How is everyone doing?



  • spanglevie
    spanglevie Posts: 63 Member
    Level 1 completed - start level 2 tomorrow.
  • kebrina1983
    kebrina1983 Posts: 66
    I completed Level 2 day 5 yesterday...and I am super happy!
  • ashcky
    ashcky Posts: 393 Member
    Just completed day 5 of level one. The first set of jump rope and lunges always get me. They kill my calves! But other than that my endurance is better. I've only missed one day and I'm starting C25K tonight!
  • nicew0
    nicew0 Posts: 38 Member
    I missed a few days so I'm a little behind, but I lost a few pounds and inches (yay!) .
    My knees started to bother me after day 6 but I'm pushing through. I may stay with level 1 a little longer to make up for lost time.
  • spanglevie
    spanglevie Posts: 63 Member
    Had to miss 2 days due to illness so not started level 2 yet. I'm starting it tomorrow though :smile:

    Bring it on Jillian :tongue:
  • Mrshotwing
    Mrshotwing Posts: 166 Member
    I have to say, I think I liked level 1 better. As far and different exercies. level two, even though it hurts just seems like the focus is more on my arms. Which is not a problem area for me.
  • knkmfp
    knkmfp Posts: 295 Member
    I've only done one day of Level2 so far, and didn't like it much, but that might just be getting used to the moves.
    Did 6Week 6Pack tonight instead - dang, that was hard.
  • spanglevie
    spanglevie Posts: 63 Member
    I hate the V squat things and squat thrusts on level 2, oh and double jump rope, not keen on that either. Wonder what delights level 3 will bring us :tongue:
  • MommyRobin
    MommyRobin Posts: 584 Member
    I hate the V squat things and squat thrusts on level 2, oh and double jump rope, not keen on that either. Wonder what delights level 3 will bring us :tongue:

    Oh, me, too! Everything else I love! But, I can't wait to be done with the V rise chair squat things!!! Double jump ropes make me almost pee myself! :blushing: lol :laugh:
  • Mrshotwing
    Mrshotwing Posts: 166 Member
    yeah the first day i did level 2 i was kind of lost as well. keep with it and it will fall into place and become routine just like level one. DONT GIVE UP! YOU CAN DO IT!

    And yes I HATE the V raises!
  • spanglevie
    spanglevie Posts: 63 Member
    Well I'm now half way through finishing level 2 and can't wait. Not really enjoying this level at all. Only 5 more days!! Seeing results though which is keeping me motivated,
  • MommyRobin
    MommyRobin Posts: 584 Member
    Level 2 Day 10! Sweated buckets! I'll move on to Level 3 tomorrow. I'm gonna miss Level 2. I think it's my fave.
  • HeaderAutumn
    HeaderAutumn Posts: 119 Member
    I totally didn't think I needed to work on my arms because I have been a massage therapist for 12 years. LEVEL 2 IS WHOOPING MY ARMS'S BUTT!!! Who would have thought? I started late and missed a few days so this is only my 2nd day on Level 2 and my abs are so happy they are finally getting used for something besides flapping over my jeans!! So sore, but in a good way.
  • jeawashko
    jeawashko Posts: 40
    so i'm on level 2 day 6... have to modify some of the plank moves because my ankle has been bothering me. i'm noticing that i'm having an easier time doing most of the moves like the v-fly's, but i'm kinda feeling discouraged because i'm not seeing much of a difference in my body at all. i know most people have said they really didn't see a difference until the very end... how's everyone else feeling? like it's making a difference? i'm definitely not quitting though!!
  • Mrshotwing
    Mrshotwing Posts: 166 Member
    i have lost inches but no weight...
  • spanglevie
    spanglevie Posts: 63 Member
    Just done day 7 of level 2 and I'm quite enjoying it now :wink:

    I have had to drop down a weight for the v flys though, but at least at this weight I can get through them all.
  • xNJAx
    xNJAx Posts: 170 Member
    I missed a few days again (being asthmatic sucks when the weather isn't consistent) but I started back at it at Level 3 this morning and I loved it! It's easily my favourite and the time just flies by. I'm actually considering doing it again before bed tonight! Some of the moves were a bit tricky balance wise (jumping lunges...yikes!) but it was great.

    Those of you who are on L2 and daunted at the prospect of L3 like I was; don't worry! It'll be fine! :)

    Natalie x
  • kebrina1983
    kebrina1983 Posts: 66
    I am doing L2 D10 Tomorrow morning...Yah!!
  • nresendes27
    nresendes27 Posts: 18
    Hi all, my name is Nicole and I have been tagging along watching all your progress and it’s been keeping me motivated!!! I am on day 10 with no rest. On day 8 I decided to move to level 2 WOW it tuff but I am up to the challenge!!! As of today’s measurements I have lost 3.5 inches off my waist and 8 inches total!!! Worth every second of it!!!:flowerforyou:
  • MommyRobin
    MommyRobin Posts: 584 Member
    Did Level 3 Day 1 yesterday and my knee was killing me. I will not do rock star jumps again! lol! I'll replace it with oblique twists or skaters. That move is too intense for my bad knee...