Avengers post viewing discussion: Spoiler Warning



  • opus649
    opus649 Posts: 633 Member
    Don't forget Shepherd Book... Joss killed him, too.
  • HowieTwoPointZero
    HowieTwoPointZero Posts: 494 Member
    Don't forget Shepherd Book... Joss killed him, too.

    That one pisses me off the most. I wanted to know his story more then anybodys.
  • jaric01
    jaric01 Posts: 132 Member
    Don't forget Shepherd Book... Joss killed him, too.

    That one pisses me off the most. I wanted to know his story more then anybodys.

    Agreed. Was surprised that Shepherd got killed off without us ever finding out his backstory. Perhaps it's a good thing Serenity didn't do so well. :-) Wonder who Joss would've dusted off in Serenity 2...
  • ZombieChaser
    ZombieChaser Posts: 1,555 Member
    Don't forget Shepherd Book... Joss killed him, too.

    That one pisses me off the most. I wanted to know his story more then anybodys.

    Agreed. Was surprised that Shepherd got killed off without us ever finding out his backstory. Perhaps it's a good thing Serenity didn't do so well. :-) Wonder who Joss would've dusted off in Serenity 2...

    ^ seconded!
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    You can't order me around boy.. I'm not one of your crew...

    Ok we really should get back to Avengers.
  • opus649
    opus649 Posts: 633 Member
    Don't forget Shepherd Book... Joss killed him, too.

    That one pisses me off the most. I wanted to know his story more then anybodys.

    Agreed. Was surprised that Shepherd got killed off without us ever finding out his backstory. Perhaps it's a good thing Serenity didn't do so well. :-) Wonder who Joss would've dusted off in Serenity 2...

    ^ seconded!

    Sorry, just another quick detour... apparently there was a comic book released that covered his backstory.


    My understanding is that it sucked.....
  • opus649
    opus649 Posts: 633 Member
    You can't order me around boy.. I'm not one of your crew...

    Ok we really should get back to Avengers.

    I can't see how Thor 2 doesn't suck now... I mean.... I'm worried the Avengers has raised the bar too high. I think RDJ can pull off another Ironman movie... and I wouldn't mind seeing another stab at Hulk with Ruffalo.... but I just can't see the others being good enough to pull off a movie on their own. Just my $0.02, anyway.
  • jaric01
    jaric01 Posts: 132 Member
    Don't forget Shepherd Book... Joss killed him, too.

    That one pisses me off the most. I wanted to know his story more then anybodys.

    Agreed. Was surprised that Shepherd got killed off without us ever finding out his backstory. Perhaps it's a good thing Serenity didn't do so well. :-) Wonder who Joss would've dusted off in Serenity 2...

    ^ seconded!

    Sorry, just another quick detour... apparently there was a comic book released that covered his backstory.


    My understanding is that it sucked.....

    Ugh..looks like a pretty half-assed effort
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Also to bring it back to MFP. I wondered how many calories is in shwarma.

    I haven't had a shwarma in over a year... not cool!

    find it hilarious the very day it's released it just skyrockets.

    enjoyed the movie. seen it twice now. probably will see it a few more times. My screening had the TDKR trailer and with it. At least in the trailer Batman's voice isn't all gruffy and raspy like in TDK.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    I can't see how Thor 2 doesn't suck now... I mean.... I'm worried the Avengers has raised the bar too high. I think RDJ can pull off another Ironman movie... and I wouldn't mind seeing another stab at Hulk with Ruffalo.... but I just can't see the others being good enough to pull off a movie on their own. Just my $0.02, anyway.

    I get what you're saying. Seeing heroes interact with each other is what the Marvel Universe is all about. It's just fun. And it makes the world of Marvel seem more "real". I mean if aliens are attacking New York city why wouldn't a bunch of heroes get together to fight them, as opposed to just one. What's everyone else doing?

    I was thinking how Iron Man 3 HAS to have Cap in it, at least for a few scenes. I mean he has to talk to someone in the film right? Why wouldn't that be Cap? You wanna make a Hulk movie? Great, let's put the Black Widow in there. How could you not?

    It's what they do in the comics and I think it would be a very successful thing for them to keep up in the films.
  • tnorth82
    tnorth82 Posts: 186
    Stark to Thor
    'Doth ones mother know you are wearing her drapes?'
  • Krissie_Triaxis
    I'm hoping the studio will see sense and maintain Joss Whedon's imput for the reamining stand alone films before unleashing him on Avengers 2.

    Joss is the king at ensemble scripting and direction as we all know as we're all fans of something he's done in the past. For me he was the right and only man who could take on the Avengers and do it justice. I wasn't surprised it was going to be good but oh my was I grinning like a loon when I left the cinema.

    Simply brilliant. i hadn't noticed the glove in the armoury on Asgard in Thor (have since re-watched it and noticed it, then proceeded to clap like a loon) and I did look to see if Thanos had it in that mid end credit scene. (alas we in the UK didn't have the final scence right at the end - sucks to be us).

    But I really hope the seed the Infinity Gauntlet threads through IM3, Thor 2, Cap 2 and whoever else they decide to do a stand alone movie on and then bring all together for Avengers 2. The only way to realy do that thought would be to have the writer for A2 in the loop on the others - me thinks Joss may be a busy man because I have a theory.... ;)
  • vendygirl
    vendygirl Posts: 718 Member
    I was totally talking about Agent Coulson. Joss's bodycount is legendary. I still haven't forgiven him for killing Joyce Summers. I unashamedly wept like a little girl during that episode of Buffy. Wash? Corelia? Fred? Buffy? Buffy again? The guy racks up more bodies then the final scene of harry potter.

    He racks up more people than the dead toll in the end of Hamlet or Titus Andronicus. Now that is a bloody play.

    I heard a rumor that he killed Wash off because Alan Tudyk requested his character be killed.

    And Avengers is AWESOME. I rarely go to opening night to things but the nerd group was going and I had to go with them. So glad I did. There were lines for every single showing and our showing was 10:20pm.
  • threnners
    threnners Posts: 175 Member
    The scene where Stark first crash lands? My 6 year old got up out of his seat and reenacted it. He got applause.

    That said:

    1. I did not expect to like Ruffalo Hulk so much. I think I might like him better than Norton.
    2. The scene where Hulk punched Thor was just so awesome.
    3. Got the Dark Night trailer. The Prometheus trailer looked interesting, but it scared the Dude.
    4. For a second there I might have shipped Natasha and Loki.
    5. I must have this Schwarma.

    Also, the Dude informed me that it was the coolest movie ever. And then we had to see Spider man in June and Batman in July. The fanboy gene is strong in my little man.
  • tinchick
    tinchick Posts: 59 Member
    You know, I didn't think I would like Ruffalo as Banner, but it worked for me...

    Totally agree with you!
  • tinchick
    tinchick Posts: 59 Member

    Fave line: When Stark called Clint Legolas....only one other person laughed in the theater with me... :)


    Yeah, me and my sister were the only ones who laughed too.
  • HowieTwoPointZero
    HowieTwoPointZero Posts: 494 Member
    1. I did not expect to like Ruffalo Hulk so much. I think I might like him better than Norton.

    Ditto. I love Eddie Norton. Fight Club is still one of my favorite movies because of HIM, not Pitt. But the scene where he said he tried to kill himself? That sold it for me.
  • tinchick
    tinchick Posts: 59 Member
    Such a great movie!! Me and my sister took our mom to see it for Mother's Day. Best choice ever!!
  • cnsmith2
    cnsmith2 Posts: 539 Member
    I guess I wasn't looking at his body much and didn't notice lol

    Most people didn't notice the puny god line because everyone was laughing or cheering already lol

    Yes.... this happened when I saw it... ha ha... now I know what he said. :D That was definitely one of the best moments ha ha
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Oh, so we assume the hulk had some control, but under the cube he was just going after whatever was in his way?

    I really would have loved a Banner/Stark scene where they were exploring some weird brain chemistry/meditation/blowing money on hookers and coke/whatever scene to explain it.

    If I remember correctly, banner can control the hulk a little and focus him towards something once he learned to control it better. He says he is always angry before he transforms, so some control is there. On the ship he transforms do to a loss of control which made him lose focus and go crazy on everyone. That's my take on it atleast.

    I was so happy to see Thanos at the end!! and the after credit scene was hilarious haha

    Plus it was pretty clear in the beginning that Banner did NOT trust the group. He was going after whoever he could get right after they all got into it in the hellicarrier. But then the group sort of begins to bond/ work together and that is when you see Hulk become more protective of them and fight against Loki's guys. I think Banner's trusts come out through Hulk very well in the movie.

    Puny god.