I anyone else happier on Keto?



  • KetogenicPJS
    Definately because your hormonal levels are stable (such as insulin). The potential role of a keto diet in depression has been studied in the forced choice model of depression in rats, and they found a beneficial effect similar to the results of conventional antidepressants (Murphy et al., 2004; Murphy and Burnham, 2006). I guess without the financial or health costs :)
  • 115daystoloose
    Hi, I am new here to MFP. Reading your post I remember years back I went on a carb free diet and can say I was as happy and loosing weight faster than ever. I would like to know what kind of diet you are doing and especially the meals that you are on. Congratulations on your weight loss!!
  • krypt71
    krypt71 Posts: 6 Member
    I can still get irked in rush hour traffic but overall do feel much better and tons more energy when I'm in keto--and have to agree the PMS is not anything like it is on a high carb diet for me.
  • SFBarbear
    SFBarbear Posts: 146
    After one week I have noticed the past two days that I am more energetic, alert and genuinely happier. I attribute all of it to not having sugars and carbs.
  • foochick
    foochick Posts: 105 Member
    I cant tell you how much better...well I could, but I dont have time to write the book:D
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    Hi, I'm new to this group. I joined MFP a couple of weeks ago. But, I've been in keto since the beginning of May. I also did keto several years ago but seriously fell away from it for awhile. I always feel better in keto. The lower the carbs the better I feel. If I can keep my carbs under 20 I'm great.

    Yesterday was a rough day because the day before i ate too many carbs (60+) including treating myself to a small amount of sugar free frozen yogurt. So, yesterday I was hungry all day long and had to fight to resist birthday cake and pizza. In 4 and a half months I haven't had such craving and hunger. I will not do that again. The hunger and the cravings are not worth 1/2 cup of frozen yogurt.

    Looking through this group I found the macro ratio that I needed to put in my goals. Thank you. I will be better able to track my diet as I need my diet to be.
  • indyguy6600
    It's always surpising to me how much HUNGRIER carbs make me. Carbs=hunger=more carbs. Kinda like after eating a large carb-laden chinese meal. You feel stuffed intitially, then ravenous just a little while later. You're exactly right -- less carbs equals more happiness.
  • mstorvik
    mstorvik Posts: 356 Member
    Yup! I am on month 3 of keto/low carb and I have never been happier! It has certainly made a difference!
  • praxisproject
    praxisproject Posts: 154 Member