How long until you noticed consistent weight loss?



  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    I posted this earlier today in my newsfeed, but thought I'd shre here as well:

    We ladies often are eager to see the scale loss, yet look down upon inches lost. But think about this...from pant sizes 10-20 the difference from one size to the next is a mere two inches in the hip and waist, from sizes 0-10, the difference is ONE inch.

    So when you set your goals, please keep that in mind. Whether you are "larger" or not. The only thing stopping you from sizing down your jeans is an inch or two...literally.

    It could take 10lbs for that same concept to become a reality if you only deal w/the scale.

    Stay the course, fuel your body, lift heavy, and carve the body that you want for yourself, one inch at a time...

  • WeCallThemDayWalkers
    WeCallThemDayWalkers Posts: 259 Member

    On another note, Its harder for us "larger" gals to hear others say you've not seen the scale go down, only up. Its one thing when you are within maybe a 10 pound range and lifting tons and building muscle to be "ok" with the scale not moving.. but its another when you are considered obese, and everyone is breathing down your neck telling you to get the weight off. And then when you do what you think is the right thing, its still not reflecting what we think it should. Sure, I would be thrilled with gaining more muscle mass when I am closer to goal and see the scale go up and down... but at 235 pounds... I want to see that number go down, Period... KWIM? I know I am in this for the long haul, and I certainly didnt gain everything overnight... but its beyond frustrating to still do things right and not see any changes..

    LOL...I get it. I am tired of being LABELED obese. Ready to be whatever NUMBER it takes to get out of this awful bracket.

    But...of course, it's more than that. Keep on doing what feels right!
  • loulouBean
    loulouBean Posts: 47 Member
    Great Congo. Saving for later.
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    I measure bust, waist and hips and ther has been no change since I hit this weight. My clothes do feel looser in the arms and the calves, so it may be that I have lost some there, but no place really "empowering".

    Raynn, I hear you. I don't know if it's because I have spent so many years getting myself to this place and my body needs to learn that I will feed it, or if I work out too much, or what. I am totally in to giving it more time, but man would I love to see some progress.

    I usually measure bust, waist, and hips. However, I started measuring some other areas since I use the Covert-Bailey body fat calculator. My bust, waist (at smallest point), and hips have not changed in several weeks. But I did have a drop in my thigh and calf measurement. So I guess this is where my body is choosing to take the fat right now. If I hadn't of measured those areas for the body fat calculator I wouldn't have known. Just a thought - there might be some other areas on your body that are responding!
  • annabanana1786
    annabanana1786 Posts: 48 Member
    bump to read later