SO MUCH eating. :[



  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    It's been a week since I posted this originally and I can tell you that it sure doesn't feel like as much food on day 7 as day 1 and 2.

    hah so true. I went from " I cant eat this much food" to "More food, now!"
  • scottc561
    scottc561 Posts: 329 Member
    It's been a week since I posted this originally and I can tell you that it sure doesn't feel like as much food on day 7 as day 1 and 2.

    hah so true. I went from " I cant eat this much food" to "More food, now!"
    That's good, it's a sign your metabolism is increasing which makes you hungry more. I can eat a large meal and in 2 hours be hungry again lol.
  • bradthemedic
    bradthemedic Posts: 623 Member
    You get 2 hours? Lucky you. I'm hungry every hour or so.
  • Whisperinghorse
    Whisperinghorse Posts: 202 Member
    I only started on Saturday and yesterday although I'd had a 600 cal lunch by 5pm I was hungry..... So I blew it with a chow mein :grumble: Was still only 40 cals over though :laugh:
  • luvdogz
    luvdogz Posts: 56 Member
    Wow, this makes so much sense to me now. When I get hungry, I am HUNGRY, and stay out of my way, lol!
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    For those of you having trouble getting your calories in, I don't know what your diaries look like but try eating full fat versions of things instead of low fat or fat free. Eat greek yogurt, peanut butter or almond butter, eat nuts, eat a slightly larger portion at each meal, eat whole eggs instead of just the whites, full fat cheese, butter etc. Those will help bump up your intake.
  • bradthemedic
    bradthemedic Posts: 623 Member
    Yep solid advice. So long as it is good fat, go full-fat.
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    i've doubled my cals since using this app in February and for me it's definately been a struggle. With most of the adjustment being mental and learning to prepare "all that food". I'm definately still struggling with it, but must admit, it's getting easier as time goes on. Even though it still feels like i'm always eating...probably cause I am...I expect at some point it won't be such a struggle. Waiting patiently for that time.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    You get 2 hours? Lucky you. I'm hungry every hour or so.
    The past two days I've been waking up STARVING. Hello metabolism!!