Beginner BodyRockers



  • Jade17694
    Jade17694 Posts: 584 Member

    Are you guys logging your bodyrock sessions as exercise on your trackers? I dont know what to put it down as, any ideas?

    I've always logged mine as circuit training :smile:
  • jj3120
    jj3120 Posts: 358
    I'm logging mine as a 'new' exercise and you can call it what you want then! but I don't log my calories as I'm eating at tdee, I'm going to wear my HRM though to see what my calorie burn is cos boy did I sweat!!!!

    I'm doing the Day 4 flow today and the burn & sculpt tomorrow. My usual body-weight days are wed, fri, sun so going to stick with that as it fits in with my week! then my zumba days can be my active rest days.
  • Ishes
    Ishes Posts: 3
    A little late to the party, but I just started today:
    Squats: 20/22/22
    Push-ups (knees): 20/24/24
    Dips: 24/29/30
    Abs: 47/48/43

    CW: 148
    Waist: 28
    Hips: 39
  • jj3120
    jj3120 Posts: 358
    Day 4

    BURN (modified versions)
    1) Prisoner Squat Jump & Elbow to Knee Touch - 26/26/24
    2) 10 Mountain Climbers, 1/2 burpee – 4/4/4
    3) Squat & Front Raise (body weight) – 18/17/16
    4) Under Touch Toe + 2 Elbow 1/2 burpee Jumps - 4/3.5/4

    SCULPT - I attempted the 300 rather than 10 of each.
    1) Alternating hand swing
    2) Shovel left - stopped at 7 reps - losing form
    3) Shovel right - " "
    4) Clean and Press Left - stopped at 8 reps -losing form
    5) Clean and Press Right - " "

    1) Reptile PushUp - 4 (from knees as day 3)
    2) Mountain Climbers - 35 (with rests)
    3) Star Push Ups - 16 (with rests every 4 elbows on floor)

    I did this yesterday (5th) morning, my hamstrings and shoulders are feeling it today!! The sculpt section was hard on my knees.

    I don't have zumba today as it's a bank holiday in the uk but todays bodyrock workout won't be up until around 9pm my time so I'll be a few days behind this week. This morning I have gone through all the flow routines we've had so far.
  • jj3120
    jj3120 Posts: 358
    Idea's for alternative for single arm rope pull and twist?? I have no where to hang from!! There was no alternative in the tutorial for this one...
  • jj3120
    jj3120 Posts: 358
    Week 2 Day 1

    1) 1 Arm Switch Sandbag Swing (body-weight only) - 24/24
    2) 10x Crab & 10 Mountain Climbers (omg thought crabs looked easy! couldn't jump them) - 2/2.5
    3) Squat, Sandbag Side Lunge (body-weight only) - 12/12
    4) Monkey Push Ups - 10/14
    5) Plank, Double Jump & Drag the Bag (used a rucksack filled with magazines!) plank from elbows, up on toes to drag the bag - 4/4.5
    6) Elevated Push Ups + L & R Under Knee Crossovers (push-ups from knees, up on toes for knee crossovers) - 5.5/6

    Well I read this wrong! I did 5 sets!!
    1) Elevated Shoulder Push-Up (did as monkey press-up in burn) - 14
    2) WoodChop Left (with rucksack) – 21
    3) Single Arm Rope Pull & Twist (I used my resistance band - held at the waist and pulled to the left 10x, then 10 dips on a step)
    4) WoodChop Right (with rucksack) – 21
    5) Single Arm Rope Pull & Twist (as above but on the right)

    Flow - this was hard my balance is good but I have no flexibilty in my hips.
  • Jade17694
    Jade17694 Posts: 584 Member
    Idea's for alternative for single arm rope pull and twist?? I have no where to hang from!! There was no alternative in the tutorial for this one...

    I think im just going to do hanging door raises but the modified version that lisa showed - holding the frame but lifting your legs up one at a time :smile:
  • jj3120
    jj3120 Posts: 358
    Week 2 Day 2

    1) Switch Lunge & Woodchop - bodyweight only 18/19/17
    2) Diagonal Knee Raise - I did these as hanging knee raises from wk 1 day 3 40/37/34
    3) Power Jump, Push-Up & Toe Touch - push-up from knees, under knee cross over as wk2 day1 on toes 4/6/5
    4) Pike Mat Jumps - 25/32/30
    5) Pike Press & Knee Tuck - no knee tuck 16/14/14
    6) Leg Swing, Back Lunge & Knee Lifts - without equipment 11/12/11 (left hip clicking on leg swing, not much rotation!)

    1) Side Plank Leg Lift - 8 then remainder of time in side plank elbow on floor
    2) Ab Circle Holds - 18 - couldn't get this!
    3) Side Plank Leg Lift -12 then remainder of time in side plank elbow on floor
    4) Ab Circle Holds - did leg raise instead holding at a low angle for as long as possible

    Found it all a bit easier today, did burn 3x through.

    I always add a 5 min warm up and 10 min stretch so including them the whole routine took 31 minutes.
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    You are awesome, doing it 3x through.
  • jj3120
    jj3120 Posts: 358
    Week 2 Day 4

    1) Touch Downs - 39/40/38
    2) 10 Crab & 10 Mountain Climbers - 2/2/2
    3) Push Up, Burpee & Toe Touch - 4/4/4
    4) Sanbag Shoulder Lift & Side Lunge - 4/4/4 (this was 4 each side, using 10lb rucksack)

    1) Squats – full squats hands behind head - 18
    2) Bent Over Row – resistance band - 24
    3) WoodChop Left – 10lb rucksack - 15
    4) WoodChop Right – 10lb rucksack - 17

    I thought this looked like a killer, it was but not as bad as I thought! I must be getting fitter : ) I am a bit behind now but I've had a sore throat and I was aching from Thursday, I can't do these workouts without a 1-2 day rest, aim to do day 5 on Tuesday.

    I had a look at day 5 also looks very hard!! I had a go at day 5 flow I could do the poses better than I thought I would, but will do properly either tomorrow or tuesday.
  • Desmonema
    Desmonema Posts: 175 Member
    Hey there!
    It's so motivating to see you all putting down your scores! I was doing all the workouts religiously, but never managed to write down my scores.... *shame*. I'll get a little booklet to put my scores in tomorrow and I'll be posting mine as well then... they might not look as good as the ones you have, but I'm getting better. Think I noticed and improvement in push-ups! I can do more of them, and do not have to be on my knees!! And after only four weeks of bodyrockin in total (started already before the challenge) I feel my abs are soooo much better!
    Any changes noticeable for you guys?
  • jj3120
    jj3120 Posts: 358
    I have a book that I have been writing down my workouts in, I started it at the beginning of April when I first seriously started a bodyweight routine, I got bored with it quite quickly so I'm finding the bodyrock ideal. I write all my measurements down as well so I am hoping to see progress there too!

    I certainly do most of the modifications I only started bodyrock at the beginning of may, I find it helps to write everything down before I do the workout as I quite often have to write a description of what I need to do - then I can just write my numbers in as I go, there is just about time in my 10 sec rest! sometimes though I just forget to count if I'm concentrating on what I'm doing!!

    Only 2 weeks in to bodyrock so too early to say if I'm getting better at anything, I'm certainly doing things I never thought I could!! (like mountain climbers, shoulder press-ups) My goal from the beginning is to be able do a full push-up : )
  • Jade17694
    Jade17694 Posts: 584 Member
    Like jj3120 i also write down all the exercises before i start - so i can't forget what i'm doing next halfway through a workout :laugh: and then i write down my scores next to the exercise :smile:

    Desmonema - i feel my belly getting tighter!
  • jj3120
    jj3120 Posts: 358
    Wk 2 Day 5

    1) Push Up, Touch Toe & Jump Burpee - 4.5/4
    2) Pike Mat Jumps - 50/50
    3) Swing, Lunge & Knee Lifts – 12/10
    4) Push Up, Touch Toe & Jump Burpee - 5/5
    5) Pike Mat Jumps - 50/55
    6) Plank, 2 Jumps & Bag Drag – 4/4
    7) Tuck Abs - 13/13
    8) Hanging Knee Raises – 39/39

    1) Bicep Curl & Shoulder Press – Using 10lb rucksack - 13
    2) Shoulder Press – Using 10lb rucksack - 16
    3) Round the World – Using resistance band - 8 left side/8 right side
    4) Upright Row – Using resistance band - 20

    How pleased am I doing real tuck abs : )

    Aiming to do fit test tomorow
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    You are rocking the pike mat jumps... WOW.
  • jj3120
    jj3120 Posts: 358
    Those pike mat jumps are killers, done in bursts of 20 : )
  • Jade17694
    Jade17694 Posts: 584 Member
    I love the pike mat jumps, they make me feel strong :bigsmile: but they also kill my arms so always end up on my knees every now and then :ohwell:
  • Desmonema
    Desmonema Posts: 175 Member
    I really cannot believe it!! Did the fit test and improved so much in only two weeks!!!!
    Weeehaaaaa!!! A lot of reps more!!
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    Awesome, isn't it?
  • lashwish
    lashwish Posts: 93
    Well Ive been bad about keeping scores as I figured doing the work itself is going to count.
    I did improve slightly in 2 wks.
    I can do a real sit up with shoulder off the floor now.

    The pike mat jumps are killer! I will have to try in bursts & see if it helps!
    My arms are killing me though as I use pushups as an alternative for so many exercises.

    My arms have totally changed already though