lots of Inches and weight up...5 weeks in...Help!!



  • lillebanon
    lillebanon Posts: 214 Member
    So I would classify you as the Very Active person. That's about 200 more calories a day than you are eating now, right?

    But I really agree with the others for you to get a BodyMedia Fit. That's how I figured out my TDEE.

    Good luck!!

    I looked into it, but I couldn't see me using it past the initial week or once I had my tdee and therefore, have trouble justifying the expense (as much as I agree that it would likely be very helpful for someone like me who just can't get this right).

    The last couple of days I've been eating just under my tdee cut of 2200 and not exercising as Lucia recommended (and gained two inches as you can see in my recent update...sigh). I realize now I was likely in a much higher activity range but am aiming for a normal, moderate range since I just can't eat enough calories to sustain the higher activity level if that's what I'd need to do.

    Plus, after reading Kiki's post on Overtraining I discovered I was starting to see several of the symptoms:
    1) arms getting flabbier after initially getting more toned
    2) jeans getting snugger (just bought a pair 2 sizes larger than a month ago)
    3) irritable, moody, teary
    4) tired constantly, no energy for workouts (not exhausted like I was on 1200 calories or less, just tired the last couple of weeks....)
    5) forgetfulness at work/concentration issues
    6) weird new muscle spasm in my left leg (feels like it's gonna give out) in the past two weeks...comes and goes
    7) headaches, neck tension
    8) sniffles, runny nose (cold symptoms, but not quite succumbing to a cold)

    can't tell about resting heart rate in the morning (didn't check it) or appetite since it's all over the map...hungry one day, can't barely eat the next.

    So, that leads me to believe I need to lower the exercise...but I want to stay in the MODERATE range of exercise and still tone. I can always add a bit of cardio if I want to eat a LOT one day or something is what I'm thinking...so with the new plan I outlined above, I'm thinking that would be moderate?

    How about you buy a a BMF, use it for a week and then sell it to me for a slight discount... :laugh: Then when I get mine figured out, I'll sell it to the next person in line!
  • Cclancaster
    Cclancaster Posts: 368
    So I would classify you as the Very Active person. That's about 200 more calories a day than you are eating now, right?

    But I really agree with the others for you to get a BodyMedia Fit. That's how I figured out my TDEE.

    Good luck!!

    I looked into it, but I couldn't see me using it past the initial week or once I had my tdee and therefore, have trouble justifying the expense (as much as I agree that it would likely be very helpful for someone like me who just can't get this right).

    The last couple of days I've been eating just under my tdee cut of 2200 and not exercising as Lucia recommended (and gained two inches as you can see in my recent update...sigh). I realize now I was likely in a much higher activity range but am aiming for a normal, moderate range since I just can't eat enough calories to sustain the higher activity level if that's what I'd need to do.

    Plus, after reading Kiki's post on Overtraining I discovered I was starting to see several of the symptoms:
    1) arms getting flabbier after initially getting more toned
    2) jeans getting snugger (just bought a pair 2 sizes larger than a month ago)
    3) irritable, moody, teary
    4) tired constantly, no energy for workouts (not exhausted like I was on 1200 calories or less, just tired the last couple of weeks....)
    5) forgetfulness at work/concentration issues
    6) weird new muscle spasm in my left leg (feels like it's gonna give out) in the past two weeks...comes and goes
    7) headaches, neck tension
    8) sniffles, runny nose (cold symptoms, but not quite succumbing to a cold)

    can't tell about resting heart rate in the morning (didn't check it) or appetite since it's all over the map...hungry one day, can't barely eat the next.

    So, that leads me to believe I need to lower the exercise...but I want to stay in the MODERATE range of exercise and still tone. I can always add a bit of cardio if I want to eat a LOT one day or something is what I'm thinking...so with the new plan I outlined above, I'm thinking that would be moderate?

    How about you buy a a BMF, use it for a week and then sell it to me for a slight discount... :laugh: Then when I get mine figured out, I'll sell it to the next person in line!

    Not sure how you feel about this but I read where someone bought one and used it for like 3 weeks until she figured out her average burn and then returned it. You might think about this as well.
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    So I would classify you as the Very Active person. That's about 200 more calories a day than you are eating now, right?

    But I really agree with the others for you to get a BodyMedia Fit. That's how I figured out my TDEE.

    Good luck!!

    I looked into it, but I couldn't see me using it past the initial week or once I had my tdee and therefore, have trouble justifying the expense (as much as I agree that it would likely be very helpful for someone like me who just can't get this right).

    The last couple of days I've been eating just under my tdee cut of 2200 and not exercising as Lucia recommended (and gained two inches as you can see in my recent update...sigh). I realize now I was likely in a much higher activity range but am aiming for a normal, moderate range since I just can't eat enough calories to sustain the higher activity level if that's what I'd need to do.

    Plus, after reading Kiki's post on Overtraining I discovered I was starting to see several of the symptoms:
    1) arms getting flabbier after initially getting more toned
    2) jeans getting snugger (just bought a pair 2 sizes larger than a month ago)
    3) irritable, moody, teary
    4) tired constantly, no energy for workouts (not exhausted like I was on 1200 calories or less, just tired the last couple of weeks....)
    5) forgetfulness at work/concentration issues
    6) weird new muscle spasm in my left leg (feels like it's gonna give out) in the past two weeks...comes and goes
    7) headaches, neck tension
    8) sniffles, runny nose (cold symptoms, but not quite succumbing to a cold)

    can't tell about resting heart rate in the morning (didn't check it) or appetite since it's all over the map...hungry one day, can't barely eat the next.

    So, that leads me to believe I need to lower the exercise...but I want to stay in the MODERATE range of exercise and still tone. I can always add a bit of cardio if I want to eat a LOT one day or something is what I'm thinking...so with the new plan I outlined above, I'm thinking that would be moderate?

    How about you buy a a BMF, use it for a week and then sell it to me for a slight discount... :laugh: Then when I get mine figured out, I'll sell it to the next person in line!

    I love that plan!! I'm in! :P
  • Zylayna
    Zylayna Posts: 728 Member
    well, I took my pics yesterday. nearly made me cry...sigh. I really pray that my next set look MUCH better!!

    thanks for the support and understanding guys. I really need it right now. Every day is a struggle not to go back to eating less. My clothes are tight, I'm lumpy, my bust is freakin' huge and my spirits are the only thing falling.

    crystalwelsher: I'd love it if you could share your results of the BMF with me!

    As for buying a BMF and selling/passing it on, LOVE the idea!!!! LOL.... although I've been doing more research on it and it looks like it will accurately monitor exercise burns too? I don't need a separate hrm for that? If that's the case, I might actually invest in the BMF because I was thinking of getting a polar ft7 but didn't really like the whole chest strap idea/having to wet it, etc, etc. the bmf might just do everything then and I can just set aside my current hrm. hmmmmmmmmmmmmm