm feeling.

    Maintenance: 3255
    20%: 2604 (which is roughly maintenance at my GW of 180, conveniently)
  • FaithHopeBELIEVE
    lift weights 3-4x/wk, cardio 2 days

    maintenance ~2100
    deficit ~1900



    You must be pure muscle girl. WOW so very inspiring. I am 5'2" at 115-118 and dont look near as muscular as you.
  • gypsybug
    gypsybug Posts: 106 Member
    40 yrs old
    5.5 and a half
    145 lbs

    BMR - 1460 per Katch McArdle
    TDEE - 2270 per fat2fit moderate and confirmed by my BodyMedia at 2273 average
    CUT - ranges from 1850 to 2020 on average. Trying to get within 250 of my daily burn using BodyMedia to net a 1/2 pound a week loss.

    Current workout - 3x week ChaLEAN Extreme Strength and 3x week TurboFire cardio with rest day also being stretch day with yoga. I also play footbag/hackysack with my boys when the weather permits, go for walks and just try to stay active with them.

    I started MFP at the 1200 mark and ate back maybe 1/2 of my calories. I was irritable and light-headed. Had to force myself through my workouts and had no energy for day to day activities. Bumped myself to 1400 and felt better, but didn't lose anything. Gave up for a bit then came back and started reading about eating more. Bumped again to 1600, then to 1800 and now I decided to go with my BodyMedia recommendation of just cutting 250 a day off my total. So good.
  • zukkiz
    zukkiz Posts: 362 Member
    43 (44 next month)
    5' 5.5"

    Lift 3x a week (NWOLFW)
    Walk 2x a week

    BMR 1509
    non-lift multiply by 1.2
    lift days multiply by 1.4
    Non lift days I eat 1810 + 300 (I breastfeed)
    Lift days I eat 2113 + 300

    I eat back cardio calories.
  • mommymeg2
    mommymeg2 Posts: 145 Member
    Age: 27
    Height: 66"
    Weight: 175ish
    TDEE at Moderately active: 2345
    15% cut: 351
    BMR: 1600
    Eat: 1994

    I lift heavy 3x a week. I follow it with a short 20 minute high incline (15%) slow walk. 2x a week I do 60 minutes of a slow walk at 15% (Honestly, I do this to watch MTV and E! as we don't have cable at home ;) )

    Goal weight 155-160, size 6-8.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Age: 27
    Height: 66"
    Weight: 175ish
    TDEE at Moderately active: 2345
    15% cut: 351
    BMR: 1600
    Eat: 1994

    I lift heavy 3x a week. I follow it with a short 20 minute high incline (15%) slow walk. 2x a week I do 60 minutes of a slow walk at 15% (Honestly, I do this to watch MTV and E! as we don't have cable at home ;) )

    Goal weight 155-160, size 6-8.

    Ummm, you are lifting heavy...maybe forget the goal "weight" and just shoot for the size...I am finding my original goal "weight" has nothing to do with the size at all when you are lifting heavy!
  • missprincessjenny
    missprincessjenny Posts: 104 Member
    I'm 5 foot 2
    165 lbs

    Mine are set for 1600 calories
    50 carbohydrates
    25 fat (which is usually healthy fat)
    25 protein

    I eat back the majority of my exercise calories.
  • woodsygirl
    woodsygirl Posts: 354 Member
    144 lbs
    Size 6
    (highest weight was 250 when preggo)

    TDEE is around 1800
    I follow the NRW4W and eat 1700 on non-workout days and 2000 on workout days (keeping the 40/30/30 macro)

    I use NRW4W 3x week
    The other days I rest (i.e. run after my kids all day... lol).

    My goal is to build muscle and to slim down.
  • crystalwelshroberts
    crystalwelshroberts Posts: 147 Member
    Age: 45
    Height: 66"
    Weight: 178ish
    TDEE at Very active: 2897 (training for tri)
    15% cut: (435) = 2462
    BMR: 1533
    Eat: 1800-2600

    I have been upping calories incorrectly for 1 month trying to net 1800. Just realized that I need to average my exercise for the week then eat consistently...I was calculating daily based on my training that day, using MFP to calculate calories burned.

    Training schedule is usually 8.5 hrs a week, averaging 400 calories a day (200 of which I will try to eat back)
    M- rest, 60 min Baptiste Yoga (161 cal)
    T- 60 min Spin(470 cal) , 30 min Strength Train, Heavy NRL4W (121 cal)
    W- 30 min Run (363 cal), 60 min Baptiste Yoga (161 cal)
    Th- 45 min Rowing class(423 cal), 30 min Strength Train, Heavy NRL4W (121 cal)
    F- rest
    S- 90 min Baptiste Yoga(242cal), 15 min Swim(141 cal), 30 min Strength Train, Heavy NRL4W (121 cal)
    Su- 60 min Bike (484 cal)

    I'm so glad I ran across this post I doubt I would have calculated all of that ... I will order an armband to get an accurate read on calories burned. how will I ever get 2600 clean calories in without having protein shakes all day long!

    I was eating 1200 calories my whole life and exercising hard. EM2Wl is heaven! I just need to get it right.
  • CorinthiaB
    CorinthiaB Posts: 488 Member
    BMR 1995
    TDEE 3092
    Cut 2319
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Age 32

    Height 66in

    BMR 1607

    TDEE per BMF 3046

    Eating 2300 right now. Just started. Should be moving to 2500 if I cut 15% off

    I'm an instructor so my week is...
    Mon teach spin and Bodypump

    Tuesday teach Pump

    Wednesday teach spin, Bodypump, CXWORX

    Thursday teach two spin one CXWORX

    Friday off (walk dog)

    Saturday 60 min spin

    Sunday Pump

    edited to add that in the next month or so I'll be adding Body Combat and Sh'bam (dance format)
  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    Age 32, female
    Height 5'11"
    Weight 175 lb

    BMR 1600
    TDEE 2750
    Cut 2300-2400

    Exercise: Weight training upper body 3x a week + HIIT cardio, Butt Bible lower level 3 2x a week, Pilates 1x a week, rest 1x a week. Plus lots of walking dog/kids on weekends and evenings and walking to/from mass transportation.
  • nixirain
    nixirain Posts: 448 Member
    I am totally lost on what I should be eating calorie wise. I am eating a lot more than I used to at the beginning of my journey. I am brand new to working out and not so new to eating healthy. I am super new to eating more while eating healthy. lol

    Age: 30
    Weight - 139.5-142lbs (depends on the day)
    BMR - 1283
    TDEE - 2041(I think? it's for lightly active from fat2fitradio calculator)
    TDEE -20% 1633 (I try to eat between 1600-1750 every day, I still don't know if that's right. eek!)
    I am doing NROLFW 3 days a week and my dog walks me for 30 minutes 2-3x per week.
  • jackiecroberts
    jackiecroberts Posts: 115 Member
    Weight 161 Goal 145
    BMR 1461
    TDEE 2265
    15% reduction 1925 with 5 days of strenuous workouts (I may cut the cardio way back?)

    Currently on maintenance to reset my metabolism.
  • mibrewer413
    mibrewer413 Posts: 78 Member
    Age: 44
    Height: 5'7"
    Weight: 161 goal is 140
    BMR: 1457
    TDEE 2003
    Light exercise
    20% reduction (just cause I'm not exercising as much as I want to right now)= 1602
    I will increase the calories though if I exercise more