Avengers post viewing discussion: Spoiler Warning



  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    Fav part of the movie? Hulk smashing Loki around. Holy hell, when he said, "puny god" I almost died laughing.
    Thor is, of course, my total favorite. I agree that he seemed "tougher" in this movie. He was smaller though. I think he was down 15+ lbs of muscle.
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    I guess I wasn't looking at his body much and didn't notice lol

    Most people didn't notice the puny god line because everyone was laughing or cheering already lol
  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,957 Member
    So now that we know that there will be a second movie...who do you think the second string Avengers will be?

    Wasp & Ant-man ( Giant- man )?
    Black Panther?
    Quicksilver & Scarlet Witch?
    Captain Mar-vell ( Kree-Skrull war )

    So many to choose..unfortunantely, no Spidey, or Beast

    BTW...I've seen rumors that Beta-Ray Bill might show up in Thor 2......
  • _Christine_
    _Christine_ Posts: 1,388 Member
    Loved, loved, loved it! I still can't say enough about Mark as the Hulk. I've not been a fan since the Bill Bixby days. But Mark brought back some of the emotions I grew up loving.

    My only complaint... not enough abs. :wink:
  • _Christine_
    _Christine_ Posts: 1,388 Member
    So now that we know that there will be a second movie...who do you think the second string Avengers will be?

    Wasp & Ant-man ( Giant- man )?
    Black Panther?
    Quicksilver & Scarlet Witch?
    Captain Mar-vell ( Kree-Skrull war )

    So many to choose..unfortunantely, no Spidey, or Beast

    BTW...I've seen rumors that Beta-Ray Bill might show up in Thor 2......

    I want Spider Woman... never happen. But a girl can dream. :wink:
  • jedibunny
    jedibunny Posts: 321
    And Hulk slapping Loki around like a ***** was just beyond words amazing.

    ^^ I may or may not have cheered during this scene...hehe

    I totally did. PUNY GOD.

    And Capt. America doling out roles (paraphrased of course): "Hawkeye - up there. Stark - help. Thor - lightning. Hulk... SMASH."

    Thor was pretty great, and it was amusing that Hulk couldn't pick up the hammer... I mean, duh, but amusing. Banner was generally a good character, as was Capt. Am., and I've come to adore Robert Downey Jr. as Ironman.

    I hear there were two after credit scenes?? I only waited for one... good thing I'm going to see it again.

    p.s. I loved this movie. I even liked Hawkeye, which I didn't think I would.
  • ZombieChaser
    ZombieChaser Posts: 1,555 Member
    And Hulk slapping Loki around like a ***** was just beyond words amazing.

    ^^ I may or may not have cheered during this scene...hehe

    I hear there were two after credit scenes?? I only waited for one... good thing I'm going to see it again.

    I missed that too, I only stuck around for one! Bleh... lol

    Yes, 100x yes to Cap't America... He had me at the boxing scene *swoon*
  • HowieTwoPointZero
    HowieTwoPointZero Posts: 494 Member
    I was totally talking about Agent Coulson. Joss's bodycount is legendary. I still haven't forgiven him for killing Joyce Summers. I unashamedly wept like a little girl during that episode of Buffy. Wash? Corelia? Fred? Buffy? Buffy again? The guy racks up more bodies then the final scene of harry potter.
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    So now that we know that there will be a second movie...who do you think the second string Avengers will be?

    Wasp & Ant-man ( Giant- man )?
    Black Panther?
    Quicksilver & Scarlet Witch?
    Captain Mar-vell ( Kree-Skrull war )

    So many to choose..unfortunantely, no Spidey, or Beast

    BTW...I've seen rumors that Beta-Ray Bill might show up in Thor 2......

    I don't think we will see Spider woman, Wasp or Ant-Man...I don't think they would fit right TBH. Vision might be possible and pretty epic! Wonder woman for sure!

    It sucks we will never see Wolverine or Spiderman in an avengers movie! They probably couldn't even mention mutants without a lawsuit lol Fury at one point says people all over the world are changing(not actual quote) which I think is talking about mutants.

    Beta Ray Bill would be badass!! Thor has the same problem as Superman imo, so powerful that they aren't as interesting as other super heroes. Having hulk vs thor was the thing that made the movie for me lol I mean even Iron man had nothing on thor.
  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    So, coming out of the first viewing, I have zero complaints. Usually I have at least one or two issues with movies like this. We are going to see it again later this week, so I will see if I spot anything that bugs me.
  • jaric01
    jaric01 Posts: 132 Member
    I'm going to cool down a bit before deciding whether this was this was the greatest superhero movie ever, but it's definitely up near the top. Joss Whedon did an amazing job. It's not easy fitting all these characters into one movie, and he did it seemlessly. Hulk was definitely the crowd-pleaser. The punch on Thor was not only hilarious but totally in character.

    So of course I've been wasting time all day looking up what's next. Found this article, which is a pretty good read about what might and might not be in the pipes: http://www.nextmovie.com/blog/whats-next-after-the-avengers/

    There are a few movies already greenlit, such as Iron Man 3, Thor 2, Captain America 2, and Nick Fury. I also wonder if they'll be tempted to make another Hulk with Ruffalo, since he really hit it out of the park in the Avengers.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    I'm going to cool down a bit before deciding whether this was this was the greatest superhero movie ever, but it's definitely up near the top. Joss Whedon did an amazing job. It's not easy fitting all these characters into one movie, and he did it seemlessly. Hulk was definitely the crowd-pleaser. The punch on Thor was not only hilarious but totally in character.

    So of course I've been wasting time all day looking up what's next. Found this article, which is a pretty good read about what might and might not be in the pipes: http://www.nextmovie.com/blog/whats-next-after-the-avengers/

    There are a few movies already greenlit, such as Iron Man 3, Thor 2, Captain America 2, and Nick Fury. I also wonder if they'll be tempted to make another Hulk with Ruffalo, since he really hit it out of the park in the Avengers.

    Interesting article.

    No surprise to anyone who knows me (or recognizes the avatar) I would LOVE a Luke Cage movie. And you coud put Iron Fist in the same film and make it a Heroes for Hire movie. I'd love to see the two being played by Terry Crewes and Jason Statham. That would be bad *kitten*.

    Really as far as sequels and the like go what I keep wondering is just how long they can keep Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man. He's so essential and picturing anyone else is hard. But he's not a young man anymore.. not when we're talking about movies 5-6 years down the road.
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    And Hulk slapping Loki around like a ***** was just beyond words amazing.

    ^^ I may or may not have cheered during this scene...hehe

    I hear there were two after credit scenes?? I only waited for one... good thing I'm going to see it again.

    I missed that too, I only stuck around for one! Bleh... lol

    Yes, 100x yes to Cap't America... He had me at the boxing scene *swoon*

    If you are in the UK we only get one credit scene. Boooooooo!!
    I adored the movie, was hoping it would be good but it was even better than I expected. Was unsure about Ruffalo, but thought he was fantastic. Can't wait to see it again :smile:
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    I'm going to cool down a bit before deciding whether this was this was the greatest superhero movie ever, but it's definitely up near the top. Joss Whedon did an amazing job. It's not easy fitting all these characters into one movie, and he did it seemlessly. Hulk was definitely the crowd-pleaser. The punch on Thor was not only hilarious but totally in character.

    So of course I've been wasting time all day looking up what's next. Found this article, which is a pretty good read about what might and might not be in the pipes: http://www.nextmovie.com/blog/whats-next-after-the-avengers/

    There are a few movies already greenlit, such as Iron Man 3, Thor 2, Captain America 2, and Nick Fury. I also wonder if they'll be tempted to make another Hulk with Ruffalo, since he really hit it out of the park in the Avengers.

    Interesting article.

    No surprise to anyone who knows me (or recognizes the avatar) I would LOVE a Luke Cage movie. And you coud put Iron Fist in the same film and make it a Heroes for Hire movie. I'd love to see the two being played by Terry Crewes and Jason Statham. That would be bad *kitten*.

    Really as far as sequels and the like go what I keep wondering is just how long they can keep Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man. He's so essential and picturing anyone else is hard. But he's not a young man anymore.. not when we're talking about movies 5-6 years down the road.

    Still hoping for an Alias tv adaptation in which Mr Cage would feature highly! I love him and Jess :happy:
  • maxmariesfo
    maxmariesfo Posts: 173 Member
    Hi All!! I've missed you guys.

    I just plain peed my pants. How about the rest of you?
  • maxmariesfo
    maxmariesfo Posts: 173 Member
    And Hulk slapping Loki around like a ***** was just beyond words amazing.

    ^^ I may or may not have cheered during this scene...hehe

    Oh that's the part I laughed so hard I nearly peed my pants. Loki's face was priceless.

    Anyone else think he looks a lot like Brent Spiner in the early days of Next Gen?
  • jaric01
    jaric01 Posts: 132 Member
    I'm going to cool down a bit before deciding whether this was this was the greatest superhero movie ever, but it's definitely up near the top. Joss Whedon did an amazing job. It's not easy fitting all these characters into one movie, and he did it seemlessly. Hulk was definitely the crowd-pleaser. The punch on Thor was not only hilarious but totally in character.

    So of course I've been wasting time all day looking up what's next. Found this article, which is a pretty good read about what might and might not be in the pipes: http://www.nextmovie.com/blog/whats-next-after-the-avengers/

    There are a few movies already greenlit, such as Iron Man 3, Thor 2, Captain America 2, and Nick Fury. I also wonder if they'll be tempted to make another Hulk with Ruffalo, since he really hit it out of the park in the Avengers.

    Interesting article.

    No surprise to anyone who knows me (or recognizes the avatar) I would LOVE a Luke Cage movie. And you coud put Iron Fist in the same film and make it a Heroes for Hire movie. I'd love to see the two being played by Terry Crewes and Jason Statham. That would be bad *kitten*.

    Really as far as sequels and the like go what I keep wondering is just how long they can keep Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man. He's so essential and picturing anyone else is hard. But he's not a young man anymore.. not when we're talking about movies 5-6 years down the road.

    That's what I'm wondering. I don't know about the contract situation, but I can totally see him walking away after Iron Man 3 and Avengers 2. I'm not as concerned about age as I am about his level of interest. He seems like the type that could walk away from all the $ and be okay with it.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    And Hulk slapping Loki around like a ***** was just beyond words amazing.

    ^^ I may or may not have cheered during this scene...hehe

    I hear there were two after credit scenes?? I only waited for one... good thing I'm going to see it again.

    I missed that too, I only stuck around for one! Bleh... lol

    Yes, 100x yes to Cap't America... He had me at the boxing scene *swoon*

    Umm, yeah, this!

    Meaning, I saw his *kitten* and immediately...wait what, there's a plot to follow? Damn.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Seriously..y'all are pissing me of...Did I ever mention I was adopted. LOL

    The theater here was LOADED with peeps all dressed up. I was rather impressed. My son was over-joyed getting to sit next to some old MFer dressed up like Captain America.

    The movie...hands down BEST comic made to life yet. Hulk making Loki his playtoy ***** had the entire crowd laughing our *kitten* off.

    As for control on HULK...They pinned that perfectly with the Controlled change. "That's the secret...I'm always angry." Banner learned to keep the reigns on HULK. It was only out of surprise, like the explosion of engine, to which he lost his concentration.
  • Operation_Me
    Operation_Me Posts: 869 Member
    Just saw it for the 2nd time today. I'm ready for a new hulk movie with Ruffalo and a seperate Hawkeye movie!